Black head crabs???



when i was on the 5/4 chapter something ravenvile as i made my way up some stairs to a room to disable a elictracal field to move on i was attacked my 2 black poisonis longleged head crabs....
1 hit and i was down to 1hp =/
what are they called why is this
and my theory on head crabs is that they use the victum as a body for themselfs they kepp then alive enough to walk and attack u see if they were kept fully alive they would run alot faster than they do, so they are slightly alive because the head crab is keaping them alive im still to see a zombie with a black crab on its head
i would like some info
cheers :thumbs:
yes... we love black headcrabs, scary feckers they are.
Welcome to the forums.
I tihnk they use the zombie body and walk around and mate on his back and lay the eggs inside him or her, the zombie walks and distributes the headcrabs.
Ah, the poisonous headcrabs. Don't worry, you'll see the hosts soon enough. They're completely harmless, I assure you.
Scared me half to death when I first saw one!!! :LOL:

I hate the way they make that horrible squealing and hissing noise!
these things scare me the most! they're horrible. I always hated it when I heard or saw one.
and the hosts are so hard to kill, two direct hits with a grenade from the smg to bring it down, and then you still have to deal with a couple of those little black bastards
3inchesofblood said:
and the hosts are so hard to kill, two direct hits with a grenade from the smg to bring it down, and then you still have to deal with a couple of those little black bastards
Later in the game use the Secondary fire on the Pulse Rifle and it will vaporize them completly. Other than that they are practically invincible.
those black headcrabs..heh...

20 shots from a machine gun
1 hit from a crowbar.

that kinda cracked me up.
Thank the man that invented morfine, and thank the man that invented the HEV suit! I'd be a black zombie walking around by now if those two things weren't invented. And I'd probably be object to all kinds of racist words.
Yup - the old arachnoid enemies are present again in an FPS and the original (though in this case with only 4 legs which is not quite so "scary" ).
The hairs on them when you look closely are a good touch. They do annoy me as I hate ANY enemy like that - zombies? no problem, anything on two legs or wheels = fine... but when they get all arachnoid on your ass I start to worry, a cheap shocker that works for 50% of the population.

I also thought the crabs keep their victims alive (much like face huggers on which they are so obviously based) and hook into the motor actions of the human. Which is why the White head Crabs have slow hosts, and the black ones are able to make their human hosts "sprint" and jump - they are just generally more kick-ass.

Now 3 on one human is just greedy and not a pretty sight ;)
A2597 said:
those black headcrabs..heh...

20 shots from a machine gun
1 hit from a crowbar.

that kinda cracked me up.

Is it just me or did Gordon get a lot of upper-body strength? He didnt used to be able to kill headcrabs with one whack of the crowbar. Maybe he spent the time between Half-Life 1 and 2 working out? lol :borg:
Jenga said:
Is it just me or did Gordon get a lot of upper-body strength? He didnt used to be able to kill headcrabs with one whack of the crowbar. Maybe he spent the time between Half-Life 1 and 2 working out? lol :borg:
Maybe he got a better crowbar? :O

Or maybe after HL1 he became experienced enough at killing them to know of a weak spot.
Head crabs always make me jump sending my crosshair flying all over the screen :(
Does it sound to anyone else like the dying poison zombies make a sobbing sound?
The crowbars of the future are more effective!
Or maybe the crowbar was caught in the nuclear blast in Opposing Force, making it mutate and grow stronger?
your probably right when you say they are still alive because when you light them on fire they start screaming.

the black headcrabs are anoyying but they are pretty slow i hate the fast zombies more than the poison zombie.
Sharpfish said:
I also thought the crabs keep their victims alive (much like face huggers on which they are so obviously based) and hook into the motor actions of the human. Which is why the White head Crabs have slow hosts, and the black ones are able to make their human hosts "sprint" and jump - they are just generally more kick-ass.

Now 3 on one human is just greedy and not a pretty sight ;)
Aren't the fast zombies the ones with the smaller, fast white headcrabs? The black ones are just as slow as the standard zombie.
But yes, the poison zombies & headcrabs kick ass. I know where they are. I know I can kill them easily, I throw in a grenade and they are toast without any trouble- And they still scare the shit out of me! Hairy, small, spider-like little bastards urghh...
AJ Rimmer said:
Aren't the fast zombies the ones with the smaller, fast white headcrabs? The black ones are just as slow as the standard zombie.
But yes, the poison zombies & headcrabs kick ass. I know where they are. I know I can kill them easily, I throw in a grenade and they are toast without any trouble- And they still scare the shit out of me! Hairy, small, spider-like little bastards urghh...

yep.. my mistake.. I meant the black are on the three up zombie. ;)
I think the Crowbar is somewhat overpowered as a melee weapon, but given that you risk losing vast amounts of health by getting up close and personal, I suppose it balances it out.

I must admit I did find it odd that the Crowbar was one of the most effective ways of killing anything Zombie/Headcrab. This came in really useful towards the end of Ravenholm, when I'd spent all my ammuntion due to not realising there were ways to avoid that happening littered all over the place...I felt a tad embarrased, given that I've been playing FPS for years.
Those catcrabs as I call them (they're furry and they hiss :p), can be shot down with 2 blasts of the gravity gun if I recall correctly. Very useful ;)
czrsink said:
I must admit I did find it odd that the Crowbar was one of the most effective ways of killing anything Zombie/Headcrab.

Then how'd you kill zombies/headcrabs in HL1? Crowbar's always been good.
I think they realised that it gets too annoying if a headcrab takes more than 1 crowbar blow to kill.

Blueshift really didn't do a good job with headcrab placement - I'm sure somebody was just chucking them in there to piss me off...