Bloodthirst - Seeking Talent


Sep 11, 2003
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Hello everyone ;)

The Bloodthirst modification ( ) is seeking talented individuals to expand the team. We're currently a very small team working closely together and require more persons to help speed up the development progress. We currently don't offer any pay (hey, it's a free mod :D), but you'll get a chance to work with talented designers, gain experience in your medium and have fun helping create an exciting new mod.

What is Bloodthirst?

Bloodthirst is a multiplayer First-Person modification for Half-Life 2 set in a realistic but dark near future that portrays a battle to the death between a reborn vampire clan and secretive slayer sect. Bloodthirst will make use of the latest technology available in the Source engine to create a very fast paced and visually thrilling team-based action experience.

What makes Bloodthirst different?

Bloodthirst isn't your average team-based shooter. Bloodthirst incorporates many revolutionary game elements into the popular FPS mix to create a new breed and style of online gameplay. For example, we've got an RPG-style skill progression system for vampires, who can choose and develop their character's skills as they advance in rank. The multitude of skills to choose means that the player will develop along certain branches of the skill tree and really create a unique character during each game.

We've got stunning slow motion effects that vampires can use in order to literally dodge the incoming hail of bullets. Not only will this allow for intense head-on action but will also create a thrilling visual experience for the players.

We've got an easy to use character visualization system that will allow you to shape the looks of your character by giving you many different choices in clothing, faces and haircuts. This system will allow players to really choose the way they wish to look in-game and will make sure that every player looks unique.

The combat will incorporate many different elements, from stunts the players can use to dodge enemy fire, to more complex melee combat that will be used by both sides. We're building a very realistic and believable urban setting to fully immerse you in the Bloodthirst experience. We'll be populating the levels with many different Non-Player Characters that will react to players to fully generate the best atmosphere possible.

These are just some of the things that will make Bloodthirst an exciting experience, check out the short Overview section of our site for a gameplay description:

If you'd like detailed information about the mod features, have a browse of the public design doc at:

Who are we looking for?

We're seeking a wide spectrum of talent, from modellers, to skinners, to animators to producers. We're looking to expand our team in all areas to speed up the production and quality of Bloodthirst as we're a little underpowered right now. Here are some of the roles we're looking for:

Modeller - Player modeller, Props modeller, Weapons modeller, if you can model, we want you.
Skinner - We're looking for texture artists and skinners to help us create the 2D graphics for Bloodthirst.
Animator - Heh.. haven't seen any of these guys for a while. If you're good at animating models for computer games, we want you ;)
Producer - Yes.. a Producer. There are a lot of PR and co-ordination tasks that I need some help with, so it wouldnt hurt to have an experienced person in this area.
Level Designer - Help us create realistic Eastern European settings.

If you're none of these but wish to help, then don't worry, feel free to apply. As I've said before, we're expanding the team in all the areas, and although we have a mostly complete team at this moment, we're still very small and would like more talented people to join our ranks.

What are we expecting from you?

This isn't a commercial organization, so of course we cannot ask you to work a certain set amount of hours every week, however, you should ask yourself, "Do I have the free time and dedication necessary to work on something like this?". Many of us lead busy lives, so sometimes we'll need to depart here and there for a little while to sort out other issues, that's normal, but what we will ask you is that you allocate a certain amount of time for Bloodthirst every week.

Apart from dedication, it is essential that you're experienced in your given field and can produce work that rises above the average in quality. We're not looking for a certain age or a certain amount of years of experience, we're looking for raw potential and enthusiasm that will allow you to create the best for Bloodthirst. Of course you must also be deeply interrested in the mod, otherwise your time with us won't be productive or fun.

Those who wish to apply will be required to visit our development forums regularly and also come to our IRC channel. This is common sense, we want you to stay active and work closely with us. If you think you're up for it, then here's how to apply...

How do I apply?

To apply simply drop me an e-mail to: [email protected]

Include the field you specialize in (e.g. modeller, animator etc.) and also point us towards your online portfolio (preferably) or if you don't have one just attach a pic of your best work so we can see the level of skill you're currently at. I will reply back to you within 24 hours, or as fast as I can to arrange a further chat. Good luck ;)

An even easier method of contacting me would be to come directly to our IRC Channel. Here are the details:

Here's a little more info on the positions that we're seeking to fill up:

Producer - Basically I'm the only one doing most of the admin and PR stuff at the moment, so it would be nice to have someone else in the co-ordination role. Role of the Producer would be to oversee development, help set tasks and check up on their progress and also aid me on the PR front, spreading the word about Bloodthirst. If you're going to apply for this position, I'd like you to have some background in co-ordination or PR, academic or otherwise, as it is quite a challenging position.

