Blade Runner: FC comes to the UK!


Jun 20, 2004
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Special thanks to Diana Privitera over at the London based NOBLE PR company for this hot off the press list of cinemas screening Blade Runner: The Final Cut. The theatrical run will probably last for two weeks so make sure you catch the film on the big screen when you can!

The following sites will be screening The Final Cut in the UK from 23rd Nov:

Ritzy in Brixton

Cameo in Edinburgh

Picturehouse in Cambridge

Picturehouse in Liverpool

Tyneside in Newcastle
They are also showing the new cut in NYC again this weekend at midnight. I would go but my family is under a serious crunch for money right now. *Also right now is a perfect time to buy the new version of Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? **There was a comic book that was put out when the movie came out as well. Supposidly it's being re-issued as well. Please check out the bladezone fan forums here:
**** me sideways and shit at the same time. Liverpool is the closest place to me, about an hour away. Hmmmm. I HAVE TO SEE THIS ON THE BIG SCREEN.

**** it, I'm going to Liverpool.
Whoa thanks for this! Bit pissed off that nowhere in or near Brum is showing it. Guess i'll have to go to Cambridge :-(
Man, I wish I had the opportunity to see it in a theater. I'll be living vicariously through you guys, which means that everyone within an hour of one of those locations (probably a good 5% of the forum) has to go see it.
Only in England? T___T

*Cries in a corner*

No I'm okay.....just give a me a minute ;(

EDIT: I need to read more I didn't see edinburgh :P

Anyway YAY!!
FFS I'm probably going to be in Ireland from the 20th. That stinks.
You never know, they could expand it. So far SAW 4 was the best movie at the box office this weekend but only won by $4 ahead of BR. :D Always check out the forums there and look at the website. It's the best BR fansite out there. Besides it's worth taking a trip to the nearest theatre that is showing it. I mean it's BR on the big screen! Can't get much better than that right?
****s sake.... not even one place close to sheffield!