Black is Beautiful


May 21, 2004
Reaction score
I must stress, this is for the Xbox.

Feast your eyes...








Looks pretty good. It's no Alan Wake, but for Xbox... :)
Those are Xbox screens? Unbelievable!
they look good, but there is something i dont like about them, dont know what...
read about this a year ago(or more) in a ps2 mag, it was pretty under wraps at that point but was labelled to be ''the big thing in 2006'', the devs said they really wanted to get the feel of a firefight( a bit like fear i guess), massive particle effects and the guns would sound loud as fuk...
Ragdol physics? Or is that out of the question?
When joule showed me them I said: "They're really good, but I bet XBox360 can do better" then he told me they were xbox and I said ":eek:"
Xbox screens? I never knew the xbox can handle that kind of stuff.
EDIT: Perhaps they use that new technology that Nintendo wanted to use for the Revolution, that will allow Xbox 360 like graphics out of older components, hence, cheaper components.
Its all smoke and mirrors. They're covering up the crappy environment textures and character models with with nice gun models and explosions.
Nah, texture is great, the character models are so-so.
Looks kinda generic. Why are you all going "omg omg xbox?" when it doesn't even look as good as HL2?
now i know what it is, the textures are too clean compared to whats going on around them...

Wow, as soon as things get positive feedback, someone just has to be cool and "meh". I hope this game will look awesome just as the screens so you will think "Oh, I hope no-one goes back to read my old post because I was severly wrong". But again, you could be completely right :)
Well, seeing as it is for ps2, you'll never catch me saying that. Fps's for consoles suck. Period.
StardogChampion said:
Looks kinda generic. Why are you all going "omg omg xbox?" when it doesn't even look as good as HL2?

It looks a lot better than the HL2 Xbox shots I saw.
staticprimer said:
Its all smoke and mirrors. They're covering up the crappy environment textures and character models with with nice gun models and explosions.

I thought the exact same thing. I found my eyes flicking between the gun models and the game world and thinking "hmm..."
Of course, don't expect any of that FSAA in-game, either.
The game's graphics might look really fantabulous right now, but we'll have to see for ourselves when the game is released, looks good though.

Hell, maybe we can compare this game against Halo, two console FPS put head-to-head rather than a PC vs console game. This would bring far more fair comparisons in my opinion.

But then again, Hl2 is coming out for Xbox as well....
alot of those fx look overdone, case and point the one screen of the player shooting the guy behind a wrecked car.
pvtbones said:
alot of those fx look overdone, case and point the one screen of the player shooting the guy behind a wrecked care.

It's from the people who brought you Burnout 3, iirc. So yeah - they're the masters of overblown fx :P
Looking cool.

On the one hand, it might look crap on an actual TV compared to pre-release screens (oh hi there Killzone).

On the other hand, it's made by the guys who did Burnout 3. :E
I could see this coming to the xbox, but it would take a miracle for it to run more than 3 fps on the ps2....