Blizzard: Consoles on the way to being obsolete


May 5, 2004
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Blizzard VP of business development Itzik Ben Bassat is keeping a watchful eye on console progression, supposing that the gaming devices could become obsolete in as few as five years. "The PC is becoming an entertainment hub ... Maybe in five years you won't need a console because you'll have one PC which delivers content [including games] all over your house

no real surprise as consoles are pretty much just dedicated pcs anyways ...i look forward to the day when companies develop for just one platform; they'll have to work extra hard to get our attention in a sea of other developers developing for the same platform
To be fair, Blizzard get their money from PC gamers with WoW, so that's to be expected.

I doubt consoles will become obsolete though, there's so many pros and cons between both them and PC's.

no real surprise as consoles are pretty much just dedicated pcs anyways ...i look forward to the day when companies develop for just one platform; they'll have to work extra hard to get our attention in a sea of other developers developing for the same platform

Not likely. The busines benefits hugely from making proprietary hardware. As long as it is possible to sell consoles at a loss, and then pull in return on your investment via licenses for games then consoles will keep popping up. Also, proprietary hardware makes software piracy more complicated and wastly less alluring to the end-users. There is a huge difference between "d/l iso, mount w/deamontools, install game, copy crack" and "d/l iso, burn non-standard iso with non-standard program on a non-standard (and therefore not cheap) disc, modify console which voids warranty".

Apart from mmorpgs (which seem to be clouding blizzard's judgement lately) the "real" money is in the console busines. That is not likey to change any time soon.

Hardasses like Microsoft will probably keep pushing a console out just so they can be the market leader regardless.

There is a huge difference between "d/l iso, mount w/deamontools, install game, copy crack" and "d/l iso, burn non-standard iso with non-standard program on a non-standard (and therefore not cheap) disc, modify console which voids warranty".
What are you talking about non-standard isos and discs?
Certainly makes a change from hearing that the PC is on its deathbed.
Hardasses like Microsoft will probably keep pushing a console out just so they can be the market leader regardless.

What are you talking about non-standard isos and discs?

Whenever someone designs a new console they are free to use whatever type of media they like. If they make a new type of media (say, blue-ray) then they will not be plagued with piracy in the same way they would if they had used normal DVDs.

I don't think Nintendo will ever stop making consoles until they really do go bankrupt.
Microsoft will stop the moment PCs are as easy to upgrade and game on as a console.
Sony will stop... goodness knows, but at this rate, after PS3.
Not likely. The busines benefits hugely from making proprietary hardware. As long as it is possible to sell consoles at a loss, and then pull in return on your investment via licenses for games then consoles will keep popping up. Also, proprietary hardware makes software piracy more complicated and wastly less alluring to the end-users. There is a huge difference between "d/l iso, mount w/deamontools, install game, copy crack" and "d/l iso, burn non-standard iso with non-standard program on a non-standard (and therefore not cheap) disc, modify console which voids warranty".

Apart from mmorpgs (which seem to be clouding blizzard's judgement lately) the "real" money is in the console busines. That is not likey to change any time soon.


ya but as graphics become more advanced hardware costs may become prohibitive
ya but as graphics become more advanced hardware costs may become prohibitive

That is more of a problem for the pc than for the consoles tbh. The consoles (well, some) are sponsored by their manufacturer. Unless games are specifically made to only work on certain pc-components then sponsoring pc-components is not going to happen.

While the ps3 may seem ungodly expensive, so is an 8800gtx. The only reason the PC is still holding up is because it is much more multi purpose than consoles. If this linux-thing for ps3 actually works then I think sony has taken the first step to eradicate the PC.

