Black mesa - New Mexico?



Now any underground base in New Mexico always gets my attention. an example is AREA-51 (groom lake test facility) and area S4 which is a very secretive underground base. Know one knows what goes on there. Alot of underground construction was seen in those areas, and alot of money have been spent. I could be a base for creating aircraft like the stealt bomber or it could be ......... BLACK MESA :borg:

I wonder where the excact location is of Black mesa in the game. would like 2 know, So i can link it to these places.
Groom Lake...real.
Area information. Probably a bogus conspiracy theory.
Black Mesa...fiction.

There ya go.
Bing_Oh said:
Groom Lake...real.
Yep, as for what’s inside of it… Well let’s just say if it was a UFO I would have some serious revisions of my outlook on tenable reality to consider.

I think in some government base somewhere you’re more likely to find a top-secret biological weapons program then little gray people from another planet.
Groom Lake? Airbase test range. You'll see the newer air force things there. Nifty stuff. Our stealth fighters and bombers were tested out there.
I wonder if they are conducting experiments there that's beyond our imagination...
I've always been a BIG military aviation buff, ever since I was a kid. So, just by association, I've had a pretty serious interest in Groom Lake.

Given that the F-117, aka the "stealth fighter," was designed and test-flown from Groom Lake in the 1970's, the plans for the B-2 stealth bomber were complete in the early 1980's (Jack Northrup himself saw the plans before he died in 1981, confirming his theories on the efficency of the flying wing design), and the (officially) fastest jet aircraft in the world is still the SR-71, an aircraft that entered service in 1966, I STRONGLY suspect that the aircraft being test-flown at Groom Lake now are beyond anything we can imagine.

It's almost guaranteed that there are aircraft at Groom Lake with revolutionary power sources, doing maneuvers which would seem impossible, at speeds beyond any known aircraft. Those are NOT alien spacecraft, kids...they're classified military aircraft. Aliens have no interest in the primitive little anthill which is human civilization.
I thought they abandoned the Area-51 site because of toxic waste...?
blkack mesa new mexico is nonme other than a military complex for high security crap
blkack mesa new mexico is none other than a military complex for high security crap
cleckmoon said:
I thought they abandoned the Area-51 site because of toxic waste...?

No, Groom Lake is still operational. There was a big lawsuit brought against the US Air Force by a group of former employees of Groom Lake when they were diagnosed with some bizarre illnesses that they said were connected to the burning of toxic waste on the base. The Air Force claimed that Groom Lake didn't exist (which it, officially, does not) and, therefore, they were not liable for any illnesses. The court ruled that the government had an interest in national security at Groom Lake, that they didn't have to reveal the existance (or lack thereof) of the base, and were not subject to EPA regulations. The employee's lawsuits were all dismissed from what I heard.
When America captured the V2 rockets and other prototypes the nazis had, They where taken to groom lake. That explains the secret aviation stuff anyway. I woulnt mind knowing how many underground facilities america has! not just in the us but outside aswell. In Australia there a facility at pine gap, that is very sectitive and is run by americans only. Mabie hand picked ausies aswell. Food suplies for a large popluation goes into that base. hmmm mabie the troops are hungry or mabie the base is freaking huge!

Us civilians dont really know whats going on. Believe me.
Bing_Oh said:
No, Groom Lake is still operational. There was a big lawsuit brought against the US Air Force by a group of former employees of Groom Lake when they were diagnosed with some bizarre illnesses that they said were connected to the burning of toxic waste on the base. The Air Force claimed that Groom Lake didn't exist (which it, officially, does not) and, therefore, they were not liable for any illnesses. The court ruled that the government had an interest in national security at Groom Lake, that they didn't have to reveal the existance (or lack thereof) of the base, and were not subject to EPA regulations. The employee's lawsuits were all dismissed from what I heard.
pwned on a munrowned level.
Yeah, black mesa doesn't exist, I've checked ;)
Combine Hybrid said:
Then where did Area-51 theorys came out from?
Paranoid locals who thought F-15s were out of this world. Then you probably had some paranormal magazines interviewing these people. Drunkards!

Yeah, black mesa doesn't exist, I've checked
There's a place in arizona or new mexico called black mesa. However it's only actually a mesa, not a secret military research base...or is it?
I saw this show on discovery channel where they interviewed a former Area-51 gov worker and he said that the government was using it as a Nuclear waste dump, to me this makes the most sense out of any theory i have heard. An unregulated waste dump isn't as cool as aleins but is much more belivable
Well im not really sure where and why this ufo and aliens stuff started, But we all know about the famous roswell crash. If u dont know, go find info (google) or my provided links. Anyways the crash site was scatterd over a 1 mile raduis. But the government said it was a weather baloon? Now how can a weather baloon be scatered over a mile. Today the government says it was a secret spy balloon used to spy on russia that they were developing. But it still doesnt make sense. I dont belive anything they say! Mabie it was a prototype stealth bomber. Now u can imagine the secrecy if it was around back then. Dont forget that the nazis already had designs of stealthy craft.
The foo fighters from WW2 is where interest in "alien visitation" and government coverups really started. Fighter and bomber crews over Europe in WW2 saw strange lights in the sky on missions...some supposedly following the aircraft...and named them "foo fighters." Some people thought they were aliens.

Then, after WW2, it became more and more widely known that the government was testing in the western US (mostly nuclear testing at that time...remember that the Manhattan Project was out west), thus reinforceing the conspiracy theories of the time. Roswell was the first major "alien" news story...a newspaper reporter quoted a USAF official as saying that an "alien craft" had crashed. The story was recended a short time later, but that didn't change much. The military and all related documents from Roswell say that the craft that crashed was an experimental high-altitude radar reflector used for spying on the Soviets.

And, let's not forget that not all super-secret alien research facilities were in the western US. Wright-Patterson AFB in Dayton, Ohio was where the Roswell aliens were, supposedly, transported to and examined. Having grown up in Dayton probably had something to do with my interest in military aviation.