Black Mesa: Source Update

jheaddon said:
We wanted to make surface tension big, it really should have been in the original if not for the engine limits. Not sure exactly how much bigger than dam is than the original, but it's a fair bit :)
How much bigger you ask? Think about somewhere around 400 scale feet. The actual screenshot was taken about 250 away.

(For contrast, the HL1 dam was under 100 scale feet.)
Well, the concept says "anomolous materials" so I'm guessing they're gonna put a screening process in as you enter the test chamber, much like in HL2 when you arrive at Black Mesa East.
That must obviously mean that it's approximately four times the size of the original Dam.

Intense. I love you, man.
25-30% done? That's great news. I was afraid this one might take years, and eventually fade away before getting finished. Of course, the last 5% always takes the longest... But if anyone can pull this off, the BM:S team looks like they're the ones.

Damn that's a nice dam ;).
We'll be opening up a newsletter service for anyone who wishes to signup soon, you'll receive up-to-date information on the mod and any new happenings, for example interviews, hot topic threads and of course media releases.

Sorry for dbl post
jheaddon said:
It's the first skinned model we have released, that was written pretty badly.
I broke the media page and mixed up my words! Give me a pat on the back now :p

RaBiD WeAzEL said:
That must obviously mean that it's approximately four times the size of the original Dam.

..hate to break it to you, but our dam is more then four times the original's size.
Is it just me, or are those finished, skinned aliens in the "Forgot about freeman screenshot, down in the lower left walkway ? Just something to ponder..thought it looked interesting.

i thought i saw something there

also that damn looks awesome... finally give that area a more "your there" realistic scale than what hl1 engine could do. Those are some very sexah displacements as well. Good work! Can't wait to see what you guys do with zen as the concept looks way cool :).
The Shawdows,sun, are in the wrong place(dam level). I wonder if they will also follow the way the shadows were or if they will just nake it their own way.
AgentXen said:
The Shawdows,sun, are in the wrong place(dam level). I wonder if they will also follow the way the shadows were or if they will just nake it their own way.

For the position of the sun, the shadows are not in the wrong place. Can you be more specific on what you are talking about please.
For that second screenshot on Forget About Freeman (top right), the area looks completely different. There aren't cases where the original used to be and theres a dumpster instead of crates on the left.

And wasn't it a Glock 17 in Half-Life? I might be wrong though and it's model looks excellent.
The shadows are cast from a light_environment and a sun respectively.

Do you mean that it's not accurate in relation to the HL1 level? I can't recall that having any form of sun at all, it just seemed to be flat and even light, no angles at all. There wasn't really a defined time of day, but it was most likely around noon. The shadows and sun portray this in this remake.
DoctorWeeTodd - We know about the glock and will be looking at it, thanks.

The dumpster and other props will be changed/added when we have them replaced/finished
Dear God, please let them finish this great MOD and don't make 'em give up :O
drgon47 said:
Is it just me, or are those finished, skinned aliens in the "Forgot about freeman screenshot, down in the lower left walkway ? Just something to ponder..thought it looked interesting.
I spotted something in one of the 'We got hostiles' screenshots. But I thought it looked more like Wile E Coyotte than one of those Vortigon things! :D
Quite literally, the code for Vortigaunts to be hostile towards the player is in there, just will require small tweaks to remove any chance of them being friendly.
yes...dont give up and I'd be happy to see a realease be4 christmas
Is there still that debate going on at the leakfree forums on how they shouldn't use the HL2 vort models because it looks too different from the original? The opponents of using the HL2 model came up with this theory that the slaves were actually deranged and mutated stalkers hence the bulging eye and quick madness. I need to visit again sometime.

Anyhoo...about my Glock comment: You shouldn't worry about it too much all Glocks look the same anyways and the 19 is just a shortened version of the 17.
Wouldn't say gods at all, but we do appreciate the comment :)

Any models (if any) we use from Half-Life 2 will be modified to suit the Half-Life environment and close resemble its Half-Life counterpart.
AgentXen said:
The Shawdows,sun, are in the wrong place(dam level). I wonder if they will also follow the way the shadows were or if they will just nake it their own way.

he is right, the sun needs to be in the same place as hl1 because there was a real timetable for that game, the shadows moved and went into the night as the game progressed over 3 days.
hl1 because there was a real timetable for that game, the shadows moved and went into the night as the game progressed over 3 days.
Shadows? Not in HL1(Were removed).l
What crosed my mind when looking at this fantastic pics is...... will this mod cost anyhting.... :D ?
Well, it's not like they have a choice in the matter :)
Like Pi said :) There are a lot of complications with regard to VALVe's IP and our modification.
I'm sure the donations will come flooding in once you release it, though :LOL: It's shaping up to be one of the greatest modifications ever, and that's saying something.
It's actually an updated area you will find on your travels through BMRF.
it reminds me of the doom 3 scanning area before you are let inside.
Operator said:
it reminds me of the doom 3 scanning area before you are let inside.

I guess it's the reimagined entrance to Anomalous Materials. I was replaying it again recently and was bothered that this rusty and ancient piece of equipment with exposed gears and locks was the entrance to one of the most high tech government facilities. I would like to see more added.

And why does the security guard have acess to the lab but not you? There should've at least been a retinal scanner in the center that you have to activate as well or a laser.
WTF is up with the dam, you're supposed to see the structure at the far end of the dam from the other side of it, at the end of forget freeman, and those huge chunks of rock make that impossible.

I hope i'm not the only one who realised that Surface Tension and Forget about Freeman are indeed a 10-kilometer long detour to get to the other side of the red door.