Black Dragon Mod Recruiting


Nov 18, 2003
Reaction score
I am trying to organize a team to create a modification for Half Life 2. Currently, this project has just started and I am getting a team together. Anyone interested please visit our website:

Join our forum and say hi.

Anyone that feels they can contribute in ANY way please contact us and tell us what you can do. This includes concept artists, modelers, wrappers, animators, coders, etc. etc. Veterans and Novices alike are welcome.

Thank you for taking the time to read this. See you soon
I have some questions about the mod itself, and not about recruting, i hope thats okay.

About the story, how can 4 nuclear warheads whipe out 30% of the world population? I dont know how badass the warheads are today (or in 2040), but isnt that a little too much? The rest of the story is kinda classic, nothing special to point out there (more than maybe its too classic?).

About the features. Are you sure the engine and the computers can handle huge battles with many AI controlled players? It will take a lot of processing power to calculate all the AI.

I like the idea with a dynamic campain. Some other mods have it and i think its a interesting feature.

Its also good that you wait with the MP version before the SP is done. Alot of mods (Entropy.. um..) want to make everything at once, and that wont work. Do one thing at the time and it will OK.

One more thing about the team section:

"Klown([email protected]) : Mod Leader

simmo([email protected]): ?"

That doesnt look very good in my eyes. Do you have anything more to do than just lead? Im pretty sure youre the writer and designer (aka Lead Designer and Writer). But what does simmo do? You dont know? Well, thats not very good :)

Dont hire people like crazy. Try to keep the team as small as possible, and with a high skill level. Dont release WIP models or unskinned renders, we dont want to see unfinnished work.

I hope you plan alot for the mod so it just dont die like the rest of the mods do... Good luck!
Maj says I have to bitch in here and not IRC :p


[15:19] <@Fenric> heh I saw that and stopped looking, almost the first thread i see after it opens and its yet another one of those :(

[15:20] <@Fenric> "the year is blah blah blah, some words swapped about to make big company thingys and oh noes some big war and then lets have wars in space in big maps we dont even realise arent possible on source yada yada yada" GIVE ME STRENGTH!!!!!!! ooooh thats not gonna help me blood pressure *dies*

no but really, there's just so many mods like it, join up with those and make one big amazing mod instead of many mediocre ones. Please? :)


About the story, how can 4 nuclear warheads whipe out 30% of the world population? I dont know how badass the warheads are today (or in 2040), but isnt that a little too much?

naa thats probably right, I dunno, nobody really knows.
Damn.....tough crowd....however, lucky for you guys I have a response to everyone of your posts, so here goes.

About the story, how can 4 nuclear warheads whipe out 30% of the world population? I dont know how badass the warheads are today (or in 2040), but isnt that a little too much? The rest of the story is kinda classic, nothing special to point out there (more than maybe its too classic?).

In reality, there is alot more to a nuclear warhead then the inital explosion. I don't really want to go into all the details, but well placed bombs could effect that many lives.

As for the story...well, the point was for people to relate to it. I didn't want to make it too far fetched, as I have found those ideas have a very limited following. I wanted to grasp some attention, not to have people pushed away. The back story is just what it is, a back story. The real essence is supposed to be in the game. If I find that people have really having that much problems with it, then I can always adjust it. However, that is something I want to avoid. I can guarantee though, the whole expereince throughout the game play will be something to be remembered. I refuse to post more features that I have in mind because I want to keep them a surprise. I enjoy surprises in games....I think most people do too.

The website is also in it's initial stages.....there should be more there and I'll talk to simmo about it.

to Fenric......yes, if you have problems, you should say it to the person that is posting.

Now, again, you mention that what I want to do is impossible in source. Here I beg to differ. Now,granted, I don't know everything that will be available, but I have read enough to make me feel that it can be done with the right steps. Besides being a writer that seems to piss alot of people off.....(as I can tell from all the feedback I've been getting here and on other forums) I am also a coder. I have learned through my coding experience that when performance becomes an issue, there are always work arounds to make things better.

Now, I never side that this would be an esay task.....nor did I ever say that this was the most original story of all time. What I am saying is that I won't release this mod until it is a kick ass gaming experience. The story WILL be enjoyed as will the gameplay.

Now, anymore questions or comments???? and please, post them here, no matter how insulting or what not.
KrazyKlown said:
to Fenric......yes, if you have problems, you should say it to the person that is posting.

Ok I don't think it'll ever happen. Too many other teams are doing the same ideas. And Simmo, why you involved in this? What happened to that excellent mod you were working on before. Don't tell me it died? :( That would suck, I was really looking forward to that one, was one of the few that had any kind of promise to it :(
KrazyKlown said:
Damn.....tough crowd....however, lucky for you guys I have a response to everyone of your posts, so here goes.

