Black Mesa: Source Updates


Nov 18, 2004
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The talented team behind Black Mesa:Source has released an important update. Black Mesa:Source is a single player MOD that revisits Black Mesa, Source Engine style. In an attempt to keep the authenticity of Half Life, environments are modeled and textured very closely to the original. To keep the audience aware of this, screenshots are now being released with a "now and then" system. Not only is the BM:S screenshot being shown, but the original Half Life scene is included in the right hand corner to demonstrate its similar environment structure. Below are some images displaying this new feature[br]

[br]In other news, the Black Mesa:Source team is searching for experienced model skinners and texture artists. For more information, media and a place to apply for a position at Black Mesa:Source, visit their website and support them by registering on their forums!
That concept was posted before. :p
Although it is amazingly kickass.
Looking almost exactly like the original (map-wise) which is good.
SimonomiS said:
That concept was posted before. :p

It's not a concept, it's the high poly model :)

I recommend everyone heads over to LeakFree and checks out the rest of the media, some great work!
GonzoBabbleshit said:
It's not a concept, it's the high poly model :)

I recommend everyone heads over to LeakFree and checks out the rest of the media, some great work!

I'd love to see that in-game if my somewhat lame graphics card could manage it!
I am sorry if the model is somewhat old, but it looks so pretty I just had to post it ;)
Nice update, but I'd like them to use less HL2 props and remake the HL1 ones; for example the barrels.
Holy damn! This is a lot more promising than the previous media update! Niiiice!
I just wish I had the skills to help these guys out on this fantastic project :(
First mod I'm really looking forward to.
it looks great - there is no denying that, just a comment regarding the use hl2 textures.. the original mostly looks clean and crisp (although limited) where as hl2 was shown to be run down and dirty.

so i pose this question: will black mesa: source show a more run down version of black mesa, or will future media releases show black mesa as we saw it in the orginal hl? those hand railings are looking mighty runsted...
Insane said:
Nice update, but I'd like them to use less HL2 props and remake the HL1 ones; for example the barrels.

I'm pretty sure they're developing a lot of props, these are mostly placeholders.

test said:
will black mesa: source show a more run down version of black mesa, or will future media releases show black mesa as we saw it in the orginal hl?

This has been discussed on their forums a lot! I couldn't really tell you the outcome though to be honest. The team are listening to a lot of community suggestions though, so it may be worth signing up at the forums.

I just realised how much I sound like a member of the BMS team! :|
I dunno if this was posted before.. But whats the point of this mod? Will it be just the Black mesa levels in single player? Or will it be multiplayer? If its just single player, it would be a long shot but they should revamp all of hl1 to hl2s standards... that would be amazing :-) Id buy it
Yeah what I thought. Thats gonna be amazing. Going through the beauty of HL1 with good graphics :-) Yummy thanks for the answer
i z 3 r said:
I dunno if this was posted before.. But whats the point of this mod? Will it be just the Black mesa levels in single player? Or will it be multiplayer? If its just single player, it would be a long shot but they should revamp all of hl1 to hl2s standards... that would be amazing :-) Id buy it

well there's shots of the multiplayer level bounce in there, so i presume there are multiplayer plans.
It would be cool. HL1 Revamped Source Deathmatch...

or DM Classic Source which i think is hl2dm lol
BM:S is the most antipatced mod ever.. Im just waiting for Opposing source to kick off.. For us Adrian fans :D
Can't freaking wait for this mod.

Definetly the best sounding out of all of them.
Insane said:
Nice update, but I'd like them to use less HL2 props and remake the HL1 ones; for example the barrels.

They are placeholders whilst our props are being created, the same with textures and decals also :)

Thanks for the comments guys, much appreciated. There will be more to come soon.

Oh, and on the comments of multiplayer, Black Mesa: Source will have both a multiplayer deathmatch (and team deathmatch) and cooperative singleplayer modes. We aim to recreate the official HLDM levels, but this will have to take a back seat to the singleplayer side of the mod for now. But work is coming on, as you can see from the DM_Bounce shots.

Anymore questions feel free to contact me:
I guess you can't turn lights off in the HL2 engine? They completely ruined the idea of turning off the lights so you could go in the water to get into the vent :(

But everything else looks excellent. It's so neat to see how those unforgettable levels have been dramatically improved graphically. Bravo.

Edit: I can't wait to see the test chamber, and all the cool effects!! :O
test said:
it looks great - there is no denying that, just a comment regarding the use hl2 textures.. the original mostly looks clean and crisp (although limited) where as hl2 was shown to be run down and dirty.

so i pose this question: will black mesa: source show a more run down version of black mesa, or will future media releases show black mesa as we saw it in the orginal hl? those hand railings are looking mighty runsted...
Not excactly true. Remember, Black Mesa is a recommisioned 1960's era missle base- it should look run down! Of course some parts of it are new, but the rest should look old and rotting IMO.
somone should map crystal peak from T3 lol sorry off topic, but the millile base from the 60's gave me that idea
"Half-Life: Source done good."

Great media and i have to say this, ubercool website, especialy the intro :bounce:
This Mod has been in my sights for a long time. Love the updates and i agree that some parts (maintenance area's .ect) should be run down but other such as the lab shouldn't :) just my 2 cents. keep up the great work!
Great always. Been saying that far too much this week, but it's a good thing...
I think they should work with Valve! really! Valve could pay them and together they'll change the shitty HL:S into BM:S! :)
But anyway, BM:S looks great! keep up the good work! :)