Blocked in Water Hazard


Mar 6, 2005
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I am at the point in Water Hazard where there is a hillock with logs across the top stretched across the waterway. I cant get over it with the boat though I can walk over it. How do I get past it with the boat?
Can you post a pic? Look carefully for a branch on the big branchand use that as a ramp. There are quite a few branches over the water in water hazard and thats how you get over most of them if i remember.
Yes, a picture ould be good. I dont even know what a "hollock" is.
hill·ock Audio pronunciation of "hillock" ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hlk)

1. A small hill.
2. Biology. A small protuberance or elevation, as from an organ, tissue, or structure.
Thank you, so he's stuck by a tumor? ;)

anyways, if you cant post a pic what areas have you done so far?
I figured out to use the logs to jump the obstacle. Thanls for all the replies. :)