Black Mesa: Vaporware


Sucked so much dick for this title
Aug 29, 2006
Reaction score


I wonder if there is going to be kill streaks and blue filter.
delays incoming

and then terrible modern gaming influences

edit: for anyone thinking "oh boy, i finally get to see why they kept xen a secret!", nope:

On September 14th you will see the first release of Black Mesa! This will include our re-envisioning of Half-Life all the way up to Lambda Core.
Gosh, it must be tough to have the biggest HL fan site (we are still the biggest, aren't we?) react this poorly.
I'm looking forward to playing this, though it's not what I had hoped it would be. Countdown timers are also always disappointing. It'll probably just end with a media release.
I'm looking forward to playing this, though it's not what I had hoped it would be. Countdown timers are also always disappointing. It'll probably just end with a media release.
It's apparently a full release of the single-player portion up of everything except for the Xen levels.

  • On September 14th you will see the first release of Black Mesa! This will include our re-envisioning of Half-Life all the way up to Lambda Core. We believe this is a great way to provide a complete-feeling 8-10 hour experience with a solid ending, make our fans happy and help us make the best overall game possible.

I'm very much looking forward to this. Just a few days left!

Also, I don't think that the title "Black Mesa: Vaporware" of this topic is appropriate for these news. It may be humor (?) but in that case it's of bad taste.
Who cares about small modifications (iron sight for the .44, for example), which can be disabled in the options...
Betting on a delay here,in typical HL games fasion! :D
Really looking forward of playing this(pr anything new HL related for that matter)
I do think i will replay it a couple of times so the wait to HL3 passes sooner...
So a question,what do you think will come earlier HL3 or the second part of BMS???
I'm not sure on how they thought it to be a great idea to add to the gameplay by complying with standards of modern combat sim's. Honestly I was kind of outraged to witness skewed vision while strafing and ironsights, which also implies decreased hip-fire accuracy. It sure is Half-life but those elements weren't needed to express that it is contemporary.
and ironsights, which also implies decreased hip-fire accuracy. It sure is Half-life but those elements weren't needed to express that it is contemporary.

Ironsight for the .44 only, as a way to zoom with the gun like in HLDM. And you can disable it if you want. The devteam says every "modern" modification will be just an option.
complying with standards of modern combat sim's.
No it's not? Adding the iron sights feels like something from typical military shooters I agree, but it actually has some purpose and is only for one weapon to make it feel more satisfying. How does this detail make it "complying with standards"?
Also iron sights and shit aren't from modern combat sims. They're from any modern shooter game from the past decade, not just sims.
I'm finding it really humorous how people are stressing out over this whole "iron sight" business. It's one small minute feature in an entire game. I'm reserving my judgement until I play the game.
Also iron sights and shit aren't from modern combat sims. They're from any modern shooter game from the past decade, not just sims.
Is there even any other recent military sim FPS besides arma?
Something seems suspicious, the dev team have always said they would release the mod only when the whole singleplayer experience was complete. They have seen enourmous pressure from the community sure, but thats expected given the development time, a few extra months isn't going to change that. Given Xen is being released later on, I suspect they are being rushed to release it to coincide with a ARG for a special announcement after sept 14th; otherwise why have a countdown timer? Just announcement a day or two before the release date.
I mean come on, The Sims doesn't even have guns.

It totally should, though. Someone should mod it.

Anxious to see what they've come up with. A shame it doesn't include Xen, but it should just be a short 8 year wait until we see it.
I'm sick of all of you being so negative, just shitting all over the great work the developers have been doing without any profit.
I think it looks amazing, and can't wait to play it. I am completely in love with the soundtrack.
Gosh, it must be tough to have the biggest HL fan site (we are still the biggest, aren't we?) react this poorly.

We built Black Mesa for the love and passion of the Half Life franchise. Our goal is not to win everyone over and eat up all the positive reactions. We are just so extremely happy and proud to be releasing this mod in itself. That alone made this worth doing. It's a blessing to have wonderful "constructive criticism" whenever we get it.