Modeller - We're modelling a lot of different stuff, so if you're into technical stuff like weapons or props or if you're more into organic things like humans then you'll find a place in Bloodthirst. We're creating a realistic Eastern European setting so we need a lot of different props, from cars to lamp posts, from firniture to junk, a very varied selection really. We'd also like to get some more weapon and player modellers to help us speed up the development process.

Animator - Yep, if you specialise in animating, we want you. We're gonna need a few stunt and melee animations for player models as well as the usual assortment of weapon reload and fire animations.

Skinner/Texture Artist - We'll need artists to texture the props, player models and weapon models. Also we might be looking for people who live in Eastern Europe to obtain some textures for Bloodthirst maps. I will personally be creating custom textures for the levels, but it would be helpful to have some more people to aid me on this.

Level Designer - If you're a level designer with attention to detail you may find this position interresting. Bloodthirst aims to feature very detailed rich settings, with many interior as well as exterior areas. We'll be filling the interiors with many props to create a believable setting, so if you're into realistic level design, drop me an e-mail ;)

Now, if you specialise in something else such as sound or just vanilla coding and are interresting in joining the Bloodthirst team, by all means, send us an e-mail. We're seeking to expand the team in all areas, so if you wish to participate in a close and well co-ordinated team, look no further :)
Interesting, if not slightly cliche'd idea. Although, I have to ask, does your coder (assuming you have one) know how difficult a good slowdown system would be in a multiplayer environment? Think of it this way - you slow one person's perspective down, and everyone's perspective slows down. Which gives an advantage to the opponent too. And think how annoying it would be to play against a team of vampires, who all use the slowdown ability? May as well run the whole game in slowdown. Unless, of course, you're doing a single-player game.

Good luck sorting some of the problems though - if you manage a way, then it could be fun.

-Angry Lawyer
Hey Angry Lawyer :)

The slowdown was always a contraversial issue when it comes to multiplayer games until a Half-Life mod called The Specialists came along and showed the world that it's indeed possible to implement Matrix style bullet-time in a fast paced multiplayer FPS match :)

Basically, the slowdown will affect the rest of the players in a sphere of influence more than it will affect you, so in essence you will move faster than everybody else. Think of it as everyone slows down to a snails pace and you slow down just a slight bit, giving you a big advantage. Of course it will only be given for about 4 seconds to the player but thats enough to turn a combat situtation in your favour.

Everyone using the skill? Yes, I expect it will be the more essential ability to get for the vampires, but we'll make sure that you won't experience a constant spam of Timesurges (the ability's name) during play. The Specialists team have implemented it with great success and we hope to follow in their steps as it really adds a huge cinematic and gameplay element to the mod :)
Hmm. Onlookers to the sphere of influence would be able to shoot the nine hells out of anyone slowed down, and would be able to run up for some knife kills if a victim is on the edge of the sphere. Might take some balancing, but sounds interesting.

-Angry Lawyer
The sphere of influence isn't a small area around the user, more of a very large sphere in the general vicinity :) Everyone nearby will be affected while someone on the other side of the map might not be. Interresting point regarding using it against someone when you're outside the sphere. I assume we can code it so the bullets will slow down as they enter it and you will obviously slow down aswell if you'll try to get that person with melee.

As I've mentioned earlier, the talented guys at The Specialists mod have implemented bullet time into multiplayer with huge success, so I don't see why we can't either. I'd recommend you grab TS for yourself and see just how impressive slow motion is in a heated FPS match ;)
True, true. But you neglect the fact that HL and HL2 both use tracelines for bullets - no bullet actually travels, it just draws a line (instantaneously), sees what the first object hit is, and calculates any damage/drawing of decals. Unless you recode bullets to be solid objects (very server-heavy), you'll have to be really inventive. One idea would be to check if a traceline hits the sphere, and then turn it into a physical object upon entry. Otherwise, slowing down is going to have no effect on bullets.

I like brainstorming.