That is more of a problem for the pc than for the consoles tbh.

no, not really any computer can play games

The consoles (well, some) are sponsored by their manufacturer. Unless games are specifically made to only work on certain pc-components then sponsoring pc-components is not going to happen.

more and more games are being made as cross platform titles ..and no console manufacturers dont exclusively sponsor their own games ..developers pay licensing fees in order to make a console specific game

While the ps3 may seem ungodly expensive, so is an 8800gtx.

apples and oranges ..I can buy a $100 video card right now, that plays every single game on the market

The only reason the PC is still holding up is because it is much more multi purpose than consoles.

that alone guarentees consoles will have a specific limited market: gamers ...not so for pc which pretty much has become the essential tool for everything in our lives

If this linux-thing for ps3 actually works then I think sony has taken the first step to eradicate the PC.


that will never happen could make the ps3 run on windows vista and it still wouldnt make pcs obsolete ..I wont be firing my ps3 at work any time soon
I imagine that Consoles will become like standardised PCs.

the 360 is well on its way, being very PC like to program. It wouldn't surprise me a lot if in a few generations down the line Xbox will do PC stuff and PC will do Xbox stuff. So the masses can buy a Xbox/PS whatever, get a console HHHHDVD drive, but gain the ability to surf the web and process photos n stuff. While PCs will gain access to games.
no, not really any computer can play games
-That statement is meaningless (what kind of games?), but since it isn't a counter-argument it doesn't matter.

more and more games are being made as cross platform titles ..and no console manufacturers dont exclusively sponsor their own games ..developers pay licensing fees in order to make a console specific game
-I didn't mean they sponsor games. They don't. They sponsor console-hardware because they cash out on the games.

apples and oranges ..I can buy a $100 video card right now, that plays every single game on the market
-You will need more than a $100 video card to make them look ps3-pretty. Wether you need that is another discussion.

that alone guarentees consoles will have a specific limited market: gamers ...not so for pc which pretty much has become the essential tool for everything in our lives
-A console that supports linux and usb-periphials is all that the pc is + a console -windows(linux fans may argue).

that will never happen could make the ps3 run on windows vista and it still wouldnt make pcs obsolete ..I wont be firing my ps3 at work any time soon
-May or may not be true, but what you will or wont do doesn't matter. If a ps3 (or a future console) can be used as a pc then it makes more sense for people to buy the console instead of a pc if they want both but can only afford one.

I'm not saying that the death of PC is imminent, but when blizzard predicts the death of consoles they are so incredibly far off the mark.

Hmm, I wonder if Blizzard is going to scrap the company they bought for there console division in 2005(they bought the company that was making Sc:G).

but when blizzard predicts the death of consoles they are so incredibly far off the mark.
I don't think Blizzard cares. Blizzard is in the position to say whatever the hell they want right now.

Also lets look at development costs to create a game. With console's it's almost expectated that your going to have equal graphics with the rest of the games out there, if not better. With PC's you don't really have to. Blizzard proves this time and time again. None of there games have ever really pushed the bar on graphics, but they all sell insanely well. Development costs went from 1 million on the xbox to maybe 20 million for a light game. I can only imagine how those prices will increase in 5 years.

While I don't think consoles will drop, I think in 2 console generations there going to be some big problems. Games will have to come out on all platforms to make enough money, cost of games will probably rise. In 2 generations will you really need to be pushing graphics?

Besides the Wii, I somewhat agree with Blizzard. I disagree on the timeline. I think eventually consoles will become PC's as we know them today(obviously faster). Thereby they will be Pc's and not consoles thus obsoleting consoles.
PC's will overcome consoles on shooting games and stuff but for some games like Oblvion it is just better on the 360. And don't forget Guitar hero, DDR and of course the Kareoke game.
I doubt consoles will fade out soon.

There are certain things consoles can do better, and most casual gamers won't want to spend money towards a computer. The console is also embedded in peoples' mind.
There are certain things consoles can do better

Like games ;)

I hate to say it, but untill we actually start getting a decent number of quality games on the pc I see no reason to upgrade. Seriously, where are they?
Yeah, for the last ~1 year PC gaming has been fairly dead for me. I mean, there's been Secret Files, CoH and others but I just don't have the enthusiasm and it seems nothing is ever coming out. :(

Supreme Commander on the 22nd though ! BOOYAH, been waiting who knows how many years for this.
To be fair, Blizzard get their money from PC gamers with WoW, so that's to be expected.

I doubt consoles will become obsolete though, there's so many pros and cons between both them and PC's.


Yeah like how one of Nvidia's guys said graphics are the most important aspect of a game. I wouldn't take such comments seriously.

