Name my blog


Staff member
Dec 31, 2004
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I had the best sandwich yesterday. It was just amazing. Like the best sandwich ever. It was swiss cheese and tuna (must have been a dolphin in there because I felt so smart after eating it too) on wholemeal bread of course!! Then we went into the living room and we were watching V and Shaun (we were at Shaun's house) started bitching about how it'd dumb and what'd really happen if aliens showed up wanting our shit but were were all like shut up Shaun you don't get to be the law just because it's your house so we had a vote about it and then Melanie was the law.

So here's some photos of my cat (spoiler'd for size):
It was a lie. I don't have a cat. So after making my "Science is weird" thread (please have a look if you missed it the first time) I realised I found writing it really fun and I've been entertaining the idea of writing about more of the things I've learned through my studies and general reading that are strange, unintuitive and interesting. So why not do it in the most hatted of all communications media, the blog?

Originally I wanted to call it "Things That Don't Exist" but that url and some permutations of it, were taken on blogspot (annoyingly, with 0 actual posts on it). Then I realised as I was making a list of topics I could cover most of them didn't couldn't be put under the title "X Does Not Exist" like I did in that thread of mine, so now I'm trying to come up with a better name. Any thoughts
If it wasn't too long an url you could call it "the hijacking of awe by science".
Or like, "science you crazy!" And have a picture of a black guy there. :)
Surely even you can't object to a well-meaning explaining-cool-science-things blog.

Unless you hate science.
Science is so hipster ever since Portal 2 hit the shelves.
Science is so hipster ever since Portal 2 hit the shelves.
Yeah, but Rimfire was into it before it was cool. Like the Russian oligarchs who could use their old KGB connections from the era of communism to profit and grow fat after the imposition of capitalism, he is well placed to take advantage.


If it wasn't too long an url you could call it "the hijacking of awe by science".
I don't think length is necessarily evil as long as it's memorable, but that isn't really very memorable. Sorry Sulk.

1) No.
2) I would be shocked if it wasn't already taken.
3) It is already taken, by this shit. Is there a way to get this shit deleted to free up the url?

Hahaha. Love it.



They're all so good. How do I choose?

Any more ideas?

Actual idea:
Why not get your own domain instead of relying on a third party that can screw you over at any time? is available, and Im having a urge to register it.
Why not get your own domain instead of relying on a third party that can screw you over at any time? is available, and Im having a urge to register it.
I have no idea how to register a domain or how much that costs. Blogger/blogspot is easy and free. If I don't abandon this after three months then maybe I'll consider getting a real domain. I have no idea how long I will do this before I get sick of it/no longer have the time to write it/have run out of topics so going through the trouble of getting a real website seems pretty pointless to me right now.

or just
Conditions could hardly be more ideal is a fantastic name. Too bad only Half-Life fanboys would get it.
I don't think length is necessarily evil as long as it's memorable, but that isn't really very memorable. Sorry Sulk.
It was a reference to your sig, you goddamn nerd.

I quite like 'sciencegoggles' and 'sciencemyscience'. Jesus christ, look at the joker who's taken I guess you could try emailing these people and saying BITCH, YOU AIN'T DOING NOTHING WITH THAT NAME.

Look at the guy who took for chrissakes.