Bizarre theory



Got this from a Spaniard friend of mine. I've translated the text. I thought it'd be interesting to share here for a first post.

In thel E3 2003, VALVe presented various videos to show the technology that they would use in Half-Life 2, ragdolls, props, enemies, etc... and also a strange video, a very fast succesion of images against a black blackground, with a pic of Gman at the end. Gabe Newell stated that in this video there was a easter egg. Many people call this video "Psyche", look for it in google.

In this video appeared strange artwork & conceps of several things, including Gman, and stalkers, all of them repeated at least twice. But there was a pic of a text that appeared for a very short time, and only once:


The text said the following

under observation. Galvanic activation with seve...
...cidence of seizure and muscular catatonia, reco...
...titration of 30 ml sample, sustained alpha activit...
...reeman, Gordon: increased activity in neural iso... response. Subject to availability and urgency...
lambda [HL simbol here] unknown vector at this time. Requirements of
...eyond current threshold for amgydalic suppressi...
...ark energy remnant in the simulation until basa...
...f evaluation despite objections of caretakers give

Even tough many letters are missing to both sides of the text, we can figure out what some of the prases say. My spaniard friend was particulary interested in the 1st and 2nd lines:

under observation. Galvanic activation with severe...
...incidence of seizure and muscular catatonia,

My spaniard friend believes that this prase can explain a lot of things.

- Galvanic: In biology, galvanism is the contraction of a muscle that is stimulated by an electric current.

Galvanic treatment... while should anyone be using this on Gordon? Easy, this treatment is only used in facial and other body parts that are burned and etc, But what happened to Freeman, why does he need this treatment? I will explain this further on, now I will explain other term used in the text, "catatonia".

Catatonia: A psychiatric symptom that is listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. It is indicative of other conditions such as schizophrenia (catatonic type), bipolar disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and other mental disorders, as well as drug abuse and/or overdose. It bears similarity to conditions such as encephalitis lethargica and neuroleptic malignant syndrome. There are a variety of treatments available, and depending on the case, one or more drugs may be used, including antipsychotics and benzodiazepines. Catatonia is not a mental disorder in itself; it is a symptom of other mental disorders. There is a subtype of schizophrenia called "catatonic schizophrenia" in which the patient experiences an extreme loss of motor ability or constant hyperactive motor activity. Catatonic patients will sometimes hold rigid poses for hours and will ignore any external stimuli. Sometimes it can be expressed by a motionless, apathetic state in which one is oblivious or does not react to external stimuli. Motor activity is nearly non-existent. Individuals in this state make little or no eye contact with others and may be mute and rigid.

So to make it short, Freeman is suffering from Catatonia, caused by a severe accident, which can also result in schizophrenia, which can cause simulations and ficticious situations in the patient's mind.

So we can say that absolutely everything is an allucination, caused by Freeman's catatonia, which was in turn caused by the accident he suffered in the test chamber of the Anomalous materials lab. You see, everything you see in Half Life at the start of the game (The train, the labs, etc) was real, up to the point where an explosion in the test chamber left him with catatonia. After this accident, they had to apply to him the galvanic treatment as the text says, due to burns he had in his face and body.


So everything Gordon experiences are hallucinations, twisted interpretations of what is happening in the real world around him, events that he can't fully understand or grasp due to his mental illness. So, we could say that the events and characters in Half Life represent other events or concepts that go trough Gordon's sick mind, or perhaps internal conflicts of his.

My Spaniard friend quoted Philip K. Dick, a writer, when he was talking about a novel of his which more or less treated the same theme. Philip explained the hallucinations in his book with this: "We are in a state of half-life. We are neither dead nor alive, but preserved in cold storage, waiting to be thawed out". This could explain the name of the game; the state in which Gordon is, a catatonic, vegetative state, no fully dead, not fully alive: Half life.

So who are Shepard and Barney? Well, he didn't have a good answer for that.​

Please comment!
Well that would explain why the art design is so creative.

This theory is probably one that will never be proved by the game, but at the same time will not be disprovable.
My input:

G-Man was not a hallucination. He was in before the accident.
Might edit in something else later.
Amgydalic is not a word.
Maybe Gordon just smoked a lot of Salvia and is having a really bad trip :cheese:
Very interesting, but I honestly doubt the events of the Half-life series are just images within Gordons mind. I don't know, it'd just be so...meh, and unsatisfying. It could simply have something to do with Gordons term in stasis...
maybe he got sick after getting hit by nihilanth at the end of half life, and the g-man are treating him when he's in stasis?

