Blood blister


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
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I've got one, and it's under a fat ass callus right at the base of my right index finger.

WTF do I do? Just leave it there?
Smear mustard on it.

You're actually supposed to leave it alone.
Yea, you should probably kill yourself. Just in case.
sterilize a needle, and go in under the side, through the regular skin. Try to drain it without letting any air bubbles get in. By next week it will be a hardened callus. If you get air underneath the blister, it will rub and open up, exposing you to a day or two of pain.
I really hope you're OK! Go see a doctor if it gets any worse! I hope everything turns out fine :(
Got one on my john thomas once. It went away without any intervention.
Leave it alone, it goes away on its own.
Stab it, that should remove the swelling.
I got one of these on the end of my index finger once. Stupid Godron pinched his finger in pair of combination pliers. I just left it, and it drained by itself eventually. All the blood just gets resorbed, then the skin dies and falls off like a scab.
Does it hurt/ache? Is it just discoloration, or is there a pronounce bubble? Does it turn off the ladies? Lance it or no, but, like Dan said, try not to let anything get in there if you do prick it.
Rub it on yourself until you climax.
Go ask a horrible question on an internet forum on a topic that is easily researchable and should be common sense by the age of 10...