Yeah, for the last ~1 year PC gaming has been fairly dead for me. I mean, there's been Secret Files, CoH and others but I just don't have the enthusiasm and it seems nothing is ever coming out. :(

Sup Comm, C&C3, Hl2: Ep2, Bioshock (Come on PC game at heart), Armed Assault, Sam & Max -- Season 1 Episode #4: Abe Lincoln Must Die!, Enemy Territory: Quake Wars and whatever else.
Consoles have far more extensive genres and a greater variety of games in general to play, catering to far more people than PC ever has, and probably ever will.

All PC gaming pads I have ever used sucked in comparison to all console pads.

Gaming on the PC is just a huge pain in the ass sometimes, and is more expensive than console gaming, especially considering I don't use my PC for anything other than gaming, and 90% of the time it's just CS:S.

This is why Blizzard can stick it in their ear.
I agree with Z_Ryuken, but I still wuv my PC!
What was implied by the quote was that in the future the boundaries will break down between gaming on a home computer and gaming on a console. That trend can be seen right now. Its pretty certain that in the future (Maybe not as little as 5 years) home multimedia devices will be more synergistic with one another. I don't think anyone really thinks consoles will be obselete. However, they will certainly change.

PC Gaming was pretty bleak during 2006, anyway.
Consoles attract a whole new crowd of people that tend to shy away from pc's though
I think most of you miss the point ..he doesnt seem to be saying that consoles will disappear altogether but rather that consoles will become indistinguishable from pcs's already happening with upgradeable components, online fuctionality (patches, demo downloads)

some of you guys can never seem get past the console vs pc debate, so much so that you'll make a mountain out of a molehill out of any statement that even remotely looks like a console vs pc debate can be irritating at times because the main issues often get ignored because people are too busy justifying why their hardware of choice is better than the next's not always about "us vs them"
I think most of you miss the point ..he doesnt seem to be saying that consoles will disappear altogether but rather that consoles will become indistinguishable from pcs's already happening with upgradeable components, online fuctionality (patches, demo downloads)

some of you guys can never get past the console vs pc debate that you'll make a mountain out of a molehill can be irritating at times because the main issues often get ignored because people are too busy justifying why there's hardware of choice is better than the next's not always about "us vs them"

I don't see why you bring "us vs them" into this.

I don't see why you bring "us vs them" into this.


me? that was brought into the thread at post #2

upon reflection it's partly my fault for including the word "obsolete" in the title ..but it was a direct quote so ....
me? that was brought into the thread at post #2

upon reflection it's partly my fault for including the word "obsolete" in the title ..but it was a direct quote so ....

I disagree. The comment in post#2 about fanboy-ism does nothing to make this "us vs them", it merely predicts in a somewhat humorous fashion that it might turn out that way.

There has been little "us vs them" in this thread so far, just some differing oppinions and a lot of valid arguments.

I'm not blaming Cormeh however even he recognized how volitile this subject could be when he posted:


fanboyism = us vs them

what else could it mean?

the rest of the posts all either support the idea that consoles will never be obsolete or support consoles in general by saying they offer more than pc currently do ...what does that have to do with the blurring line between pcs and consoles that this thread is about?
I'm not blaming Cormeh however even he recognized how volitile this subject could be when he posted:

fanboyism = us vs them

what else could it mean?

It means this thread could end up in fanboyism. It isn't fanboyism per se, and it doesn't promote fanboyism.

the rest of the posts all either support the idea that consoles will never be obsolete or support consoles in general by saying they offer more than pc currently do ...what does that have to do with the blurring line between pcs and consoles that this thread is about?

This thread is about the possible obsoletion (is that even a word?) of the console (and in a rather short timeframe too), not about blurring lines. There are a lot of arguments in this thread that suggests why that wont be happening, and most of them are valid. There are few, if any, arguments to support that it could happen, and that is for a reason, and that reason is not that we all love the consoles so much.

I was deliberating whether to add it, funnily enough. I just get a little sick of the arguments, that's all. Seeing as how both do have their own share of (dis)advantages, this stuff could go on forever.

More to the original source to the topic, if Blizzard say something as broad-brush as "consoles will be obsolete in 5-6 years", rather than say something like "consoles will be obsolete to us in 5-6 years", then fair play. They generate enough revenue from WoW.

