Black, flickering texture problem


Nov 23, 2004
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Hi everyone.

I'm creating a map purely for test purposes and for me to play around with random entities to just increase my general knowledge about Hammer 4.0.

Everything is pretty much fine except that some textures appear completely pitch black. If I move to specific locations and look at them from a specific angle, they seem to change to look ok, but for the most part, they're completely black.

Check the screenshots to get a better idea.

I'm pretty certain I have no leaks. The only mention of a "leak" in the compile window is that "memory leak" that most people seem to get (does anyone know how to get rid of this yet?).

Anyway... if someone could give me a solution to this black-texture problem, that'd be great! No good running around a map with black textures!
you'd know if you had a leak, so its not that.

hmm, its a weird one heh.. Post the full compile log you got from the map, someone is bound to spot something.
The problem could be that you're using a texture that was intended for a model, those are poorly lit compared to the regular ones.
Oooh, played Batchetska! Didn't realise they were model textures. Shame, as they're pretty good.

Thanks a bunch!
Yup, I was having great difficulty just now with lighting, lights going through brushes, dark brushes, lights only vertex lighting brushes etc.

Turned out I was using a prop_ texture, so people, don't use them!! Maybe there's a way to extract them somehow and turn them into proper textures.