Also to your question, Black Mesa's forums has more concurrent users just discussing Half-Life on a slow day alongside active users, even after 3 hard drive crashes without backups.
Given Xen is being released later on, I suspect they are being rushed to release it to coincide with a ARG for a special announcement after sept 14th; otherwise why have a countdown timer? Just announcement a day or two before the release date.

Not everything has to be an ARG.

And why are they releasing? I suspect they are noticing how their "release when we are done" policy has damaged their brand. A few years ago the leak we did would have garnered massive press response, and an outpouring of support and slavering fans. Instead they got relatively limited coverage and on top of that the reactions were some positive, some negative, and worse many unaffected. So they either need to get this out NOW, or no one is going to really care when they finally do. On top of the fact that the longer they wait the more their content ages and has to get redone.

Now, I want to also clarify that the people working on this project are all very likely talented. I am extremely fortunate enough to know some and for those I know, it gives me faith in their particular sectors of the mod. However, the leadership and PR has been horrendously botched in my opinion. At this point, no matter how good something in it is people will have in the back of their mind "Well it had better have been good, they spent a decade on it!" and if something is bad, "Why did it take them so damn long then?"

I have a feeling if Black Mesa Source does not come out to absolute rave reviews fitting for a mod that has been in development for so incredibly long, that the team might start abandoning the leadership before Xen can be properly completed.
We built Black Mesa for the love and passion of the Half Life franchise. Our goal is not to win everyone over and eat up all the positive reactions. We are just so extremely happy and proud to be releasing this mod in itself. That alone made this worth doing. It's a blessing to have wonderful "constructive criticism" whenever we get it.

Also to your question, Black Mesa's forums has more concurrent users just discussing Half-Life on a slow day alongside active users, even after 3 hard drive crashes without backups.

Don't take offense...
Vegeta897 is kind of this extremely conservative grumpy old man around here, when it comes to videogames.
While he has done many things for the community, his mind seems to be rather closed.

You gotta give him points for the picture.
Also my reaction to the release date:
No it's not? Adding the iron sights feels like something from typical military shooters I agree, but it actually has some purpose and is only for one weapon to make it feel more satisfying. How does this detail make it "complying with standards"?

Ironsights are simply standard for the modern semi-realistic shooter of this generation. Half-life is not of this generation. Option or not, they didn't necessarily have to explain the reason for the scope by betraying nostalgia and adding a modern cliche.
I'm sick of all of you being so negative, just shitting all over the great work the developers have been doing without any profit.
I think it looks amazing, and can't wait to play it. I am completely in love with the soundtrack.
It's called criticism. This post equates to "stop disliking what I like".
Ironsights are simply standard for the modern semi-realistic shooter of this generation. Half-life is not of this generation. Option or not, they didn't necessarily have to explain the reason for the scope by betraying nostalgia and adding a modern cliche.
Right, like I said I'm not arguing that it isn't something inspired by modern FPS games. But what you said is that that feature made the game conforming to modern FPS standards... which is just a huge overstatement.
I'm sick of all of you being so negative, just shitting all over the great work the developers have been doing without any profit.
I think it looks amazing, and can't wait to play it. I am completely in love with the soundtrack.

I'm a jaded gamer, deal with it.

And why is this in half-life,and not in game modification???
It's not like this is related to half life or anything, **** no!
Can playing as John Freeman instead of Gordon be disabled in options?
Judging from all the silly voting going on in this thread, I bet this is measurably the most controversial thread in the history of the feature.

Also, thank gOD for this mod. I want to play it and it looks like a lot of fun, and I encourage you all to join me. As a disclaimer, it's worth mentioning that I still bet on Duke.
I can't believe the mod is actually coming out. It is only because of that I even knew about Black Mesa Source oh so many years ago. But to be honest, I had considered it a lost cause so long ago. But now its coming out soon, and on my day off too. I know it can't live up to everyone's expectations (including mine) but I'll be damned if I'll let that get in the way of my fun. Wish Xen was in there, but at this point I'll take what I can get.
And now they've put it up on Steam's Greenlight. Steam community appears to be down, but the game's at 25% right now so they could use any vote.

Here's the LINK