Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant


Under Surveillance
Nov 6, 2005
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655. Bin Laden and Julian Assange, False flag and living plant (12/7/2010)

On 12/4, I wrote an article "Wiki-Leaks is another false flag" and posted it in APFN. One hour later, I was surprised to find the topic was replied by Julian Assange. I don't think it was Assange himself did it. He is on the run. Most likely it is the work of his handler - the Feds. The purpose is to link me to a would be "criminal". Assange is a living plant like Bin Laden. Here is the topic:

Wiki-Leaks is another false flag ?kathaksung, Sat Dec 4 09:27

* That’s not all, Netanyahu said.... ?Percy, Sat Dec 4 18:52

o Julian Assange answers your questions ?Julian Assange, Sat Dec 4 10:24;article=134449;title=APFN

Bin Laden is a living plant.

In 1990, Soviet bloc collapsed. US intelligence turned its resource which used to deal with Soviet bloc to the new target - Mid-east countries which are rich in natural resource. Bin Laden, an asset of the CIA in Afghanistan war(against Russian), was revived in this new project as a false flag - Islamic extremist. He went to Sudan first in 1991.

The Sudanese offered to arrest Bin Laden and extradite him to Saudi Arabia . pages/Prior_Knowledge/Clinton_let_bin_laden.htm

Saudi and US didn't take the offer with various excuse because Bin Laden is a living plant they deployed there.

In 1995, Bin Laden tried to set up a connection with Saddam but was refused.

Exhaustive review finds no link between Saddam, al Qaida

A September 2006 report by the Senate Intelligence Committee concluded that Saddam was "distrustful of al Qaida and viewed Islamic extremists as a threat to his regime, refusing all requests from al Qaida to provide material or operational support."

The Senate report, citing an FBI debriefing of a senior Iraqi spy, Faruq Hijazi , said that Saddam turned down a request for assistance by bin Laden which he made at a 1995 meeting in Sudan with an Iraqi operative.

Sudan may have felt the danger to accommodate Bin Laden. In May 1996, the Sudanese asked bin Laden to leave. He went to Afghan and stay there until now.

In August 1998, Sudan and Afghanistan were bombed by US missiles.

In 2001, after 911, Afghan, facing US invasion, made an offer but failed.

Bush rejects Taliban offer to hand Bin Laden over
* Taliban demand evidence of Bin Laden's guilt, Sunday 14 October 2001 22.19 BST

In Bin Laden's recent 20 years, the countries he went or tried to go, have something in common: They all have rich natural resources. Sudan and Iraq have oil. Afghan has rich mine. '

Afghanistan to develop $3 trillion in mining potential
DUBAI | Mon Oct 25, 2010 12:14pm

He didn't go to Yemen, Somali or Syria for his "revolution" because they are resource poor countries, not in US interest list. He didn't go to Saudi or Kuwait. Because they are US allies. He only went to Sudan, Afghan, or Iraq (intended to) because these three countries were not controlled by US at that time. As a living plant, he gave US the excuse to activate attack on these three countries. (Even Saddam realized that Bin Laden was a dangerous living plant and rejected him, Iraq at last was invaded with an un-existed WMD)

Julian Assange is another false flag and living plant. The target is not to control natural resource but to control the free speech kingdom - the Internet. If you have noticed that in last month, the events come with the Wiki-leaks' third leaking. '

The 19 Senators Who Voted To Censor The Internet
from the free-speech-isn't-free dept

US Government seizure of the internet has begun; DHS takes over 76 websites

Learn more:

What will be their next step? Feds will upgrade the secret level of the leaking document to their puppet Assange. That will finally justify the legitimate of control of the Internet. When you saw that Wiki-Leaks is moving from this server to that, this web site to other, do you realize all these sites could be potential victims of the next wave of Internet censorship and seizure? Assange does same thing Bin Laden has done.

I always say that I am the most wanted of the Feds. Though I am always under the surveillance of the Feds, to set up an internet communication with a "criminal" could justify their action and turn an unreasonable search into a reasonable one. On 12/5, (next day that Assange post reply on my article) A working van of "Direct TV" parked at my front door. Technician installed something in my neighbor's house. (we share one roof and the wall) I think that they were installing detective instrument. My neighbor has had a dish satellite antennae already.
You forgot your <tinfoil_hat></tinfoil_hat> tags. Without them, this doesn't convey any meaning to us regulars.
Bin Laden is a living plant.
So why does kathaksung show up every so often and post assloads of shit no one should ever be stupid enough to believe or should ever admit they could potentially believe? It's so weird. It's like some crazy guy on the street who just walks up to you every few weeks and hands you a pamplet on how bananas are using chimps to subvert human relations and star the third World War. Then just runs away to some cave in the mountains to secretly print new crazy ass material.
Thse kinds of "crazy people" are just normal people who are obsessed with something that isn't profitable or socially beneficial to be obsessed with. If he were always posting about sweet guitar solo techniques, or AI research, how would we react? You don't have to agree with him or believe him (which I do not), but you can at least respect him as a person who has legitimate opinions and, frankly, has more evidence for his beliefs than most of us do.
Jesus, Krynn was right. Kathaksung is like an extreme version of Danimal.
So why does kathaksung show up every so often and post assloads of shit no one should ever be stupid enough to believe or should ever admit they could potentially believe? It's so weird. It's like some crazy guy on the street who just walks up to you every few weeks and hands you a pamplet on how bananas are using chimps to subvert human relations and star the third World War. Then just runs away to some cave in the mountains to secretly print new crazy ass material.

you have no idea. he's bigger than jesus

he literally does this in hundreds of forums every few weeks:
kathaksung could be the greatest political fiction writer on Earth, if he devoted a fraction of his time to writing books, rather than posting this stuff on the Internets.
Well, It's funny because if you think about it, it kinda makes sence (not saying that i believe it lol) .. :p
So why does kathaksung show up every so often and post assloads of shit no one should ever be stupid enough to believe or should ever admit they could potentially believe?