Why does someone always find this kind of theorys in games/books/movies/whatever?

Edit: not to mention al the radioactivity he encounters in the game, and he do teleport a few times to...
Nice one very intersting... i like it :) know for me to decipher the rest of it if i can...
Sorry to D-post but i think i got it i think...

under observation. Galvanic activation with severe
incidence of seizure and muscular catatonia, recover
lititration of 30 ml sample, sustained alpha activity
Freeman, Gordon(Patient Name): increased activity in neural isotomania(Dunno i think its a medicine) response. Subject to availability and urgency...(He does no respond to others around him,siezure? urgent surgery?)
lambda [HL simbol here] unknown vector at this time. Requirements of(medicine/remedy)
beyond current threshold for amgydalic suppression
Dark energy remnant in the simulation until basa...(Dark Energy, viral bacteria leftovers are still in body)
...f evaluation despite objections of caretakers give(other Scientist Caretaker) or G-man)(They want to fully recover him in spitte of objections of caretaker)
Can someone post the link to the movie?
It really seems to indicate something about what happens in Gordons stasis
So, subtracting all of the medical jargon, the physical and mental effects of catatonia, this theory is a dream theory?

I.E. None of the Half Life story is actually taking place, and it's all a series of visions and events created by an unconscious Freeman/Freeman in deliria?

I couldn't take that. After all the waiting, the playing, I'd feel a bit cheated.
Same would be a big let down to learn the entire story was fake
Tyguy said:
Same would be a big let down to learn the entire story was fake

Yeah its a lot more real than a dream sequence :sleep:

LOL Of course the stories fake, its a computer game
I think the "half-life" theory, that Gordon's trapped in a hallucinated dream world is quite profound. For example, the jump-cuts between the test chamber and xen, while in hindsight we realize it was due to portals being thrown out of xen, to think it could be Gordon's anxious delusions as a reaction to the horror/fear around him is quite valid.

I mean, Gordon is a scientist working in a gargantuan research facility, he would only naturally speculate on what could go wrong, and in the shock of the resonance cascade imagines that the sample in the chamber actually opens a door to another world. To take the idea further, imagine if he's actually walking back up through the facility, hallucinating that all those people are really dead, when it was only a more minor accident (the scientists who were directly observing the analysis), and that he eventually wanders to the far side of Black Mesa, largely un-noticed due to the panic from the accident; when people finally notice something is wrong, that Gordon's walking around unresponsive, so someone calls the doctor, who take him into an ambulance. To Gordon he imagines he gets caught by the army in the "Apprehension" chapter, when really he's put into medical observation.

To elaborate further, it could be that all that Gordon sees before the accident is extrapolated into his wild fantasy; the G-man he spies on through the window and on the tram is now a shadowy inter-dimensional beaurocrat, the apache landing at the base turns into numerous 'rambo'-like encounters, the missles Gordon sees during the tram ride become necessary to launch into orbit to stop the fantastical aliens he imagines and even that robotic welding arm that interrupts the tram, morphs into the huge boss encountered during the 'Blast Pit' chapter.

I'm not saying this is the interpretation of the events of the Half-Life series or even that I accept it, but all art in any medium is interpreted differently by each person.
fake as in fake according to a$$ :)
'Fascinating.... I never suspected such things could be'.

Seriously, though, this is very interesting. As people have said, it might be referring to things that happened to him during stasis. I would not like it at all if we discovered that this incredible series of events is actually a fantasy world created by Gordon's mind.

If this is what Laidlaw is planning on, which I doubt, I would hope the ending would be a really cool one that ties a load of stuff together, sort of like a Sixth Sense'ish type of ending... except... a little bigger. Also quite anti-climactic. Or maybe just scratch all that, I hope it's not an illusion.
it has potential to be a great ending.....I cant imagine it ending with gordon waking up 4 hours late for work....
It would piss me off to know that this Entire story is Completly False. The Beautiful Alyx Vance is just a Figment of Gordon's imagination, the Combine, The Vortigaunts, Barney etc is completly false now that would make you want to Hit your head against the wall, well If I am not the only one, I know I would want to bash my head against the wall. Why? because after hearing a F**king GENIOUS AND AMAZING STORY, and is one of the most hard to think or imagine, with a Great sast of Characters. I would want to Bash my head against the wall, a Brick wall.
whoa wait a minute....if all this was all just a wet-dream....

then would someone please explain to me opposing force
and blue shift....

