Bioshock Gameplay Video #2

That was unbelievable. Again, not since the E3 2004 Ravenholm video for Half-Life 2 am I so awed by a video game.
Orly? I shall download this...

eh, gamespot's going at 10kbs D:

any other links?
Is it just me or does anyone else find almost everything about the characters just f***ed up.
'Almost everything about the characters'

What exactly would that be? :p
That they look like dolls?

It's not just you, I think they're really odd too, but in a cool way :D
Could someone stick this on YouTube or a similar site?

Pretty please?
Does anyone have another mirror besides that piece of shit Gamespot one?
Look awesome as always. I wasn't too impressed by the bot "hacking".
Looks really fantastic. I still think alot of the ideas are bloated and cumbersome, such as the Big Daddy and the little girl. But awesome anyway.
Frankly, as far as it goes with the weapon combat - it looks not good. The animations , they way the weapons handle , the shot-outs themselves.

Lets just say that it doesn't seem that the "shooter" part of the game surpasses "ordinary". Hope the other aspects of the game pull their weight.
Frankly, as far as it goes with the weapon combat - it looks not good. The animations , they way the weapons handle , the shot-outs themselves.

Lets just say that it doesn't seem that the "shooter" part of the game surpasses "ordinary". Hope the other aspects of the game pull their weight.

Well the System shock gun play wasn't too great either, all the navy hacking tools and other powers where far more interesting. That's why I'm disappointed with the hacking aspect, I don't want to just use an item and automatically "hack" it.
If anyone can get and host the HD version I will give you a cookie.
Frankly, as far as it goes with the weapon combat - it looks not good. The animations , they way the weapons handle , the shot-outs themselves.

Lets just say that it doesn't seem that the "shooter" part of the game surpasses "ordinary". Hope the other aspects of the game pull their weight.

It does look a bit clunky. Part of that could just be some nub using the X360 controller though.
I hope it hasn't been owned in the face for the sake of the consoles. It would have been good if they'd kept some sort of hacking mini-game in there.
No offense to female american game devs, but my god.. a robot would sound more enthusiastic.
Looks incredibly fun.

The graphics are phenomenal.
I don't know what the hell is happening in the video but it looks great
Watching now...

WOW i didnt think this game could be that fun i saw the previous vids but this one just sold me. Thanks for the vid , and as stated above is there a HD version out? Thanks :)
Looks absolutely amazing, I'm still not sure the game play will be my thing, but the atmosphere alone is enough to make me ****** this game, or buy it if I have money.
Geez, I knew it was looking good, but that was incredible. Now if only the 360 version can hold up to that standard. If so, the 360 will be mine on Bioshock's release. If not, my PC will be upgraded on the day of its release. Either way, I must enjoy the best quality that this one has to offer because I have never seen anything like it!!!
Geez, I knew it was looking good, but that was incredible. Now if only the 360 version can hold up to that standard. If so, the 360 will be mine on Bioshock's release. If not, my PC will be upgraded on the day of its release. Either way, I must enjoy the best quality that this one has to offer because I have never seen anything like it!!!

That IS the 360 version.
Is it going to be too much to ask for breakable glass? I want floods!
That IS the 360 version.
Where does it say that? Its in the PC section for downloads and it even says Bioshock(PC) right below the video. Not like it really matters, this game will be mine one way or the other.:E
Is it going to be too much to ask for breakable glass? I want floods!

We don't have nice fluid dynamics in real time yet so no. Although come on rocket launcher + potentially breakable material.

Where does it say that? Its in the PC section for downloads and it even says Bioshock(PC) right below the video. Not like it really matters, this game will be mine one way or the other.:E

You can sort of tell from the player looking around.
That's what I was hoping for in that room at the end, the option to shoot the glass and have uber water effects, but I guess that won't look that great till actual liquid simulation in games becomes practical on a massive scale.
Well, I know nothing about graphics and engines and shizz, so ah well.

All the pre-leaked/smashed/flooded areas will do anyway. Looks beautiful.
Well the System shock gun play wasn't too great either

Agreed, and lets' face it, the combat in Deus Ex was pretty shite too. Of course we'd all like great gunplay, but that isn't the main reason i'm drooling for Bioshock.
You can sort of tell from the player looking around. me skeptical, but I'd like to get official word before I believe that (though I really hope it is the case...because it bodes well for Alan Wake too :bounce: ).
Shit, that was amazing - upgrade time, for sure.
Still not sure about where all that pouring water is draining away too... the puddles just stop. Naff. But impressive nevertheless and undoubtedly atmospheric to the point of making your skin crawl while actually playing it. Will need to upgrade for this one.
That was the most awe inspiring piece of gameplay footage I've ever seen. This game just skyrocketed to the top of my most wanted list. Jesus, when he set that teddy bear on fire. Just wow.
I'm convinced it's the 360 version, because of the "Press Start" at the beginning of the demo, and the sporadic horizontal tearing, which isn't uncommon in 360 games.

Bring on August!
I've been led to believe that hacking will involve skill, though I'm not sure what, but a mini skill game of some sort? I'd be very surprised if hacking meant simply pressing the 'use' button.
he really shouldn`t kill that little girls friend...poor little adam-sucker. this is gonna be good!
Hai! I'm melissa miller on bioshock for 2k and I really have a passion for this game! lol

Thanks for the link, cookie for you.
Combat looks pretty lame.

But the atmosphere and graphics are incredible! The way he went for the little girl in the end was just completley eerie.