-Angry Lawyer
Well, Angry Lawyer, with everything in HL2 and the engine, it will be possible to edit the traceline effect to slow down or to change to a simulated physical object. The thing valve did with source is give us mod makers power. That power is what will make this mod and most others great. Good luck with it Xizor.
You can slow down tracelines??? That's crazy talk! A traceline isn't a line at all, it's just a check if there's something directly in front of the player, and it uses no conceived notion of time - it's instantaneous.

I'll be seriously impressed if Tracelines were slowable. But I still think it would be a lag engine. It'll be interesting how people work their way around it, though :)

-Angry Lawyer
The mod idea sounds rather taken from vampire:the mascerade combined with the matrix btw ;)

(no offence)
Guess I will have to add vampires to the book...

"The Book of Mod Making"
-Step one. Choose a theme. (Circle all that apply)
- World War 2
- Counter Terrorism
- Matrix
- Vampires
bring it on: rumors say that vampire bloodlines mplayer got cancelled so vampire mods r more than welcome !!!!
Don't forget to add World War 3, Post Apocalyptic, and Gang-War to that list, Chu.

-Angry Lawyer
chu said:
Guess I will have to add vampires to the book...

"The Book of Mod Making"
-Step one. Choose a theme. (Circle all that apply)
- World War 2
- Counter Terrorism
- Matrix
- Vampires

Can you give me a link to a multiplayer Matrix or Vampire mod for Half-Life 2 please, apart from Bloodthirst, as I seem to have missed them. No sarcasm, I'm just interrested. :)
Ok heres one mine lol herafter is a single player vampire mod.
Don't worry, we're only teasing :) It doesn't matter how many repetitions of a single idea appear, just as long as you pour your heart into your mod, and go the distance to make it better than anyone else's vampire and/or matrix mod.
Anyways, I think all the other Vampire mods (apart from Hereafter) collapsed. Like the majority of the counter-terrorism ones. That should make competition a little easier for you.

-Angry Lawyer
armanguy said:
Ok heres one mine lol herafter is a single player vampire mod.

Aye, but I've asked for a multiplayer mod ;) Looking forward to what you guys will create though.

Thanks for the feedback Angry Lawyer,

As far as I know there's only one multiplayer vampire mod, and that's Vampire Slayer 2, if that will ever be developed as there has been very little word on it. There are no Matrix mods (ones that are actually set inside the Matrix) because of copyright issues, again, no word on Existence 2 (which is a very Matrix inspired mod :) )

So at this moment I cannot pick up a multiplayer vampire shooter apart from Vampire Slayer one, which in my opinion is greatly outdated and has many problems. I'd therefore like to see a fast vampire game set in a realistic environment. Sure, some people will prefer realism mods or something more original, but I think there's a lack of a good, fast vampire action game and that's why I'm working on Bloodthirst :)
Agreed, good high-speed, low realism combat mods are currently lacking. Well, ones with Vampires in them anyways.

But you know you should stick some Gargoyles in there. Everyone loves Gargoyles. If it came down to it, with a Gargoyle and a Vampire fighting, the Gargoyle would win hands down.

-Angry Lawyer
Angry Lawyer said:
I'll be seriously impressed if Tracelines were slowable. But I still think it would be a lag engine. It'll be interesting how people work their way around it, though :)

One thing that could be done is to check the traceline for two intersections.

The first checks to see if it hits a sphere of influence. If this happens, a bullet object is created at the intersection and continues on. Still intense, but not nearly so. If it doesn't hit a sphere, it checks to see if it hits another player.
Im dont remember anyother vampire mods except bloodthirst and hereafter?is there more?
armanguy said:
Im dont remember anyother vampire mods except bloodthirst and hereafter?is there more?

Although that isn't really a mod, I guess. I'll give you that much.
chu said:
Guess I will have to add vampires to the book...

"The Book of Mod Making"
-Step one. Choose a theme. (Circle all that apply)
- World War 2
- Counter Terrorism
- Matrix
- Vampires

then why this little post if theres only 2 mods. and there 2 different kind of mods one is multiplayer the other is single player?
Yeah I was wondering where that came from, with no matrix mods ever apart from Existence for HL1, which isn't even a matrix mod (all other ones stopped development) and Bloodthirst as the only multiplayer vampire mod unless VS2 will be developed it's not like we're being overflowed in these genres like Chu's post attempts to suggest ;)

If I missed a mod, pray tell, I'm interrested :)