Birth Certificate


Nov 16, 2003
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Which number on the English Birth Certificate is the Birth Certificate number?
A job application form is asking for it, it wants my nhs number, which is also on the bottom of the birth certificate, and the birth certificate number
Jangle said:
i have no idea. Why you need to know>?
He's just seen Day of the Jackal and wants to try it out himself ;)


Try google or ask at the place that stores birth certificates, they've probably got a site with info on anyway.
The Dark Elf said:
He's just seen Day of the Jackal and wants to try it out himself ;)


Try google or ask at the place that stores birth certificates, they've probably got a site with info on anyway.

Google just tells you about the nhs number.

Day Of The Jackal?
not more dead babies...

ive had enough of those in the comedy thread ;(
The Dark Elf said:

worth watching, you'll see what I meant by it then ;) It's also a really good film.

This is where you go into intricate details of how a Birth Certificate number and where it is located on the Birth Certificate relates to an attempted assasination attempt on Charles De Gaulle? :)
what job requires info from your birth cert. ? :s
Tr0n said:
Awsome...once you get into the RAF fly your ass over here and pick me up. :D

I have applied for a pilot, but i am too tall, so i won't get past the medical, so it will hopefully be backseat in an Awacs.