Black sucks


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
Well, according to EGM.

6.5 6.0 and 8.0

Damian Lin said:
Black is gun porn.
I've shot a grand total of one firearm in my life, an MP5...and firing an MP4 in Black is altogether more exciting, violent, and visceral than the real deal. Divots pop up from the dirt, wood splinters and explodes, the graveston an enemy cowers behind disintegrates into dust.

...-that's satisfying. It also makes for a nice story to tell the grandkids when you're senile and the less than five hours it took you to beat Black are seared into your brain. Oh yeah, it's kind of short. And forget about multiplayer; there isn't any.

That Guy...Again? Getting to know all of Black's five enemies

Good: Explosions, explosions, explosions
Bad: No multiplayer, short single-player game
You'd Think: In a game about guns, there'd be a few more
When I saw my friend playing it, it looked horrible as hell.

HAHAHAHA. My friend keeps telling me that the game is 70 hours long when I've read nearly everywhere that the game is 5-7 hours.
i enjoyed it even though it could use a multiplayer, but this game is a trilogy so there is improvments on the next one
It doesn't suck. It makes for a great rental, I enjoyed the hell out of it. If it was longer and had multiplayer then it would have been truly amazing.
smwScott said:
It doesn't suck. It makes for a great rental, I enjoyed the hell out of it. If it was longer and had multiplayer then it would have been truly amazing.
How long did it take you to beat it?
it doesn't suck, it's quite fun and these people who are saying it's short, what difficulity did you play it on ?
Shamrock said:
How long did it take you to beat it?

About 6 hours. I know it's short as hell and I would never recommend buying it, but it's the ultimate rental. It really is a very fun game and I liked it a lot.
A very average game that failed to live up to expectations. Its just gun porn, and thats enough in todays games.
I saw a vid, I'm still contemplating how a klashnikov could obliterate stone columns, to the point where half the building gets destroyed
I rented it, the first four levels where fun as hell[especially the third] but then I couldn't bring myself to finish the fifth levels since it was so repetitive.
I saw a vid, I'm still contemplating how a klashnikov could obliterate stone columns, to the point where half the building gets destroyed
It doesn't. If you mean the museum in the city streets, it blew up an explosive barrel, destroying the columns. Sure beats the Hell outta most games I've played recently.
Best Xbox FPS game ever

But when it comes to Black as a game, it's about 4 hours long and really boring near the end
Dalamari said:
Best Xbox FPS game ever

Theres a ton of Xbox games out there better than Black
And as much as I hate to say it, one of them is Halo. :p
Samon said:
Theres a ton of Xbox games out there better than Black
And as much as I hate to say it, one of them is Halo. :p

meh halo kind of sucked also
Yes, Halo is not great. It is infact, very average. But that says very little for Black.
Samon said:
Yes, Half Life 2 is not great. It is infact, very average. But that says very little for [games like] Quake 4.
gosh, this forum is fun. :P
thanks for the headsup, now I don't have to waste my money and time on this trash
I was wondering, how many of you people that seem to dislike/hate the game have played it? Because while it's far from the greatest game ever, it is a very competent shooter with very interactive environments and decent gameplay. There just isn't a whole lot to hate about it. Pretty much everyone I've heard talk about it has re-iterated the "it's fun while it lasts" sentiment. Maybe it's because expectations were too high.
smwScott said:
I was wondering, how many of you people that seem to dislike/hate the game have played it? Because while it's far from the greatest game ever, it is a very competent shooter with very interactive environments and decent gameplay. There just isn't a whole lot to hate about it. Pretty much everyone I've heard talk about it has re-iterated the "it's fun while it lasts" sentiment. Maybe it's because expectations were too high.

I've played it from start to finish, pretty much. Its very, very dull. Its got repetitive gameplay with about as much innovation as Doom 3, you've got dull level design and whats more - its got no story, no decent dialouge and nothing to keep you clinging on to the complete farse of a finale.

JNightshade said:
Best fps ever.
Best game would be Ocarina of Time.

I disagree, as I think all Zelda games are meh.
halo is only popular for the multiplayer but then again that gets really boring unless your doing like lan or something
giant384 said:
halo is only popular for the multiplayer but then again that gets really boring unless your doing like lan or something

When else would you do Multiplayer? By yourself? :rolleyes:
Samon said:
I've played it from start to finish, pretty much. Its very, very dull. Its got repetitive gameplay with about as much innovation as Doom 3, you've got dull level design and whats more - its got no story, no decent dialouge and nothing to keep you clinging on to the complete farse of a finale.

Fair enough. The game was a one trick pony, so by it's very design it was repetitive. However it was short enough to make it worth playing through to the end without getting too irritating IMO. To be honest I too was tired of it by the end, but it was still definitely worth playing through.

Doom 3 is a very good example. Both relied heavily on their graphics and a gimmick, in Dooms case it was cheap scares and in Black it was blowing shit up. The difference is that Doom dragged on far past it had worn its concept thin while Black was over before the gimmick outstayed its welcome.
Although i still think it is still kinda fun just going through and blowing shit up over again, I agree with you on that. Let's hope they improve Black when the other 2 come out.
Black is the perfect rental game. Short and sweet. I enjoyed it a lot. Complaining about Black is like complaining that Final Fantasy is too long and slow. Black was made to fit a niche, a fast, exciting and explosive shooter and it delivered exactly that.

If my SAW destroys half and building, so what? I just destroyed half a freakin building! In this day and age where rocket launchers can't even blow up static car models Black was a refreshing experience. I don't want to start about Halo, the vehicles couldn't even explode until the second game.
An EA Games masterpiece!

Black is probably the most stunning EA game ever. The visuals are so stunning for the Xbox. Although I love playing online, Black should definately be focused on an intense single player experience. Black is exactly what I've been looking for. Black #1 shooter of the year for Xbox.
Erestheux said:
Black should definately be focused on an intense single player experience.

I only wish they managed that first time round :P
i was initially a bit dissapointed with the game's short length, however, then i replayed it on hard and black ops modes and i can say that the enjoyment is truely in the replay value. ...until you get bored of that, that is :rolleyes: plus the graphics are pretty damn good for a PS2 game.