Blizzard to announce new game next month!

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It looks like ass-raping shit...god, I am so mad right now I can't express it with words...
First Trailer
oh Lawdy Lawd I Just Remembered I Will Need A New Ghost Avatar.
Looks perfect!

Assuming this is pc-only I think Blizzard has just rekindled my faith in pc-gaming. At least for a couple of years.

I can barely wait (but I guess I will have to)...


Edit: And mac-gaming...
Not happy with the art style in the screenshots at all.
Looks a lot better in these vids, but that could just be the poor quality of the videos.

In game action vids.

(they are loading really slow, wish they were on youtube)

Well one is on youtube now

Also the wikipedia entry has been updated (and locked lol)
It looks like Blizz is taking the C&C3 approach: give the fans what they want and don't make it too system intensive, so a lot of people can buy it. Doesn't look innovative at all, but I'll postpone an opinion until further information.
Lol. Frontpage News.

Praise be the goddess.

Lovin the trailer. But that was to be expected.
I lol'd, then went to a quiet corner and spasmed for a bit.
I loved the GG bit at the end of the gameplay trailer. God, it wanted me to play SC all over again.
I just hope they get the music right. Ennui will back me on this. It was just so exquisite back in the original, and everything felt appropriate. The Terrans had this groovy synth-rock shit, Zerg had this organic electronica tune, and the Protoss had all the pompous, classical digs.

One point of confusion: Wasn't there talk of a new race?
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