Black mesa source


Oct 13, 2007
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No Flamage plz, i havent been on in forever, but what is black mesa source anywho? is it a remake of hl1?
yes, it is.
Wikipedia said:
Black Mesa (previously known as "Black Mesa: Source") is a third-party total conversion mod for Half-Life 2. The ultimate goal of the mod is to recreate the original Half-Life from the ground up, using the advanced capabilities of the Source engine, the improved graphics quality of Half-Life 2 and enhanced character AI, to create a new and more engrossing in-game world by introducing more varied, complex environments and more challenging, realistic gameplay.
I'm so used to Alyx bugging the shit out of me during playing it will be weird to play a source based HL where she isn't even old enough to understand the inspired design and function of the crowbar.... :imu:
As long as we get some memorable tag-along barney moments. I'll be fully satisfied.
No Flamage plz, i havent been on in forever, but what is black mesa source anywho? is it a remake of hl1?

Black Mesa Source is not a remake of HL1. Don't listen to these liars.

Black Mesa Source is another expansion to the original HL1 where you take the position of young Alyx Vance. You befriend the G-man because he has your favorite candy and juice. Little does your naive mind realize, but the delicious blue juice you just drank was actually Windex.

You become very sick, deathly ill, and it is up to you and a more primitive form of DOG to find some Syrup of Icecac to make you vomit in the medic station before you die.

Upon finishing your quest, you realize it was G-man testing your intelligence and physical strength to see if you were a worthy asset to his collection of survivors against all odds.
Will you get the Windex out of your system in time?

Good luck!
Hahah. Thought you were being serious at first. :p

Should've searched already.

Was playing HL again last night. So awwwesome. Wanna keep playing
I can't wait for it. I wish it was now.

For the OP, you've seen the teaser trailer haven't you?

It gives me chills. HL games have a deep rooted emotional/mental impact on me for some reason.
Omg! I've never seen that trailer before! Or at least, not with the sound.

It gives me chills :D
Do you think they'll get the people that are currently voicing Eli, Isaac and Magnusson to come and do the voice's in this game?
To be perfectly honest, I'll doubt it.

They will probably try and get some voice actors who have a near-perfect representation of what the characters voices were.
This women on the forum by the name of CatzEyes, I think did her own rendition of the Black Mesa Tram Information woman. I have to say it was very high-quality stuff.
You can't sell modifications. That is illegal and Valve will bans you.
I've sold hundreads of geneticly modified pets and I havent gotten into anytrouble.
You can't sell modifications. That is illegal and Valve will bans you.

Unless Valve buys it, in which I wouldn't care if they did at all, I'd still purchase it.
Maybe throw it in with an Ep.3 package deal :D
I think you can sell mods ( total conversion mods )... as long as you have rights to the engine, but i think in this case, they would need the rights to the title, the engine, the logo, the characters...and just about everything else that goes along with the half life series. And some how I just dont think Valve is going to put that up for sale any time soon.
It'd be a bummer if they did put a price on it. Would be nice to give it away as a nicity to the fans.

Is it an expansion pack? (ie. do you require HL2/Ep1?)
Yeah, it will require HL2 at least. Also Counter Strike: Source. I believe they're working off the Episode 1 build atm.
... I never quite understood that myself, but I guess they've got their reasons.


Just did a little searching over there and cman2k (project leader) had this to say about it:

Just to clarify, you could certainly install Black Mesa and probrably even load it up without having CS. However, the CS content won't load, meaning there will be pink&black checkerboard textures and big ERROR props all over the place.

Some parts of the game would probrably be worse than others, and you might even be able to play through it without burning your retinas, but it certainly wouldn't be the full experience we prepared for you.
Aah, textures. Wait, why can't they include those textures in the game...?
They need to get licence to use every css texture.
That would be nice if Valve distribute it by Steam as GCF files.
Best mod, ever!

This mod is going to smash all other previous mods up into little tiny peices.
They're really, really slow, I thought it would out ages ago!

I hope they update the engine as they go along, because the HL2 engine is starting to get outdated for new games.
Best mod, ever!

This mod is going to smash all other previous mods up into little tiny peices.

Yeah its funny you say that about something that isn't even released. Keep up that attitude smart guy.
It's just the expectation for this Mod is so high, its ridiculous.

This 'mod' is near-, if not completely, professional level material. I am pretty sure there are professionals on the BM Dev team as well (not saying however that there aren't rookies on the team as well; there are). To the way they they seem to be working on it (like a real Dev. team), to there communication with the future players is top-notch.

Yes, I am really anticipating Black Mesa. Everything seems to be going great. Now of course, the voice acting could be horrible, along with gameplay. But looking at how the dev team is working, I highly doubt it. As for those who say they are taking a long time - yea they are. It's comparable to the time Valve spent on their Half-Life titles. This isn't just like some random failure of a mod by some twelve year old and his friends.

They are focused on a quality game.
from what I've seen though, it does look nice, but a lot of those render shots are just that... renders, real time doesnt always come out as nice
They're really, really slow, I thought it would out ages ago!

I hope they update the engine as they go along, because the HL2 engine is starting to get outdated for new games.

Eh, you gotta think that the mod is gonna be quality if they walk in the original developers footsteps :p
Woah there cowboy. It's a mod. Lay off the hyperbole a little.

(Welcome to the forums though!)

Alright, a little too much. But you do have to admit they seem to be handling everything professionally. And thanks :)