Black Mesa: Source Delayed


Jul 6, 2003
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The team behind the Half-Life Remake mod - Black Mesa: Source just announced that their mod will not make a 2009 release. The mod has been in development for around 6 years now.

Cynics may now rejoice, bets may be collected, and I think a mod team member has to eat his shoe, but we hope our loyal fans will forgive us and realize that the delay will translate into a better final product that's (hopefully) more easily available to everyone.[br]

Once again we apologize for what has to be very disappointing news. We placed a 2009 deadline on ourselves to motivate us and bring this 6 year project to a close. And while we didn't quite make it, we have come very close, and you can expect a complete, polished game to hit your hard drives in the near future. We'll be sure and update if anything changes. Until then, hang tight, it's coming!

Oh well.
They are still better deadliners than Valve.
Oh lawd, we're all cynics.

And I indeed won a bet!

It´s coming? It's been coming for the last 6 years.
What a surprise, their redundant mod is being further delayed :LOL:
What joy. Let's increase the anticipation for what is already a disgustingly over-rated and over-anticipated remake.
They should just cancel it already. It's never going to get done. What are there, like, 3 people who even care about it?
They should just cancel it already. It's never going to get done. What are there, like, 3 people who even care about it?

What? I care the shit out of this mod! You just mind your own business alright?
What? I care the shit out of this mod! You just mind your own business alright?

I'm sure you will feel right at home, here:

Look, 111 pages devoted to nothing else but discussing a remake! I have little doubt it will be fun but, you know, it is so undeserving of the attention it gets. People herald it as the second coming of all mods. I mean, really, how obtuse can you get? They are merely updating an 11 year old game. There are so many other projects out there which are at least original and provide at least a certain level of creative ingenuity and innovation.

Nuff' said.
I'm sure you will feel right at home, here:

Look, 111 pages devoted to nothing else but discussing a remake! I have little doubt it will be fun but, you know, it is so undeserving of the attention it gets. People herald it as the second coming of all mods. I mean, really, how obtuse can you get? They are merely updating an 11 year old game. There are so many other projects out there which are at least original and provide at least a certain level of creative ingenuity and innovation.

Nuff' said.

Well, of course it's attention is undeserved in comparison to original mods, but you're clearly delusional if you think that a remake (and a remarkably well made one, from what can be seen thus far) of what amounts to most people on this forum and and steampowered's favourite game of all time is going to be attract anything other than mass hysteria and hype.

Clearly, people do care and with good cause.
Really, I need to know - which is the alt account?

Yes because it's impossible for two intelligent people to have the same opinion. I think YOU'RE the alt account.

Well, of course it's attention is undeserved in comparison to original mods, but you're clearly delusional if you think that a remake (and a remarkably well made one, from what can be seen thus far) of what amounts to most people on this forum and and steampowered's favourite game of all time is going to be attract anything other than mass hysteria and hype.

Clearly, people do care and with good cause.

I don't understand why. It's a flawed idea to begin with. It's not going to be able to recreate HL1 perfectly. If you want to play HL1, go play HL1. It's not like it's impossible to find, or won't run on new rigs. This project doesn't even serve as a good portfolio piece, because it takes nearly no creativity at all.
Clearly, people do care and with good cause.

I'm not disputing that. You didn't actually say anything that rebukes what I posted. Nonetheless, most people are idiots.

(and a remarkably well made one, from what can be seen thus far)

That is a remarkable assumption. I am genuinely curious as to how you've come to that conclusion. All we have seen are various screenshots of level design - which I admit look quite nice - and several seconds of actual gameplay footage. That is not enough to claim that it is 'remarkably well made'. That would be delusional.
Yes because it's impossible for two intelligent people to have the same opinion. I think YOU'RE the alt account.

Though the way you express that opinion would amount to some form of plagiarism. Sigh Yorick, do you not know how to properly reference your sources?

Though the way you express that opinion would amount to some form of plagiarism. Sigh Yorick, do you not know how to properly reference your sources?

You were probably too busy coming up with such a witty retort, (ROLLEYES), but I edited my previous post to pose an actual question in regards to this mod's apparent popularity.
but I edited my previous post to pose an actual question in regards to this mod's apparent popularity.

Well I answered the question of why the mod is so popular. It's just a matter of Half-Life fanboyism. I don't dispute that it's rather redudant, nor that it's frivolous to try and recreate the original experience. But that's not going to stop the legions who clamour over it and endlessly praise/scrunitize over every little morsel of media that is released. If I may make an obtuse comparison, it's tantamount to one remaking Citizen Kane or Casablanca.
Really, I need to know - which is the alt account?

Well, I don't give a shit either. I can always go back, and play Half-Life. Why people can't spend their time on something new, and original?
I like BMS! Who cares if it's a remake, it's one of the biggest and most ambitious mods out there with a massive team behind it. It's something I'm looking forward to in a huge way and despite what some others may think in this thread it has an absolutely enormous, gigantic, almighty and goliath following. People who don't even play Source mods know about BMS and are eagerly anticipating it. Hell, Chris_D is even waiting for it!

It's probably more to do with 'everyone loves this, lets do the opposite' syndrome since it kicks up a fuss.

Better to just get back to the mod itself. I knew it wasn't going to make this year, I hope that they haven't lost development momentum and dropped off and that the 'near future' is actually...near.
I can't imagine why any one would bother making something that Samon isn't interested in!
I used to care.

And then it never came out.
I used to care.

And then it never came out.
I always wonder about this kind of thought process. I don't spend every day waking up and thinking "BMS STILL ISN'T HERE!?"

I know it's working away quitely in the background, bit by bit, and one day it will hatch and we can all play it. Sure I'll watch the trailer occasionally or check out a new video on their youtube channel (TOW missile recently) but I'm happy to just wait with a pinch of excitement.

They don't owe us anything. They're not telling you to love it. It's just a huge project which has community-wide recognition driving it to centre stage. Some people would have you believe you are stupid to like it, or it's redundant to make the same game again on Source. OK, well that's a fine...but how often does a mod come along which everyone is keeping an eye on. Even those who don't play mods. There is a reason why its popular, and its because people want to play it and it looks pretty damn fun. You don't need to justify it any more than that for me, guys.
You could dissolve a human body in an hour in the cynicism that is present in this thread.
Everytime I hear someone mention BMS I remember that it's still not here. It used to sound really cool; yeah! A cool remake of HL1, awesome! But there is some point where you just lose faith that it's going to come. 'We're really close guys, stay tuned!' can only work for so long before disinterest starts to set in. Another example is Team Gizka, the KoTOR2 remake mod.

A different mod actually finished before them, and released an open copy. Now, once BMS has a solid release date, or they announce they're going to be releasing it within a week or something like that, sure, everyone will get excited. I'll be excited once they're done, and I'll play it. At this point, though, at six years, it's nearly on the level of DNF.
I don't know why people are excited for a game that we have all already played :/