Black lines

Garfield_ said:
no, no changes except CPU and mobo change :D

Did you format your hdd? Or get a new one when adding new hardware? If you didn't I would format the drive and start off clean.
That looks like a texturing problem. Have you used a custom autexec.cfg file in your DOD folder? Some config files contain a line that disables the smoothing between textures, thereby leaving small gaps, cracks etc.
I just finished reformating, and now Im getting them too.. not extremely anoyying but wouldnt mind a way to fix them. If needed here is what im running, X800xt,p4 2.6c, got all the latest drivers and everything, so dont know what I did wrong..
i have them too, i have a x850xt pe, but i don't think it's a card problem. the line are where there are different levels to buildings, 1st story 2nd story etc