In reality, there is alot more to a nuclear warhead then the inital explosion. I don't really want to go into all the details, but well placed bombs could effect that many lives.

As for the story...well, the point was for people to relate to it. I didn't want to make it too far fetched, as I have found those ideas have a very limited following. I wanted to grasp some attention, not to have people pushed away. The back story is just what it is, a back story. The real essence is supposed to be in the game. If I find that people have really having that much problems with it, then I can always adjust it. However, that is something I want to avoid. I can guarantee though, the whole expereince throughout the game play will be something to be remembered. I refuse to post more features that I have in mind because I want to keep them a surprise. I enjoy surprises in games....I think most people do too.

The website is also in it's initial stages.....there should be more there and I'll talk to simmo about it.

to Fenric......yes, if you have problems, you should say it to the person that is posting.

Now, again, you mention that what I want to do is impossible in source. Here I beg to differ. Now,granted, I don't know everything that will be available, but I have read enough to make me feel that it can be done with the right steps. Besides being a writer that seems to piss alot of people off.....(as I can tell from all the feedback I've been getting here and on other forums) I am also a coder. I have learned through my coding experience that when performance becomes an issue, there are always work arounds to make things better.

Now, I never side that this would be an esay task.....nor did I ever say that this was the most original story of all time. What I am saying is that I won't release this mod until it is a kick ass gaming experience. The story WILL be enjoyed as will the gameplay.

Now, anymore questions or comments???? and please, post them here, no matter how insulting or what not.

That was a good answer (/me waits for Fenric).

I feel that we're kinda in the same boat. I posted my back story on another forum and kinda got the same thing... but like you said, its a back story. The real storyline is what should set the mod apart from others.

The "What can you do" question is kinda standard for me. I ask the same question everytime. Im the Lead Designer and writer on my mod, and i heard people saying "Bah, everyone can do that!" and so on.... but when its a SP mod, theres loads to do. Anyways, i got 8 years of mapping experience, but i dont think I will find any time to use it.

The only tip i can give you right now is to hold your team small and close together... and kick simmo :p (joking m8...)
Fenric said:
Ok I don't think it'll ever happen. Too many other teams are doing the same ideas.

Well, I'll give this won't happen if I don't get a team together. And with all this wonderful promoting I've been getting, that seems to be nothing short of a miracle.

Nervertheless, the offer still stands and I still stand by what I said. The result will be different then other mods......whether you can see that now or not. To whoever else that may be listening, give it a chance.

And is that mod you were refering to Hell Blaze....funny, I'm part of that team as well......I'll let Simmo speak for himself, but ultimately, I'm glad he gave me a hand with this idea.
Majestic XII said:
That was a good answer (/me waits for Fenric).

I feel that we're kinda in the same boat. I posted my back story on another forum and kinda got the same thing... but like you said, its a back story. The real storyline is what should set the mod apart from others.

The "What can you do" question is kinda standard for me. I ask the same question everytime. Im the Lead Designer and writer on my mod, and i heard people saying "Bah, everyone can do that!" and so on.... but when its a SP mod, theres loads to do. Anyways, i got 8 years of mapping experience, but i dont think I will find any time to use it.

The only tip i can give you right now is to hold your team small and close together... and kick simmo :p (joking m8...)

Thanks for the support. I guarantee it will be a good product. Holding my team small doesn't really seem like much of an option now......I need some sort of team first. Anywayz, thanks for the vote of confidence.
I just want to know hellblaze hasn't died. And if it has, and you were both on that team, it doesn't give this mod much hope then either :(
I just want to know hellblaze hasn't died. And if it has, and you were both on that team, it doesn't give this mod much hope then either

DAMN man, you give all new MODS this much support????

as a matter of fact it has not died, but there is only so much you can do with no SDK
sorry krazyklown but I wont support a mod just cause you want me to, If I don't believe in something I'd be lying to myself and the community by supporting it. Surely you agree with that.

I only support those that have some kind of merit, such as hellblaze.
Yes we do give ALL mods this support. :D

Anyway. I'm actually trying to work out exactly what this mod is trying to achieve. From what I can gather FPS +RTS.. and an identikit storyline.

