Black Vacuum Mod needs a wee bit of help!


Aug 1, 2004
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Howdy nice peoples of! As some of yu might be aware, I have been working on a mod-type thing. I released a gameplay prototype, you can see HERE.

Mods called black-vacuum, takes place in space, yada-yada. Well, to continue, I need a little bit of help with some models.

Reason is, I am trying to get it so you can go upside down and all that fun stuff while in space. I succeeded, by making the "Jesus" pose the default pose. The jesus pose rotates at its feet, AND the place your field of view is stays in the same place. Meaning that when you flip upside down, your view is about 5 feet above your model, if that makes any sense.

Long story short, I need a model who's point of origen is at the head. Anybody who wants to help would be greatly appreciated.

Plus, if there are any experienced modders for HL2 out there, I would be gratefull if you could help me (My AIM is Aiko12349 and my MSN is death_spear684[REMOVETHISPART], since I dont know a lot about making mods, such as how do I define my own ammo and all sorts of nifty things like that.
It just occured to me that this should probobly go into help wanted and offered...
It should, and I am muy frustrated that I can't move it :|
Please get us a download server, that fileplanet one doesn't work.
Its a gameplay prototype. Some people tested it with me, the basic gameplay idea was fine, which was the point, so I am not really worried about it. What I am worried about is getting work done. Sheesh.

Link works fine for me.
Puzzlemaker said:
Its a gameplay prototype. Some people tested it with me, the basic gameplay idea was fine, which was the point, so I am not really worried about it. What I am worried about is getting work done. Sheesh.

Link works fine for me.
Try and download from it.
(Note: I haven't tested the following)
You can do the origin deal by recompiling the player animations with the .qc command:
$origin 0 0 -36

Assuming you're using HL2DM as base, the .qc would be accountname/sourcesdk_content/hl2mp/modelsrc/Player/player_male_anims.qc (and player_female_anims.qc of course). I think a good place to add the command in would be near the $lockdefinebones. Might have to experiment a bit there and with the "-36" value. When the command is added in and the file saved, running it through studiomdl.exe (plenty of info on how to do that, can be as easy as dragging the .qc on top of it) should recompile the player animations and place the result in your mod dir. You should be able to observe the result by opening a playermodel in HLMV, where if you turn on Ground it should be in the ground up to the waist.

As I mentioned I haven't tried this, but it's how I'd attempt an origin move on playermodels.
If you were wondering: you don't need to change any models themselves, because all positioning is done in the animations. Seeing as the playermodel animations are included from an external .mdl you only need to recompile that file for the animations to change on every playermodel.
theGreenBunny said:
(Note: I haven't tested the following)
You can do the origin deal by recompiling the player animations with the .qc command:
$origin 0 0 -36

Assuming you're using HL2DM as base, the .qc would be accountname/sourcesdk_content/hl2mp/modelsrc/Player/player_male_anims.qc (and player_female_anims.qc of course). I think a good place to add the command in would be near the $lockdefinebones. Might have to experiment a bit there and with the "-36" value. When the command is added in and the file saved, running it through studiomdl.exe (plenty of info on how to do that, can be as easy as dragging the .qc on top of it) should recompile the player animations and place the result in your mod dir. You should be able to observe the result by opening a playermodel in HLMV, where if you turn on Ground it should be in the ground up to the waist.

As I mentioned I haven't tried this, but it's how I'd attempt an origin move on playermodels.
If you were wondering: you don't need to change any models themselves, because all positioning is done in the animations. Seeing as the playermodel animations are included from an external .mdl you only need to recompile that file for the animations to change on every playermodel.

Thanks a ton!!