Black Mesa: Source



Black Mesa: Source is a fully pledged modification founded by the LeakFree Source Engine Development Community. Those involved with the project want to make the Black Mesa Research Facility a place to be known far and wide as Gordon's fruitful beginning and what better way to demonstrate that love, but to recreate the game that formed one of the largest gaming communities in the world.

Black Mesa: Source is a Half-Life 2 modification determined to recreate Half-Life 1 on the Source Engine from the ground up, keeping the original as much intact as it possibly can meaning plotlines, concepts, ideas, level layouts, characters, weapons and monsters will be left the same, except with MASSIVE graphical improvements. We intend to increase polycounts on monsters, weapons, NPCs, weapons and more and put forth the Black Mesa Research Facility the way it was meant to be seen and to give players the chance to fight the battle the way it was meant to be fought. Chapters and the Facility itself will be rebuilt from the ground up with care taken to keep most of the areas the same, but with major improvements in design, architexture, and more.

If you feel you have the dedication and talent to help out with this modification, drop a line in these forums with some previous work. If you have any ideas, suggestions, comments or more feel free to also drop us a line. Everything is well accepted.
I don't have any experiance with any mod.

But are you going to recreate every level up from scratch?

How long is this expecting to take?
MeanWhile said:
Those involved with the project want to make the Black Mesa Research Facility a place to be known far and wide as Gordon's fruitful beginning and what better way to demonstrate that love, but to recreate the game that formed one of the largest gaming communities in the world.
But it's already known as that, isn't it? What the?

You have the opportunity to create something completely original, using a solid game engine, but you're going to redo HL1? It seems like a massive undertaking with very little payoff, innit?
Well, many people want to see the recreation of HL1 on Source because Valve just didn't do a very good job on it. They want to be able to interact and see Black Mesa in full-blown physics and full-blown graphics. All in all, there has already been a lot of support for Black Mesa: Source and I think the project is less about originality and more about recreation. We're also looking for more talented modellers, so if you know anyone (or are a talented modeller yourself) drop us a line over at the LeakFree BM: S forums!
Is there a running count on how many mods are remaking HL1 yet?

I'm just curious.
Oh ya, I remember you. You're the guy who tried to advertise your little site on hl2 world and according to you, provide our members with an "alternative." In other words you tried to get free advertising on popular site in an attempt to steal members without asking for permission first. Then when we offered to work with your site you said you didn't want to be associated with us.

So you don't want to be associated, except when you want us to provide you with free advertising right?

Sorry, but that was very unprofessional behavior for a site operator and I for one wouldn't want to be on any mod team you are leading.

Oh and sorry to tell you, but you're a bit late. This mod is already being done by a team here:
Neutrino, I believe the people who were discussing doing something similar, here on, joined up with "MeanWhile" and others, over at their site (LeakFree).
rkef said:
Neutrino, I believe the people who were discussing doing something similar, here on, joined up with "MeanWhile" and others, over at their site (LeakFree).

Ah, too bad. Oh well, I wish them luck then.
Neutrino said:
Oh ya, I remember you. You're the guy who tried to advertise your little site on hl2 world and according to you, provide our members with an "alternative." In other words you tried to get free advertising on popular site in an attempt to steal members without asking for permission first. Then when we offered to work with your site you said you didn't want to be associated with us.

So you don't want to be associated, except when you want us to provide you with free advertising right?

Sorry, but that was very unprofessional behavior for a site operator and I for one wouldn't want to be on any mod team you are leading.

Oh and sorry to tell you, but you're a bit late. This mod is already being done by a team here:

Although I don't think this is an appropriate discussion having here I do feel that I have to respond to this, since it seems like you're out to create a bad reputation about both our website and this mod.

If you want to talk about professional, it seems that you forgot to mention that the post I made at HL2World got edited by a moderator who basically wrote something like "omg hl2world is so l337". My post was a legitimate attempt to find some people to work on the mod and write tutorials, it's not like it's common to ask for permission to make such posts on any forum. I did the same thing on this forum and no one gave me shit for it. Oh, and one more thing considering professional, which community was it that made tutorials on how to use the leaked tools? Which community spread maps created with the leaked tools? Yeah, that's HL2World.

If you have anything more to say to me take it in a PM because I don't want to ruin this thread with petty bickering.

Oh, and BTW: I'm not leading the mod, and that other mod you speak about, was started after Black Mesa: Source. And I for one don't think it matters if there's several of these mods.