Bill Gates To Be Knighted By Queen Elizabeth!!!


Jul 9, 2003
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This is just terrible, Billy Boy is being Knighted by the Queen of England. Full details below on this horrible happening.

I think someone like Linus Torvalds should be knighted. Who do you think should be knighted, the person who gives his software away for free, always answers his emails so if you email him with a problem he will reply and fix the problem, or the guy thats greedy and charges hundreds of dollars for buggy software and charges $35 dollars per tech support, not with him but with some retards who can never help you out. Who is the better man?
Thats just wrong. I have nothing more to say...
Whats the point in knighting him?

Only musical artists get knighted anymore.
how about Sir William Gates. i like the sound of that more..
NO FRIGGIN WAY BILL'S BEING KNIGHTED. WHAT GOOD HAS HE EVER DONE!?!!? (and dont say windows OR microsoft!!!)
oh god, I cant believe thats happening, maybe the queen needs her computer fixing or summin :|


Mr Gates has been a notable donor to charities and good causes. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation was created in 2000 to improve "equity in global health and learning". He has donated nearly $26 billion to the foundation.

The foundation set up a £139 million scholarship scheme three years ago to attract the brightest students to Cambridge University. It has also invested millions of dollars in research for an Aids vaccine.

awwww, what a nice man
I heard he's a philanthropist. I guess he feels guilty about the creation of windows. Kindof like God being sorry about the dark ages, and giving us Angelina Jolie.
does this mean he's going to ride a horse and wear a suit of armor, I was rather disappointed when Sir Elton John failed to ride a horse with armor on.... no wait not the horse, he had armor on or didn't which was the problem. I think Bill should be forced to wear a suit of armor and ride a pony otherwise he doesn't get the knighthood, i bet the Queen is going to get a charitable donation after this. Actually I think Bill should ride a giant rabbit and wear a Telly Tubbie costume, or the other way round the rabbit rides him while wearing a TT costume. That sounds like a deed worthy of a knighthood, although it would be amuseing if they just gave him a nighthood, ha ha get it Nighthood.

I wonder if Bill is in a secret relationship with the Queen and that she's moveing him up to knight so she can marry him? Then Bill Gates will stab her in the back and become King of England, then depose Tony Blair and invade France...
I see a direct correlation between the illuminati ring and the royal familys 'friends' list. Scary.

Look out for /o\ on all future Windows' logos. heh.
Well i suppose he gave lots of money to people who need it, thats good
bill gates gives away ass loads of his money. seriously ASS LOADS. he is a very generious person. I think it's great he's being knighted cause he deserves it. He was ranked like one of the most generous persons by some magazine. You should read up on his filantropy before you go bashing him.
I'm not saying he is bad, but it's easy to be generous when its almost a practical impossibility to spend all your money.

Anyway, Im of mixed feelings about this. On the one hand, Gordon Brown is jsut trying to soften Bill up to get good deals with Microsoft, and he is basically cheapening the whole knighthood thing. On the other hand, i don't have strong feelings for Bill at the best of times...Come to think of it, I dont have mixed feelings at all.
"Billy! They're stealing your Haribo!"

"That's Sir Billy......"
I read that he gave 9 billion already. So if he has 60 billion, that's like 15% of his net worth, right? Can you imagine giving away 15% of everything you own? That's pretty good of him, I'd say.
On the other hand, 51 billion might as well be 60 billion. Consider how much money just 1 billion is, and its pointless trying to think of anything higher. Can you imagine, 1 billion dollar notes? Or what ever money you use.
Yeah, that IS like nothing.. I seriously don't know WHY he is beeing knighted!
Look I'm not saying hes a bad guy alright, I'm just saying that when you have a lot of money, its easy to give what seems like a lot. Perhaps he does deserve it, but i think he was nominated for it for reasons most wouldn't agree with.
forget you fools! without Sir William, we'd still be using ****ing macintoshes! :x
And you stole my goddamn muffin. Give it back or suffer consquences.
If you consider all the people that have been knighted, hardly seems worth discussing why Bill Gates gets it. think you're safe. You'll go about your life, forgetting all about the muffin. And then one day, the dagger will drop and revenge will be mine. :devil:
I think he deserves it. Think of all the money he earns , he spends a shitload on sending to Redcross and stuff. And it's kind of groundbreaking that someone in the computer business gets knighted.. Think of it! Soon the entire world will be under our, The Computer Nerds, feet!
Can you imagine Sir Billy boy galantly riding out to face off the raging hordes or the east?
Yeah... you can't?

It'd make good saturday night entertainment.
Yes, but if he isnt recognised for the things he does then he might not feel there is much point doing it anymore.
omg. at first i thought it was a hoax. then i still thought it was a hoax. it continued to look like a hoax, then i saw the website and now i half belive it is real, half belive it is rumour.
but still...
fu**ing hell.....
B1LL G2T3S R05KS!!!!!

He made the best OS ever. And don't say «Linux»... (If it's that good then why does no one uses it?)

He's the richest mother****er in the world and «THE Q» had to do something about it.
Sprafa said:
B1LL G2T3S R05KS!!!!!

He made the best OS ever. And don't say «Linux»... (If it's that good then why does no one uses it?)

He's the richest mother****er in the world and «THE Q» had to do something about it.

I'd use linux if i could play all my favorite games on it...

and for the record...bill can't use the "sir" title because he's not a british citizen.