Black Props In Hammer!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


Jul 23, 2005
Reaction score
hiya guys,

just wondering...on my mates laptop his props in hammer are full textured and everything. But on my laptop all my props are black!?!?!?(only in 3d view not browser) :flame:

Does ANYONE know why this is happening? It is really fustrating

Just if you need to know i have a better system then him.:D
Like in your other thread.
Cards that don't support DX 9 wont properly shade entities when you have mat_fullbright on. So you have to compile rad.
Radeon IGP 345M and yes i have it on 32bit colour
[offtopic] Your signature truly suits your nick :) Could you please use a less huge fontsize for signatures? Forum signatures should never be forcing themselves upon other readers! [/offtopic]
I highly doubt the Radeon IGP 345M is good for gaming at all, and I doubt even more it supports dx9.
Is this signature better for you Geronimous ?
the card may run dx9 but that dosent mean it supports it
Spam said:
Is this signature better for you Geronimous ?
defenately...thanks dude :) if everyone would be as friendly as you are the world would be a better place :imu:

So did you fix the black props?
no, i can live without the props being black i suppose, they appear fine in game. I have noticed that they are not entirly black, they have a blue shine to them.