Post Nuclear mods = too many. This is getting towards WW2 mod proportions
Thats Fenric for you... You have to live with him. We have him talking in the team channel ALL DAY EVERY DAY! Think about us :/
silence Maj! you were agreeing with me in IRC earlier about this mod :p


and im not always there, i wasnt there most of thursday afternoon, and I was off watching Excel Saga and twilight zone last night and not talking then neither. and three weeks ago my cable died and I wasn't around for a whole day. So there :D
Regarding my mod.....people seem to be stuck in this whole post Nuclear thing. Come on guys, open your minds. The reason I choose that is because it is the most realistic way of getting the whole world into a conflict.

There really is alot more to the mod then you see. Again, I can't post it because it will give away too much. Please, try to see beyond the Background Story.

Fenric.....your right. if you don't believe it, you shouldn't support it. And I must thank you really.....your lack of belief has given me more determination then before. For people like you, I will make sure this mod is finished...and I will make sure that it is much more then the category you guys put me in. The only thing I ask, is that when it is finished, you give it an honest chance and play through it.
bah, Hell Blaze is still going strong fenny, dont cry ;( ;),I just cant be botherd to update the site :rolleyes:

(I hope it dosent get banned :|)
KrazyKlown said:
Regarding my mod.....people seem to be stuck in this whole post Nuclear thing. Come on guys, open your minds. The reason I choose that is because it is the most realistic way of getting the whole world into a conflict.

There really is alot more to the mod then you see. Again, I can't post it because it will give away too much. Please, try to see beyond the Background Story.

Fenric.....your right. if you don't believe it, you shouldn't support it. And I must thank you really.....your lack of belief has given me more determination then before. For people like you, I will make sure this mod is finished...and I will make sure that it is much more then the category you guys put me in. The only thing I ask, is that when it is finished, you give it an honest chance and play through it.

If you can finish it and make it a mod worth recording in the history books of great mods. I'll play it and I'll be the first to say how great it is...

...until then you've got a long way to go to making it more than any other mod out there with the same premise.
Fenric said:
If you can finish it and make it a mod worth recording in the history books of great mods. I'll play it and I'll be the first to say how great it is...

...until then you've got a long way to go to making it more than any other mod out there with the same premise.

DAMN....I just realized, this went from a recruitment post to me having to defend myself.

This really has to get some more support.
Fenric said:
If you can finish it and make it a mod worth recording in the history books of great mods. I'll play it and I'll be the first to say how great it is...

...until then you've got a long way to go to making it more than any other mod out there with the same premise.
What Fenric said, but slightly more irrelevant.

I still don't get what you are actually trying to achieve with this mod.

Oh, and we do this to pretty much every mod that comes here, simply becuae, well, thats what we do, critque.
ComradeBadger said:
What Fenric said, but slightly more irrelevant.

I still don't get what you are actually trying to achieve with this mod.

Oh, and we do this to pretty much every mod that comes here, simply becuae, well, thats what we do, critque.
Yep, mods are always sure to get an HONEST response around here, we wont pander to anyone and we can't be bought, if we think a mod is good we'll say so, if we don't, we'll say so too.

If we can be won around by some impressive stuff, you atleast know your mod must be good.

Still don't see it happening with this one though ;)
This is why i will post about my mod on this forum... 1) All the people that want to bash back. 2) Fenny and his bashin crew :)
What more can I ask for??? Thank you...and maybe your right....this way I am ready future comments that deal with the same issues.

Not to worry, when I have more to show, I'll remember to bring it back here for more honest opinions. Those are the best after all, thanks for all your help.

Happy Easter
Next???? OH....I'm not gone yet.....this is, afterall, a RECRUITING THREAD. I still need to make my presence felt here. :bounce:
I'm not feeling anything of yours, no matter how much you pay me.
PiMuRho said:
I'm not feeling anything of yours, no matter how much you pay me.

aren't we giving ourselves too much you???? why would I want to pay you in the first place???
Spam. Cease and dissist.

Anyway. Best of luck, despite our lambasting of your concept, don't take it personally.

And remember, we want you to make a good mod, so we can play it, so don't make a bad one :)
Klown's actually acting mature about this whole thing...most people will say:

"OMG!!1!! j00 done lik3 mye CS clon3 id3a?!11one!!, j00! teh suk!!"

Which really irrates me :/
Well, simmo......things are looking bright right now....and I am certain I will prove everyone wrong. By the way, we have Spainard on the team and him had a meeting so to speak yesterday. I must say, I'm feeling really good about the future of Black Dragon.
Just as a little update: We were able to find one modeler/concept artist, but there are definitely more voids to fill.

As well, I just want to let people know that our staff forums have been buzzing with some great ideas lately. This is truly gonna be a great product. I have made it my main objective not to let this idea die. To many great concepts would go to waste.

We need all the help we can get to make this a truly great product. Please, come to our website, join our forums and join our team.

Thank you:thumbs: