Bit dissapointed


Oct 8, 2007
Reaction score
I was just wondering if any of you felt like me whn you played through HL2 EP2,cuz i expected a bit more.Its not that i didnt like it,i enjoyed it greatly,nut i expected tons of combine forces including striders and hunters,all racing through to white forest while fighting dozens of rebels.But instead we all killed tons of zombies and antlions and we rarely seen the combine army.I was actualy quite thriled to see them,and even delayed killing them a bit cause they are realy well done.Now,i expect there will be a lot more cobmine versus rebel action and less zombies and possibly no antlions (since it is the arctic),much like in the Anticitizen one and Follow Freeman chapters in Half-Life 2.The graphics were very pleasing,but when i heard that non-linear gameplay talk,i realy thought it will be much more non-linear as it was.All in all,the only objections i had were the lack of Hardcore combine vs rebel carnage,and a bit less zombies (will they ever run out of headcrabs :) and antlions.
No. Ep2 was made of win...especially the end.
I thought Episode 2 was awesome, and it was about as non-linear as I expected. The opening Antlion chapters were dull and slow, with the only highlights being the defence section, the Vort and the Gman scene. After that though it was just a whirlwind of awesome gameplay. I loved the open battle at the end of the game, but I think Valve should continue with the linear, one-path theme. It's what makes the games as good as they are. Non-linearity is not the future of gaming, and it's a serious mistake to apply this to every game, which is what seems to be happening.
I was just wondering if any of you felt like me whn you played through HL2 EP2,cuz i expected a bit more.Its not that i didnt like it,i enjoyed it greatly,nut i expected tons of combine forces including striders and hunters,all racing through to white forest while fighting dozens of rebels.But instead we all killed tons of zombies and antlions and we rarely seen the combine army.I was actualy quite thriled to see them,and even delayed killing them a bit cause they are realy well done.Now,i expect there will be a lot more cobmine versus rebel action and less zombies and possibly no antlions (since it is the arctic),much like in the Anticitizen one and Follow Freeman chapters in Half-Life 2.The graphics were very pleasing,but when i heard that non-linear gameplay talk,i realy thought it will be much more non-linear as it was.All in all,the only objections i had were the lack of Hardcore combine vs rebel carnage,and a bit less zombies (will they ever run out of headcrabs :) and antlions.

I'm in agreement about the final battle. All the videos made it out to be a huge push on the combines part. I would have liked to have seen a few platoons of combine overwatch behind the strider/hunters. If anything it would have just been more difficult. They could have had their own sticky bombs that force you out of your car or something.

Although the absence of them could be a story telling element. Perhaps we've exhausted most of the overwatch. Metro cops are completely gone already, we probably destroyed most of the other augmented humans with City 17. However, maybe its because before c17's destruction the combine we're taking over earth slowly and wanted to keep the humans comfortable with the police/army by making it mostly 'human'. Now that the uprising is in full force the combine have no reason to keep up such a facade and start to use the more efficient, alien resources they've been keeping as a back up.

And they can't get rid of headcrabs. That's just stupid. Headcrabs are gold.
Personally i don't mind if they don't change the zombies at all. They're one of the main parts of the HL universe. I also think, however, that it would be nice if they brought in some new types of zombie, because i've gotten used to the current zombies and they've become a walkover.

I also agree with Samon. Non linearity in games is bad. My personal experience of a non linear game (oblivion) was not good. I played it for a while but then got bored because there was too much stuff to explore and you never knew what to do. Also, even though the story in the game is really good, i never felt in tune with it. It took a back seat to me looking at things and going 'ooh, shiny' I'm not saying that's bad, but when the story takes a back seat, that can't be good.
I'm in agreement about the final battle. All the videos made it out to be a huge push on the combines part. I would have liked to have seen a few platoons of combine overwatch behind the strider/hunters. If anything it would have just been more difficult. They could have had their own sticky bombs that force you out of your car or something.