Probably because of replies like yours.

It's so weird. It's like some crazy guy on the street who just walks up to you every few weeks and hands you a pamphlet on how bananas are using chimps to subvert human relations and star the third World War. Then just runs away to some cave in the mountains to secretly print new crazy ass material.

To be honest I find people who stick their heads in the sand at the first sign of anything that challenges their perception of things just as bad as the opposite extremity that is Kathuksung.
If he is the crazy guy on one side of the street handing out pamphlets, you're the guy on the opposite side with fingers in his ears shouting LALALALA whenever anyone tries to have a conversation with you that questions something.

Almost as bad as fundamental hypocrit-stians LOL

Jesus, Krynn was right. Kathaksung is like an extreme version of Danimal.

I'm flattered, though I always pictured Kathaksung as a Spectre more than a Ghost. I was once better at Lockdowns though he's always had me on Cloak Endurance. Shit hurts your brain, bro.

Thse kinds of "crazy people" are just normal people who are obsessed with something that isn't profitable or socially beneficial to be obsessed with. If he were always posting about sweet guitar solo techniques, or AI research, how would we react? You don't have to agree with him or believe him (which I do not), but you can at least respect him as a person who has legitimate opinions and, frankly, has more evidence for his beliefs than most of us do.

I'll also tack a "QFT" onto this. Along with a little StickIt on the Lounge Fridge expressing the possible benefit of having a society constantly paranoid of what it's authority's purity, though shotgun not first.

Any further response from me in this thread will naturally attract a surcharge of 20 Monies per post. Mobile phones cost extra.
I've been outside Julian Assange's house. :)
I'm so tired I kinda read the title as Living Planet, like maybe the wikileaks had some top secret info on a living planet out there and I was really excited. Anyway heres hoping that some science hackers find some info deep within restricted barricades some day and release some real info
You don't have to agree with him or believe him (which I do not), but you can at least respect him as a person who has legitimate opinions and, frankly, has more evidence for his beliefs than most of us do.

God, respect is such a cheap word now. Personally I prefer "opinions are like assholes," but hey.
I want to get a government job which basically consists of following and monitoring people like Danimal and Kathaksung, just to perpetuate the paranoia.

Dang. That makes things considerably weirder. I wonder if he has something to automatically post these, or if he sits at his computer with a long list of forums to work through. And also if he really is a 63 year old dude.

oh yeah, and numbers posting made me remember. Last night I was having dinner with two of my South Korean friends and they started talking seriously about the 9/11 "conspiracy" (after I had already blurted out "that's stupid!" :o). And then they mentioned that the Korean government was covering something up with that Korean boat that sunk a whiles back. And I'm just sitting there shocked. It was quite awkward.
On conspiracy theories: They don't call them theories for nothing.

... It's interesting to create a theory on something where we already have the facts.
On conspiracy theories: They don't call them theories for nothing.

... It's interesting to create a theory on something where we already have the facts.

Cigarettes being bad for you was once a conspiracy theory.

You should watch these, they're not exactly definitive, but they're a good place to start:

And then try to disprove two things:

- A majority of corporate power in the world belongs to the same group of families for close (if not over) to a century.

- These people meet in secret annually to plan and orchestrate world events, including an eventual mass transfer of wealth, i.e. a New World Order.

Then cut, extend, deny, lie and traumatically repress memories to fit it all as a series of coincidences in your perceptive reality.

Either that, or, like, deal_with_it.jpeg.
Cigarettes being bad for you was once a conspiracy theory.
It was a conspiracy. However, I don't think it was a theory. I think it was known. It was known and there was a cover up and people were paid not to talk about it; things of that nature.

I'd ask you to provide clear concise information supporting that claim. Right now, I'm deciding whether to quit tobacco tonight, and I'm shaking and twitching with nothing stopping me but myself. So I don't want to talk about tobacco right now.
lol Danimal have you read anything kathaksung has written? he consistently strings together disparate events to support some outlandish claim of a shadow government that literally controls the heavens and the earth to discredit and ultimately kill him.

Kathaksung said:
The next possible action on me and my family likely will be in coming Christmas and New Year's day holiday season. Feds used to apply a search and arrest warrant on holiday because there is family re-union that day. This time the Feds arranged a 7 night Western Carib - holiday cruise for my family, dated from Dec. 19 to Dec. 26. Of course,I refused the invitation. It is easy to frame a case or apply an incident on a trip. Anyhow, that will cut my connection to most of my relatives. My mother, my wife and my daughter, my siblings and their spouse all joined that trip. Moreover, my wife's cousins - Dr. Wang (Huang) and Mr. Wang (Huang) Yi Hong and their spouse also will join the trip. They were murder targets too. see: 223. FBI director said HongKong will be attacked (4/24/04) 242. Dr. Wang is a target (7/24)383. The cross murder deal (2/7/06), 392. 12/2 plot to murder Mr. Wang Yi Hong (3/15/06).

This is third long time trip for my wife this year. It never happen before. It only proves how intensify the persecution is going on.

Last month (November) there was a fire in another cruise ship Carnival. It drifted on the sea for three days without power. "They can call it a nightmare. A cruise from hell." (AP) said.

I think it was a drill of the Feds. Though the usual practises are food poison. It was a psychological pre-planting to justify a coming incident of Royal Caribean (a cruise arranged for my family) if a framed case would go through. And that will be followed by terror attacks, (nuclear attack) Korean crisis and Iran war.