Blood in HL2



i was just wondering

is the blood in HL2 just a texture or is it actaully think liquid type?
and if a person got shot in water would it flow to the top?
also if the person and died and kepp shooting will it keep bleeding?
Most Likely a Texture
Dunno but it should be moddable
It should.
whaT2k said:
i was just wondering

is the blood in HL2 just a texture or is it actaully think liquid type?
and if a person got shot in water would it flow to the top?
also if the person and died and kepp shooting will it keep bleeding?

It doesn't look like a texture - more of a fluid kind of thing such as in Far cry or GTA (though GTA's is comical).
1) It will probably be a texture. This texture may be animated but I doubt it because it doesn't normally give a realistic effect.

2) Quite possibly, it's been seen in Far Cry.

3) This happened in HL1 and all objects are physically simulated anyway so I assume this will be the case.

Re-edit: You're a moderator. Diplomacy, my man, diplomacy!
It's a texture.. liquid isn't possible at the moment, however expect it to be in the next generation game engines once the technology has caught up.
If you shot someone in water, i'm not entirely sure if it would float up. I do remember in a tech interview, one of the Valve guys said you could make the effect of blood spilling out by using particle shaders. Definate a central point where the particles emit from, then have them appear and float out from that point. I'm no expert on this though.
1. Looks like a decal to me
2. Yeah, underwater ragdolls are possible
3. Yeah probably
Chris_D said:
1) It will probably be a texture. This texture may be animated but I doubt it because it doesn't normally give a realistic effect.

Just wondering chris, isn't the Far cry blood a texture that is animated? it looks pretty liquidish to me almost as a fluid.
lans said:
It doesn't look like a texture - more of a fluid kind of thing such as in Far cry or GTA (though GTA's is comical).

GTA as in 'Grand Theft Auto'
2. In far cry it is, i hope in hl2 also.
3. it would be great, very realistic.

One question.
If we shoot one shot in the legs of a soldier, will he walks very slow and scream and the blood will come? Just like the real stuff? He cant walk orderly,
>>NoTarget<< said:
2. In far cry it is, i hope in hl2 also.
3. it would be great, very realistic.

One question.
If we shoot one shot in the legs of a soldier, will he walks very slow and scream and the blood will come? Just like the real stuff? He cant walk orderly,

i would want that; atleast not all the time;
just like i like to play DOD only sometimes; when have ahd too much cs
unless; their was an option to play realistic style or not
>>NoTarget<< said:
2. In far cry it is, i hope in hl2 also.
3. it would be great, very realistic.

One question.
If we shoot one shot in the legs of a soldier, will he walks very slow and scream and the blood will come? Just like the real stuff? He cant walk orderly,

Well in hl1 the marines kinda did that. You shoot them and they limp and they yell "AHH IM HIT". So it should be moddable in hl2
Estevan said:
Well in hl1 the marines kinda did that. You shoot them and they limp and they yell "AHH IM HIT". So it should be moddable in hl2

It's unbelievable that HL1 marines have it- yet HL2 combines WON'T.

That's right - you heard it. There are no localized ragdoll effects. There are no flinch animations that have been confirmed. You just shoot them and decals will appear but nothing else.
Wow, uber spread of misinformation continues! Didn't you see that email from valve saying that there will be flinch/localised ragdoll effects?
Captain Misinformed Wiseguy has been revealed!

Far cry used a sprite for blood in water, it worked out fine.
CrazyHarij said:
Liquid physics won't be seen in a long time tbh.

No offense but "tbh" and "IMOP" are soooo over used. You really didn't have to have that at the end of your sentence, sorry if i sound like a dick.
Why would it be a texture? Blood flows like water so it should act like water.
hool10300 said:
Why would it be a texture? Blood flows like water so it should act like water.
But water usually just lies down and relaxes. Blood has to do a lot of splashing, and splattering and staining and has a different consistence than water.
Crusader said:
Wow, uber spread of misinformation continues! Didn't you see that email from valve saying that there will be flinch/localised ragdoll effects?

Could you show me that e-mail, crusader.

I remember it saying "it's possible in a mod", only. I want it IN THE actual game, not some cruddy mod.
its gonna be interesting when games are able to have incredibly realistic blood effects such as a person bleeding in a realistic manner like leaving trails and having a limit they could bleed b4 becoming unconscious. Along with actually having the spatter hit the wall then slowly proceed to run down in trails, or pool around a body. I probably sound like i need therapy but i think it'd be cool.
duke nukem 3d does blood that kinda drips down walls. its crude, but still way ahead of its time.
>>NoTarget<< said:
If we shoot one shot in the legs of a soldier, will he walks very slow and scream and the blood will come? Just like the real stuff? He cant walk orderly,
JonTheCanuck said:
its gonna be interesting when games are able to have incredibly realistic blood effects such as a person bleeding in a realistic manner like leaving trails and having a limit they could bleed b4 becoming unconscious. Along with actually having the spatter hit the wall then slowly proceed to run down in trails, or pool around a body. I probably sound like i need therapy but i think it'd be cool.

This is all quite frightening... Especially the demand for blood to be fluid and complex to be as realistic and visceral as possible.
I don't want to consider what Soldier of Fortune 3 will be like <Shudders>
the only way what you people want can be achieved is if the models have a freaking circulatory system. which i dont think is gna happen, not for a very very very long time.
What did Postal 2 have? It promoted as having "liquid dynamics: pours, drips, runs and puddles".

Is this different to water physics?
The blood in hl2 is the same as in hl1 just with higher quality art

Watching the cs source movies and the latest hl2 movie from e3 you can see that they use a particle system (sprites and/or models) with a decal (texture) and the decals now apear where the blood actually lands not where the bullet exits which is cool
In the CS:Source video of Aztec, one of the terrorists gets blasted from a CT on the bridge. If you slow it down there's a flash of bullets through the water, before it hit's the t and causes a massed spray of blood as the bullets follow through him. That was pretty cool - but still no pool of blood on the floor after he was downed.