black&white skin for AntLion [help]


Mar 20, 2005
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Hi... i've started to make a new skin for the antlions...
and i cant get it to work really!

picture of the skin so far

I've converted the .vtf to .tga and saved the edited .tga with 32bits...
then it was converted to .vtf again and put in
But ofcourse it wont show up in game it's just a purple and black chess board...
can anyone help me please....

Here's the .tga file for it....
u may download and use this as u want... but please just help me and give me answers as soon as possible....
The TGA file
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uh... yes, i cant make a .vtf without a following .vmt!
so yes, the vmt is there!
well in th .vmt file... its nothing i know always..
it's just a thing that is created when u convert .tga to .vmt it's also .vmt files in the original material source file....

Well.. u know what!!
can u please download the .TGA i have uploaded in my post and see fi u can fix it for me?

Can u do that, or is it anyone else that can do it for me ?
I need desperate help!
the vmt isn't created when you convert the tga.

Source textures need a .vtf (the actual texture) and a .vmt (which tells you the engine how to 'use' the texture).

The chances are the texture is fine, but if the vmt isn't correct the engine won't know what to do with the vtf file.

When you got the vtf from the gcf's extract the vmt for it as well and open it with notepad, you should be able to use almost exactly the same contents for the new texture. Put it alongside the vtf
What did you use to convert your tga to vtf? If you used my progggy then the vmt will be created with the vtf but since it's a model, you have to add some values in the vmt files. That's how it should look like:

"$baseTexture" "Models/Antlion/Antlionhigh_sheet"
"$bumpmap" "Models/Antlion/Antlionhigh_normal"
"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
"$envmaptint" "[ .36 .36 .30 ]"
"$envmapconstrast" "1"
"$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" 1

Oh and I noticed that your alpha channel contains only white, I didn't check the original but i'm pretty sure it has some grey because the alpha channel is used for the reflections.
the .vmt isnt a model, its a skin...
and i used VTFTool when i converte the .tga to .vtf

but i'snt it possible u can download my TGA and see if u can get it to work... cause i cant!!!
he knows the vmt isn't a model! If you copy...

"$baseTexture" "Models/Antlion/Antlionhigh_sheet"
"$bumpmap" "Models/Antlion/Antlionhigh_normal"
"$envmap" "env_cubemap"
"$envmaptint" "[ .36 .36 .30 ]"
"$envmapconstrast" "1"
"$normalmapalphaenvmapmask" 1

that into your vmt file for the texture the model should work.

I've said about twice now, there's probably nothing wrong with your tga, or vtf. It's your vmt file.

Describe everything you've done to try and get it to work, step by step.
well i actually made a skin work in game...
and i looked in the .vmt file, and there was no such coding or anything like u wrote...
the onlything was.
"$baseTexture" "beetletex1 "

not sure about the beetle thing... but thats how it looked.. no other things and no directories!
first of all i started GCFscape and opened source materials.gcf
found model\*somewhere here*\AntLion\ And here i extracted the antlionhigh_sheet.vtf
converted it with vtf2tga. opened it with Photoshop 7 and painted it like i wanted it (u can see it above) Saved it in 32 bits I didnt use the RLE compile thingy option :p...
Then i have placed the VTFTool in \sourcesdk\bin\.... i started it up... choosed to convert the edited .tga to .vtf
Then it created a .vmt file (with almost nothing in it)

I placed the .vtf and .vmt in \half life2\hl2\material\models\AntLion\
And in Gmod\materials\models\AntLion\

Started up Gmod to see if it worked... and it dont....!!!
i dunno how i manages to make non-working and working skins using the exact same method...
please help me out!!

And if u can, download the .tga and see if u can make it work in game for me!
We can easily make it work but you won't learn if we do. Fix the damn vmt!! :)
well... cant u just try to make it work and the add me to MSN and tell me how u did !
That way i learn it!

And btw
here's the other skin i made wich actually worked
beetle 1
beetle 2