Bloodlines will not have multiplayer.

The SP is what its about, its an RPG for gods sakes. Its like saying you're not buying UT2004 because it doesn't feature an indepth story.
huh, thats funny. Cause to me it seems the biggest mutiplayer games are RPG.
oh and I have e-mailed shane about the possibility of "Mods", as of yet, no response.
Wow, that's bad news. Possibly they will import it later?
Leon from Troika (he's the co-CEO) said that them releasing a SDK etc. for modding is only up to Valve and their publisher. So they don't know, and they won't know for a while. Troika has no control over it.
Raz said:
The SP is what its about, its an RPG for gods sakes. Its like saying you're not buying UT2004 because it doesn't feature an indepth story.
Exactly right.
For an EPG based games such as this, the single player element is key.

The same was true with Vampire: Redemption 5 years ago, it had MP which was ok, but the single player story was what kept people interested.
huh, thats funny. Cause to me it seems the biggest mutiplayer games are RPG.

Those are MMORPGs. RPGs and MMORPGs are not the same type of games. Games like Baldurs Gate and Morrowind are not in the same genre as Everquest and World of Warcraft.
so what?morrowind dont have it either and is a great game...also a certain sci fi shooter comes with a 5 years ol multiplayer.

i was going to say the exact same thing

bloodlines is going to be a great game even if it does not have multiplayer
johnnypoopoopant said:
bloodlines is going to be a great game even if it does not have multiplayer

No. It's going to be an okay game. It would have been a great game if there hadn't been such a stupifying let down. I love Vampire and White Wolf games and MP really made the old PC game really fun. This is just another example of the shitty market today. See, they don't have to do MP, and you'll still all buy the game and they make the same amount of money. Who wins? They do. Selling their half assed crap to people with handles like johnnypoopoopant.