Black Mesa: Source \\ Website UP!

Some downtime now avoids a lot of downtime later. Our host has been very gracious and has been updating the server in which we have been placed on!

We hope you'll stop by and thank them.
For future reference the reason some people could see the site and others not is the way the updated name server propagate across the internet, some areas get it before others. This is something that has nothing to do with the website or its owner.
Wow you guys really like bms...
Yeah I'm getting that "Host will be up within 10 minutes" thing too.
Sorry we're still trying to resolve some issues, not sure why the site says ten minutes actually..
i solved the website "This host will be up within 10 minutes" issue deleting cache (CTRL+F5)
just to inform you :p
I'm still getting the "Host will be up in 10 minutes" message, although works for me now.
operative lm said:
I'm still getting the "Host will be up in 10 minutes" message, although works for me now.

have you tried to use CTRL+F5? if it doesn't wok try to delete all you have in cache using firefox/IE menù.
Is the website up? Because I'm getting shit all ere
Heh, works for me too now. Just clicked the link and it worked. Didn't even have to do anything. :O