Blackout Korea


I blacked out once.

Apparently I dove off a window and landed in the snow. Dat Soju is some strong stuff.

Lol + shame @ images
being a pickpocketeer in south korea looks easy
Blacked out, or beaten senseless by police in riot gear?

Everything numbers has told us about S. Korea leads me to believe the latter.
Blacked out, or beaten senseless by police in riot gear?

Everything numbers has told us about S. Korea leads me to believe the latter.

Wut? I've said nothing of the sort; if anything I've tried and tried to convince youse that a good beating by a friendly combat police officer is harmless.
You guys have Coronas in Korea? I take back everything bad I ever said about you.
number I wonder if your state would feel worry about this

cuz let say that someone that barely knows a thing about south and north korea do a googles pics search and while searching for south korea it get a pic like those

and when searching for north korea it gets a picture like these


I dont think your goverment will like it
Psh... that's not blacking out that's passing out... and they should stay awake when there's partying to be done!

I am happy about alcohol being global though... I remember getting Johnnie Walker and Maker's Mark (which I hate) in India.
Is this true 1537? Do people get black out drunk often during the day and lay in the streets?
Is this true 1537? Do people get black out drunk often during the day and lay in the streets?

Rarely during the day; if they do they're prolly homeless guys.
wow... "I <3 AIDS"? What ever happened to just putting "I love cocks" or whatever.

So what would happen if they were gay? You put "I love vaginas"? That might be entertaining...
Psh... that's not blacking out that's passing out... and they should stay awake when there's partying to be done!

I am happy about alcohol being global though... I remember getting Johnnie Walker and Maker's Mark (which I hate) in India.

Are you kidding me ? You can get all types of Alcohol in India.