Black Prophecy: Space Sim MMO beta key giveaway

Thanks! Been waiting so long for those assholes to give me a key.
Man, this game is doing a bad job of impressing me. I read some reviews earlier about it not truly being a space sim, and more so just a flight combat sim with a few rpg elements. So I told myself this wasn't going to be a multiplayer X3, I just had to get over that. Regardless, even as a game purely about combat and action, it is boringgg. Despite the setup taking forever, once you actually start the game, jesus christ, such a boring into. It takes like 20-30 minutes to actually get into a spaceship, because at first they show you some weak, drawn out tutorial as you man a slow, boring, turret, which is also interrupted by super boring cutscenes. Then, once you finally get into a ship, after watching another really, really boring cutscene about something you don't care about, you get to fly about fifty feet, but suddenly, not even a full minute flying in this ship, a cutscene... So I guess this game really wants us to see that there is some story to this game, but it's a pretty boring one, that I don't care about at all. I'm just flying around, shooting at guys for I don't know what reason. I don't know who I am trying to protect, or why. I don't care about anything that is going on.

People have been complaining about the lack of trading, exploring, and mining in this game, because these are all elements that make space sims immersive. The development team seems to always have the same stubborn answer; that this game is meant to be a fast paced shooter. Essentially they are saying they have no intention of implementing such mechanics because they want it to be pure action with all the "boring" elements removed. I think their understanding of what would make this game fun is totally wrong, and it shows by the number of people who find this game repetitive and boring as shit. So if it is a pure action flight sim, whatever, I at least expect to be sold on the action. So far the game can't even do that, the sounds are so dull and generic, and the actual combat feels so static. Maybe I am judging it too quickly, maybe the game will improve as I go on, but so far, mehhh.
Never heard of this game. Your post talking about it supposedly being a sim made me think it was trying to compete with EVE, so I figured it was doomed, regardless of the rest of the issues you had with it. I watched a trailer anyways, so see what it looked like, and yeah, I cant see how that could be considered a sim. That said, I'm actually interested in it now, after seeing the words "free to play" on the end of the trailer. I'll keep my eye on this.
Jumpgate Evolution sounds like it was set out to do that somewhat, but there has been zero news since 2009 :|
Jumpgate Evolution is dead as far as i know. NetDevil has recently been acquired by another company and laid off most of its staff. I think that Codemasters even sued them for not delivering the game on time. It's a shame because i really liked their short lived mmo, Auto Assault.

Anyway. This game is a space combat simulator. Not a space simulation game. If you're looking for another "Spreadsheet Online" space simulator with headache inducing grinding, this ain't it. It's more like Freelancer than the X games. The presentation is rather well done. I am really digging the orchestral music and the overall atmosphere of the game. Visuals aren't too shabby either. The ships do feel a bit static but they can easily address this. It's still in beta and games like this always have room for growth and improvement. I have only played it for a little bit. So, i can't really comment on the RPG aspect of it. The voice acting could definitely use some better talent though.
*Sigh* why do people believe that it's either a Freelancer type game, or EVE Online type game, when it comes to Space sims? Why can't their be a middle ground? Why can't we have a game that allows you fast paced combat, but also the ability to trade, mine, and explore? The two aren't incompatible, but for some reason everyone has this idea if we include a secondary play style "OH MY GOD IT'S GOING TO BE LIKE MICROSOFT EXCEL THE VIDEO GAME."
Has anyone played Evochron Mercenary? I just read about it today, it boasts a lot of desirable features, including Multiplayer and planetary descent.

If you like space trader games like Freelancer, X3, or even EVE... this might be a good game for you. While it may not have the depth of control like X3, it certainly is a bit easier to learn and play... which made it more fun for me. The multiplayer component is what truly helps this game earn a 9, and not just an 8. The available internet servers allow for friends to jump in together using their saved profile from the single player game, so you don't have to worry about managing multiple players. If you prefer to host your own server, you can go ahead and throw one up for your friends to connect using Direct IP. While most might recommend EVE for multiplayer, I'm there to have fun... not worry about how another player's actions might affect me. Combat is fast and very active on the user's part, mining is simple and easy to do to earn some good cash, and the economy of the different star systems is affected by what happens in the world. Overall I find this to be a great game that sits just right when games like X3 appear overly much..
Trying to give this game another shot. Has anyone played a lot of Black Prophecy? Is there actually a good multiplayer component or is it mostly just soloing? Was hoping for some open PVP maybe..
Tried it a few weeks back. Didnt get very far, but the solo stuff wasnt that good. There were some people forming groups, but the servers seemed pretty empty.
Ah, maybe I'll just uninstall it then. Started my first mission and it is indeed pretty boring. Shame because a lot of work went into this for a free-to-play.
it's very similiar to the space parts in Star Trek Online. it just seems empty and quests are repetitive