...unless they're suggesting that our beloved Barney's psycho too...
JokerD said:
whoa wait a minute....if all this was all just a wet-dream....

then would someone please explain to me opposing force
and blue shift....

...unless they're suggesting that our beloved Barney's psycho too...

Gearbox made them so it doesn't count. :E

Seriously though, I don't hope this is the case, in my opinion it just seem so bizarre to actually be true. Valve would get raped by the majority of fans if the story would turn out to be some kind of f*king imagination.

Bah, we'll see.
Maybe not so much a bonk-on-the-head dream, but maybe more caused by the exotic energy released by the resonance cascade causing prolonged hallucinations - that would also account for Barney and Shepard's 'experiences'...
This is a great and very well though out theory, unlike most of the ideas coming out of people (G-Man is Gordon Freeman!!!1!eleven!!!!). It does seem very outlandish, as in so many things you just said have to be completely right in order for this to be true. I believe (and really hope) that this has only something to do with Gordon's Stasis and not actual gameplay and what we've gone through.
pomegranate said:
Maybe not so much a bonk-on-the-head dream, but maybe more caused by the exotic energy released by the resonance cascade causing prolonged hallucinations - that would also account for Barney and Shepard's 'experiences'...

They would all have to link together. If they all had hallucinations, how the crap did Adrian and Barney both see Gordon at times you're controlling Gordon during Half-Life 1?
True.... maybe it's the same thing like Sarah Connor was diagnosed with where you develop the same fantasies as other people... nah kidding.
Black Mesa was actually the creation of the MMH: Massive Multiplayer Hallucination.
A weird description of amygdala/amgydalic.

Named for its almond shape, the amygdala is located just behind the ears, deep inside the temporal lobe. Like the hub of a wheel, it is circuited to every major portion of the brain, with its primarily function the promotion of emotions, especially those in the range of fear.

The amygdala commands many responses to fright, such as facial expression, direction of eye gaze, edginess, startle, and freeze. In concert with the hypothalamus, it speeds up heart rate, raises blood pressure, and slows breathing--as in the case of holding one's breath when frightened. Gut tightens, nausea rises, limbs are trembling.

There is strong evidence that, once programmed, the amygdala never forgets, setting up the condition known as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). This phenomenon can not result only from combat fatigue, or manifest as flashbacks from psychotropic drugs, but from any traumatic experience, such as rape or incest.

The amygdala is also "a common locus of temporal lobe epilepsy."(1) While there are many interesting reports of epileptic seizures triggering religious experiences, when travelling an amgydalic route seizures more often lead to personalities "obsessed with writing, drawing, arguing philosophy, or, rarely, being preoccupied with sex."

Sensitive to visual stimuli, the amygdala also directly accesses olfactory inputs, harking back to a time when when the keen perception and taxonomy of scents were crucial to survival. Whatever the reaction or display, the amygdala plays an important role in how behavior is patterned.

Spelling error. That text image was obviously rushed and probably has nothing to do with anything.
DannyC. said:
They would all have to link together. If they all had hallucinations, how the crap did Adrian and Barney both see Gordon at times you're controlling Gordon during Half-Life 1?

All three of them are trapped in the netherworld!!!
Loke said:
Gearbox made them so it doesn't count. :E

Seriously though, I don't hope this is the case, in my opinion it just seem so bizarre to actually be true. Valve would get raped by the majority of fans if the story would turn out to be some kind of f*king imagination.

Bah, we'll see.

Acually they do count. Valve made and approved the storylines.
It would be terrible if Episode 3 is the latest and greatest in graphics, Gordon wakes up, and we are back to HL1 graphics...AHHH!!!! Could our computers handle framerates in excess of 200??
Ridge said:
It would be terrible if Episode 3 is the latest and greatest in graphics, Gordon wakes up, and we are back to HL1 graphics...AHHH!!!! Could our computers handle framerates in excess of 200??
*Takes boar and rides it to mars screamin*