Although the absence of them could be a story telling element. Perhaps we've exhausted most of the overwatch. Metro cops are completely gone already, we probably destroyed most of the other augmented humans with City 17. However, maybe its because before c17's destruction the combine we're taking over earth slowly and wanted to keep the humans comfortable with the police/army by making it mostly 'human'. Now that the uprising is in full force the combine have no reason to keep up such a facade and start to use the more efficient, alien resources they've been keeping as a back up.

And they can't get rid of headcrabs. That's just stupid. Headcrabs are gold.
Those are some nice theories about the combine ..
I loved episode two from start to finish ( yes, that includes the cave levels... or at least some of it). I agree that the strider battle wasn't as epic as I thought it would have been and bit on the easy side, but nonetheless it was fun enough for me to replay over and over. Can't wait to see what Valve conjures up for us next time... when ever that will be.
I've always thought that HL2 would benefit from more open areas. But now I'm not so sure. EP2 was about as linear as it could be despite the fact that the outside areas were a little more open. But I think this made me realise that HL has always been incredibly linear but it's still just about the best FPS ever. Whatever Valve are doing they are doing well so they should really just keep things on rails as it's always been. HL has always been about getting from one place to another &/or completing smaller tasks along the way. It's worked wonders. You don't need big open areas for this sort of gameplay. It wouldn't keep things moving along the way they do. On thw whole though I really enjoyed EP2 & after EP1 I wasn't expecting it to be that long anyway. I think the fact that the Orange box came with TF2 & Portal also really helped things. I don't suppose we'll get anything coming with EP3 (althoug a follow up to Portal revealing more of that aspect of the stry would be cool ;-)) so I really hope it's longer & all worth it.
The cave levels were alright IMO. They weren't that bad, though I certainly wouldn't play through them again unless I was playing through the entirty of the game.
The cave levels were alright IMO. They weren't that bad, though I certainly wouldn't play through them again unless I was playing through the entirty of the game.

Agreed.But im still a bit sad about not enough combine soldiers.Oh the carnage that happens...But hunters and striders fill the gap.And i agree with Samon aboul linearity,i didnt say it was bad,i just said i thought it will be more unlinear.And zombies are great but a bit outdated by now,i still like shotguning them :) but theres realy a lot of zombies compared to humans (thats what bothers me).And i do miss comanding rebels in close combat with the combine overwatch.
And one more thing.I would like EP3 to be less readable,like whenever a major fight is about to occur,they gear you up,even though supplies were scarce until that moment,it would be better to get supplies more gradualy,it would contribute a lot to unespected gameplay.And i dont think there will be zombies and antlions (at least it shouldnt be and couldnt be) in the Arctic.Antlions belong live in sand and caves,and headcrab shells need to penetrate ground to release the headcrabs,and u cant do that with ice.All in all,i played through HL2,EP1 and EP2 A LOT of times and enjoyed it alot,exept for some bits ofcourse,we all have tastes :)

BTW,sorry about grammar errors,im from south-east Europe
I don't know if I would toss my hat in the ring with the "Non-linearity is bad crowd" but for Half-Life it certainly is.

I do understand wanting to see more Combine combat. Hunters didn't really do it for me.
Nothing beats hitting the combine with barels and throwing back theyre grenades :)
I don't know if I would toss my hat in the ring with the "Non-linearity is bad crowd" but for Half-Life it certainly is.

I do understand wanting to see more Combine combat. Hunters didn't really do it for me.


I loved the Hunters. They were loads of three-legged fun.

As soon as I saw them in the trailers I wanted to fight them. As soon as I fought them I wanted to fight more. Fighting a pack of three was a whole lot harder then taking down a team of combine elite.

I'd like to see more NPC's like the Hunters in the future installments to Half-Life.
They should just replace the Soldiers with the Hunters. There's not many 17 Soldiers kicking, and they are boring compared to the Hunters, I think.
Ep2 was completly epic, i loved every single part of it, even the ant-lion hive, learned a lot about their nature, how they live and so forth, a full 10/10 from my part :)

...They could have added soldiers with the striders and hunters, to make it a bit more epic (yeah had to spawn some combine soldiers myself to fill up the space)=

Looking forward for EP3
They could have had their own sticky bombs that force you out of your car or something.