Having said that:
CptStern said:
I think most of you miss the point ..he doesnt seem to be saying that consoles will disappear altogether but rather that consoles will become indistinguishable from pcs's already happening with upgradeable components, online fuctionality (patches, demo downloads)
If a large commercial company such as Blizzard (or even Valve could for that matter) are predicting it, then who's to say it may not happen?

These guys use constant game content updates, bring in more and more users each and every day.... They'll surely be the first ones to see the pattern.
It means this thread could end up in fanboyism. It isn't fanboyism per se, and it doesn't promote fanboyism.

look dont make me single people out ..there is some fanboyism in this thread

This thread is about the possible obsoletion (is that even a word?) of the console (and in a rather short timeframe too), not about blurring lines. There are a lot of arguments in this thread that suggests why that wont be happening, and most of them are valid. There are few, if any, arguments to support that it could happen, and that is for a reason, and that reason is not that we all love the consoles so much.


yes it is about blurring lines because that's what he means ..that consoles will eventually become pcs

blizzard guy said:
"Consoles are becoming sophisticated PCs which sit in the living room... We'll have to see how all this develops. Maybe in five years you won't need a console because you'll have one PC which delivers content all over your house."

here is the full news report
Not so much consoles becoming obsolete but more that in a couple of years your TV = your PC = your games console.
look dont make me single people out ..there is some fanboyism in this thread
Just because someone has a differing oppinion from you doesn't mean they are the fanboy and not you.

yes it is about blurring lines because that's what he means ..that consoles will eventually become pcs
What does that mean, though? Does it mean that ps4 will be a full-fledged personal computer capable of running windows 2011 as well as games based on sony's proprietary system or does it mean that in the future there will be no such proprietary systems? Only the latter means the console is obsolete, and there are so many great things about making systems proprietary (not for the gamers, but for the developers) that I can't see that happening.

All in all no reason whatsoever as to why the console may become obsolete. I think he would have realized that himself if he sat down and made a "pros and cons about consoles"-list.

Just because someone has a differing oppinion from you doesn't mean they are the fanboy and not you.

what? what does differing opinion have to do with me? any opinion can be seen as fanboyism ..supporting either side is fanboyism

What does that mean, though? Does it mean that ps4 will be a full-fledged personal computer capable of running windows 2011 as well as games based on sony's proprietary system or does it mean that in the future there will be no such proprietary systems? Only the latter means the console is obsolete, and there are so many great things about making systems proprietary (not for the gamers, but for the developers) that I can't see that happening.

you're entitled to your opinion however you cant deny that more and more games are cross platform; we're heading to an era where it makes no sense to be exclusive to any single platform ..sooner or later companies will be forced to either make multiple copies of a game just to ensure they recoup their losses or ideally one version that plays on all systems ..Blizzard has been doing that for years ..almost every release comes with a mac version of the game

All in all no reason whatsoever as to why the console may become obsolete. I think he would have realized that himself if he sat down and made a "pros and cons about consoles"-list.


which would be completely meaningless seeing as how he's talking about 5 years in the future ..we have absolutely no clue as to what systems will look like in 5 years time
Just because someone has a differing oppinion from you doesn't mean they are the fanboy and not you.

It appears as if you just accused Stern of fanboyism... you don't come here much, do you?
what? what does differing opinion have to do with me? any opinion can be seen as fanboyism ..supporting either side is fanboyism

No, fanboyism is making up your mind irregardless of facts. Thinking that consoles will still be here in 10 years has nothing to do with fanboyism.

you're entitled to your opinion however you cant deny that more and more games are cross platform; we're heading to an era where it makes no sense to be exclusive to any single platform ..sooner or later companies will be forced to either make multiple copies of a game just to ensure they recoup their losses or ideally one version that plays on all systems ..Blizzard has been doing that for years ..almost every release comes with a mac version of the game
It is true that multiplatform is the new thing, but my understanding is that most of the revenue comes from the consoles, not the pc-version. I think the reason for this is that it is easier to pirate for pc. That may not be the explanation at all, but it is a theory. I think consoles are too valuable for the developers to become obsolete.

which would be completely meaningless seeing as how he's talking about 5 years in the future ..we have absolutely no clue as to what systems will look like in 5 years time

If consoles are to be extinct in as little as 5 years there has to be a reason. "Anything can happen in 5 years" isn't a reason.
