BitTorrent DNA

How is this different than uTorrent (microTorrent), Azeurus, or any other half decently written bittorrent client?
It's supposed to be for streaming video, downloading, and helping you browse quicker(I'm very suspicious of this one because I think I know what they mean: Prefetching all links on websites, and that's a bad thing for website owners). They have a demo set up where you can stream through bittorrent... But I'm not sure, because the details are so bloody vague. Apparently the main focus is streaming video through bittorrent.

DNA accelerates your favorite web sites and software by downloading from multiple, nearby sources in parallel. During and after each download, your computer helps distribute what you download. DNA contains no spyware or adware and will not slow down your internet connection.

That's all it has to say. And this is apparently only a demo. Jeez, what the hell have I gotten into...