Rollermines, anyone? Maybe that would've been a nice addition to the ambush. I wonder how Hunters would deal with the reprogrammed ones, they can't be destroyed without explosives or water.
Plenty of Combine (Spoiler)

I thought the battles at the Inn, the Old Barn, and the Rocket Silo was plenty of Combine. There was a good balance of everything here. "Epic", as decribed by another post in this thread, is the word for it.

I love fighting the Hunters, there are so many ways to kill them. One of my favorite methods is grab a log with the Grav Gun and wait for it to fire its Fletches into the log, at precisely the moment when the Fletches are going to explode, fire the log back at the Hunter, instant vaporization!
I just wish Hunters had a way to kick you out of the car, and didn't die IMMEDIATELY from getting hit by the car.

That sort of cheapened them. Although it was incredibly difficult to hit them, because they hid in the trees a lot.
Rollermines, anyone? Maybe that would've been a nice addition to the ambush. I wonder how Hunters would deal with the reprogrammed ones, they can't be destroyed without explosives or water.


I'm thinking by using their explosive darts.
I just wish Hunters had a way to kick you out of the car, and didn't die IMMEDIATELY from getting hit by the car.

That sort of cheapened them. Although it was incredibly difficult to hit them, because they hid in the trees a lot.

They only die immediately while being hit by the car if it is going really fast.. You could probably kill anything while driving at it really really fast.. Half the time the hunters jump out of the way last second as well..
Nuh-uh. Coast gently down a hill at a hunter and it'll immediately jump up onto the front of the Hot Rod and turn into a ragdoll.
Ep 2 was awesome!

Tho something did seem to be missing from the final battle

I was just wondering if any of you felt like me whn you played through HL2 EP2,cuz i expected a bit more.Its not that i didnt like it,i enjoyed it greatly,nut i expected tons of combine forces including striders and hunters,all racing through to white forest while fighting dozens of rebels.But instead we all killed tons of zombies and antlions and we rarely seen the combine army.I was actualy quite thriled to see them,and even delayed killing them a bit cause they are realy well done.Now,i expect there will be a lot more cobmine versus rebel action and less zombies and possibly no antlions (since it is the arctic),much like in the Anticitizen one and Follow Freeman chapters in Half-Life 2.The graphics were very pleasing,but when i heard that non-linear gameplay talk,i realy thought it will be much more non-linear as it was.All in all,the only objections i had were the lack of Hardcore combine vs rebel carnage,and a bit less zombies (will they ever run out of headcrabs :) and antlions.

Its the best half life has been, nuff said :p.
( yes, that includes the cave levels... or at least some of it)

Are you implying that the cave levels weren't ****ing awesome on a level that can't be comprehended by our feeble minds? They were pure ****ing gold and one of the most memorable experiences of any game I've ever played.

I loved Episode 2 with all my heart. It's the only game I rank above HL2 and HL1.
Why the f*ck is this still open? It was started over a year ago.
There are few games that i have/would play more than once...
Deus Ex
Mass Effect
TES4: Oblivion
HL2: Ep 2

Ep2 was such an interactive cinematic experience, that i could replay it many times, even thought it's linear.
Personally i don't mind if they don't change the zombies at all. They're one of the main parts of the HL universe. I also think, however, that it would be nice if they brought in some new types of zombie, because i've gotten used to the current zombies and they've become a walkover.

I also agree with Samon. Non linearity in games is bad. My personal experience of a non linear game (oblivion) was not good. I played it for a while but then got bored because there was too much stuff to explore and you never knew what to do. Also, even though the story in the game is really good, i never felt in tune with it. It took a back seat to me looking at things and going 'ooh, shiny' I'm not saying that's bad, but when the story takes a back seat, that can't be good.

heh. Reminds me of "The Scarlet Letter."

eh? anyone had to read it in school?
Good. Thank you. Also I have absolutely no idea where that b came from. That was not intentional.