Bird Flu Spreads to America!


I Hate Custom Titles
Sep 13, 2003
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hehe, he's been put to 's' 'l' 'e' 'e' 'p'.

What is spleep!? /Manuel
Awwwww maaaan, now what will Daisy do .... and his nephews .. poor everyone :(
The_Monkey said:
The Bird Flu isn't as dangerous as mdeia claims.
Not yet, but it's only a matter of time before it mutates into a highly contagious virus. They don't even know if Tamiflu will work yet, because the strain isn't around yet
yeah every year is the big flu season according to media, but this pic is the first evidence of any truth. could donald be the first of many??!!!?!!?!?! *runs away in terror*
Muffin Man said:
yeah every year is the big flu season according to media,
This has nothing to do with the media. Countries are hording Tamiflu because experts are saying we're long overdue for a pandemic, and now peolpe are getting what is supposedly a bird only disease, which is now infecting humans, and will adapt into this other strain
If you ask me, people aren't taking this seriously enough. I for one have started scrubbing my hands every time I take public transit. Dirty place, those subways
IonizeMyAtoms said:
Not yet, but it's only a matter of time before it mutates into a highly contagious virus. They don't even know if Tamiflu will work yet, because the strain isn't around yet
They've said it would mutate for a year now, it hasn't yet.This must be a weak virus.
yeah but the media still alwayse says its gunna be a bad year. and i don't leave my house so i guess im set.
The_Monkey said:
They've said it would mutate for a year now, it hasn't yet.This must be a weak virus.
A year isn't a long time at all. Have you been watching the news? Infected birds are being found all over now. It really is only a matter of time
well if one of them viruses tries to infect me i reckon i'll stab it :farmer:
Rofl, We've been told a giant Asteroid was going to hit us each year and end the world but it aint happened ... meh .... we are fairly safe as far as im concerned.
IonizeMyAtoms said:
A year isn't a long time at all. Have you been watching the news? Infected birds are being found all over now. It really is only a matter of time
Birds only, yes. Humans have only been affected in south-east asia. The SARS virus two years ago was a much more agressive virus, but we outlived that with less than 800 deaths. I will eat my hat if this turns into an epidemic or a pandemic.
The_Monkey said:
Birds only, yes. Humans have only been affected in south-east asia. The SARS virus two years ago was a much more agressive virus, but we outlived that with only a few thousand casualties. I will eat my hat if this utrns into an epidemic or a pandemic.
Yeah, birds only, but no infected birds were in these new regions until a couple months ago.
You're right, the sars virus was more agressive, but this virus isn't H5N1 yet, and when it is, it will be far worse than sars
More than 60 people are already dead from this thing, 122 people have been infected since 2003. For something that isn't even contagious through human/human contact, those numbers seem pretty high
And people, stop blaming the media! They report news, they don't have some strange agenda to scare the shit out of everyone (except maybe CNN)
The thing with the bird flu is it can't be transmited between people yet, only from animals to people. It can either mutate by itself to be able to transmit from human to human or it can combine with a diferent strain of the flu.

So, now that it's all over the place, lets say farmer john here has the flu. One of his chickens has the bird flu. He catches it, and it combines with the flu he already has and mutates. Now, the thing is you can transmit it before you even feel sick. So who knows how many people will catch it before people start to drop dead from it. Someone catches it from farmer john or one of the people farmer john infected, and then gets on a plane. He or she either flys to another country, or infects other people at the airport who fly to other countries. Bam, its spreading over the entire planet before anyone even knows it is spreading between people. That's the thing with it being in birds all over now, any farmer could be farmer john and start it.
My immune system would demolish H5N1 quicker than i can sneeze.

I wonder what the actually likelyhood of a virus mutation/hybridization is, it could be fairly high depending on the replication rate of the virus (can't find the info anywhere)
Don't believe everything you hear, sure there is a threat, but there's also a threat every time you wake up each day, every time you get on the road driving a car, ect.. just got to live life and hope for the best
Even if this doesn't turn out to be "the big one" it really is still only a matter of time before something does come.
Just as a note people, its not the media spreading all this stuff to scare people...

its actually the scientists who are. Well okay, the media ARE spreading it, but the media is only saying what the scientists are.

Like this... where Scientists have linked the bird flu to the 1918 epidemic.

But seriously, this was supposed to be a joke thread. Heh.
Raziaar said:
Just as a note people, its not the media spreading all this stuff to scare people...

its actually the scientists who are. Well okay, the media ARE spreading it, but the media is only saying what the scientists are.

Like this... where Scientists have linked the bird flu to the 1918 epidemic.

But seriously, this was supposed to be a joke thread. Heh.

How could you joke about this horrific tragedy? Donald had a family, you cold bastard!

But funny picture, really.
Greatgat said:
How could you joke about this horrific tragedy? Donald had a family, you cold bastard!

But funny picture, really.

Donald Duck is my favorite Disney character.
The_Monkey said:
They've said it would mutate for a year now, it hasn't yet.This must be a weak virus.

Bait said:

Pfft. You can't tell that to Donald, he's obviously dead.

IonizeMyAtoms said:
Yeah, birds only, but no infected birds were in these new regions until a couple months ago.
You're right, the sars virus was more agressive, but this virus isn't H5N1 yet, and when it is, it will be far worse than sars
More than 60 people are already dead from this thing, 122 people have been infected since 2003. For something that isn't even contagious through human/human contact, those numbers seem pretty high
And people, stop blaming the media! They report news, they don't have some strange agenda to scare the shit out of everyone (except maybe CNN)

have you not seen bowling for columbine??!?!?! its all fear in american media

and no worries, I'm helping daisy through this hard time
Muffin Man said:
have you not seen bowling for columbine??!?!?! its all fear in american media
You're basing your opinion on Bowling For Columbine?
As great as the reporting and research is in that movie (and all of Moore's movies for that matter), he is still left wing extremist with a ridiculously obvious bias. I agree with pretty much everything he says, for the most part, but he's still the one who writes his movies. Do some research and understand the media before you take one man's word for fact.
If it seems like I take a bit of offense to all this media bashing, it's because I'm a journalism student. In the past couple years I've learned a lot about the media, and they most definitely do not set out to put fear into the hearts of citizens

Edit: CNN might be one exeption to what I'm saying, they're known for blowing things out of proportion
sorry if i offended you but i never said they put it there purposly, and i never said it was by journalists at all. im not totally basing it off bowling for columbine, i just noticed all the adds that base sales off temptation or fear. and the fact that i get beat up quite often for not wearing cloths like aber-wtfever and shit. and with any other proffession you have to admit that people are jackasses and some will do anything for a quick sale. all that aside i just wanted to make myself feel special by posting something that bashed something, and god knows i have been hit in the head enough times to be a little "special" and horrible at lifel. so anyway peace dude, sorry for offendin u
Raziaar said:
Just as a note people, its not the media spreading all this stuff to scare people...

its actually the scientists who are. Well okay, the media ARE spreading it, but the media is only saying what the scientists are.

Like this... where Scientists have linked the bird flu to the 1918 epidemic.

But seriously, this was supposed to be a joke thread. Heh.

Donald's family won't be able to support themselves! They'll be on the streets, you cold, heartless, *insert word for dog and cow combined*