Black Mesa: Source Updates

god that looks good ! :D:D i wanna play now !
Play4Fun said:
I think they should work with Valve! really! Valve could pay them and together they'll change the shitty HL:S into BM:S! :)
But anyway, BM:S looks great! keep up the good work! :)

Yeah I thought this as well. Though I don't think Valve would be that keen on funding something they can't make extra money from, but they could at least host it on Steam when it's done.
From the replies we've had from VALVe so far I doubt they'd support us much :)
I don't know why. I would seriously buy it. I think there making a marketing mistake...
Looks great. The early screenshots left me a bit skeptical, but these new images are fantastic!
As much as we'd love their support and help, they'd just rather we created something "original".
That's crazy. You're saving them the trouble of re-doing the textures, maps, and models to make a truly worthy HL:S(not the simple port they did) and you guys look like you're doing a fantastic job of it. I really, really, hope Valve doesn't drop the hammer on you guys and stop you from completing it like 3DR did with the guys doing the DN3D upgrade.
I don't see how they can actually shut this down. It's a free community...what can they do to stop you? Even if they do, everyone will hate them for it.

They're just pissed off that Black Mesa: Source is going to be so much better than that HL: Source bullshit they tried to make you pay for.

They legally can drop the hammer on us, I am quite sure. After all, we are using their Intellectual Properties so basically everything we make... is legally theirs. At least, that's how I understand it ;)
Well if they tell you that you have to shut down... I will stop playing HL2 all together. I might even want to start a petition to get them to leave you guys alone, or organise a boycot. If they shut you down. Thats outrageous.. Their just jelious they sat on their butts and didn't make a good HL:S
Valve is very supportive of the mod community iz3r, you make it sound like they have shut us down! :P
Well Im just saying if they did shut this down. It wouldn;t go down lightly! :-)
Who ever said something about shutting BM:S down? They said themselves that they looked forwars to people that redo HL1 completely.
i z 3 r - Yes all of our maps are being made from scratch, of course we are using HL1's maps for reference, but we have a great concept artist who is giving us perspective images of everything we need. Will probably get to see all of these in our Nostalgia project :)

MadGuy - Afraid not, may have the playable beta versions by then, but nothing public worthy :(
uhh the SS are valve retail worthy buddy, you underestimate yourself. just keep up the beautiful work! we can't wait for your mod, and don't worry we got your back :-)
Legally, I think Valve can't support this mod simply because you're blatantly infringing on their intellectual properties. However, I can bet you everyone there is looking forward to this just as much as we are. I'd say there's almost a zero percent chance of them actually shutting you down...

This mod looks great, despite the gritty textures that everyone complains about. (Labs are pristine! This is a state of the art base!) But it seems like you're working on that, and this looks great. I can only hope you're going to retain HL's AI system instead of HL2's, which was great for ally AI but terrible for soldiers? Or perhaps a combination of the two?
Valve wil not close this mod down. I even remember reading in an interview that they expected that a mod team would do a real remake of HL for Source.
On the issue of Valve shutting down Black Mesa: Source, I would like to say a few things. Firstly, many developers here at Black Mesa: Source have gotten over Valve being involved with the project. We would welcome Valve's involvement, but we have all sat down and planned BMS for us, the developers, doing it 100% on our own. Secondly is that it would not prove beneficial to ANYONE/ANY PARTIES involved to do so. Valve would have a good portion of the community hounding them, we would be out of a promising modificaiton and the community would be quite upset (or so I am gathering from everyone here).

They have the power to shut us down: plain and simple. It is there engine and they can simply say we are not allowed to release the modification to their engine, or crack us down using IP Infringement, et cetera. The thing is that Valve cannot support us, it is that plain and simple. They can watch from the side-lines, but they need to keep their distance because if they got involved with us, or Fortress-Forever, et cetera, they would be giving us the all-clear in terms of development of their original property, which may be translated into something else for someone else and suddenly you have a major IP Infringement by a modification. If Valve were to shut them down, they would come back and say "why didn't you shut BMS down" and so on.

In other words, while Valve may not be publicly supporting us, I would like to think that they are looking forward to what we release and make. It would be really cool to know that, after releasing BMS, Valve gave us the "thumbs-up" on a job-well-done.

Yes, the last individual also brought up a good point. They EXPECTED the community to come out and remake the Source-ports because they know that we would want better.
Garg have one middle small arm as far as i know?

or it wasthose parasite shooting things..
Those shots are like Affleck.

And Affleck was the BOMB in phantoms yo.