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Sgt. Duffy

Oh, crap. Have you guys heard how many CD's are coming in this thing? SIX. Not the high that we once that was three CD's, but it has SIX. Jesus christ, Doom 3, a 3 CD game took around 40 minutes to load on my computer! Imagine HL2's! Friggin hour and a half! Thats around a movies average time! Jesus christ! Sorry..Im getting carried away, but how many of you guys actually have a DVD drive? I dont, and all 12 of my friends who plan on getting the game..dont. Seriously, folks, we're in for a good two hours of bathroom-less-ness, waiting to play Half Life 2 IMMEDIETLEY after installation, but are butts will be wet, and are minds dulled...and dont tell me you'll go get some errands done while it installs! Its not like youre gonna have someone to put in one of those CD's every 20 minutes! Jesus Christ..
Everquest 2 is planning on shipping on 10 :)

Get the CE if you don't want 6 cds.


Hello and Welcome!

*courtesy of Erestheux*
Well how do you expect them to give you a game with loads of content? magic?
UT2k4 shipped on six cds as well.

I'd bet the majority of those here have a DVD-ROM drive. In fact, that would make good poll material.

That said, if you don't have one.. buy it through Steam. Problem solved, and annoying rant avoided. :)
I'm a bit curious, why is HL2 so big? There are no FMVs,.
So whats eating up all this space? Textures and audio?
Come on people, DVD drives, not that expensive and definitally worth it.

Or get it off Steam.
DVD drives are cheap, they are practically giving them away. wish the standard edition was on DVD too.
Hazar Dakiri said:
Everquest 2 is planning on shipping on 10 :)

Get the CE if you don't want 6 cds.


Hello and Welcome!

*courtesy of Erestheux*

lol, I heard that! Though it was a rumor until I read the article in PCGAMER.. awful lotta mouth's went into making that. CE edition is DVD..I dont have a DVD drive, though if the time really comes (which it will) I'll plunk down the $50 or so, just to evade having my crotch soaked with the sweat of anticipation..and my eyes hurting with the boredom of the bright screen. Hopefully, they'll include a flash game into installation. Hey, its a good idea!
Kind of hard delivering content in small spaces as homer said , although that includes cs:s which steam files rise up to 900mbs now so it may be that there are 4 hl2 cds a 2 cs:s cds , o 5 and 1 , but i wouldn't count on all 6 cds needed to install HL2.
PS : I think I'm forgetting HL:S is included right?
Just flip through the manual between swapping CDs. It's not that bad.
HL:S is only included in the CE, I believe. Maybe it's in retail too, but unfortently I'll have to upgrade my ATi account.
disruptioN_ said:
Just flip through the manual between swapping CDs. It's not that bad.

If you havent noticed, manuals are usually the first things to be thrown away when a game is bought. Do you seriously need to know which guys are the bad guys, and which are the good? Crap, whatever the hell moves, shoot it!
Myst IV Revelation was 2 DVDs. 8 gigabytes. Loaded onto CDs thats about 12. Stop Complaining About Six.
If you preload it from steam will it not take as long? Hopefully the CD install won't go over what I've preloaded...
You could preload the content through Steam and then when the game comes out all you'll have to do is enter your CD-Key for it.
has this been officialy confirmed?

you can bake a cake while installing hl2.
Unreal Tournament 2004 came with six cds I believe. I, myself, got the dvd version and didn't have to switch out disks. I have 3 dvd-reading capable drives between my two computers, so I don't buy in to the whole "not many people have them" scene. Getting a dvd drive is well worth it I think. Not only is it inexpensive, but as more people get dvd burners, you can easily have access to disks with a higher capacity than cds.
So wait... which version installs on DVD (i want that one)
Better yet, get a dvd burner and steam caches.
Sgt. Duffy said:
Oh, crap. Have you guys heard how many CD's are coming in this thing? SIX. Not the high that we once that was three CD's, but it has SIX. Jesus christ, Doom 3, a 3 CD game took around 40 minutes to load on my computer! Imagine HL2's! Friggin hour and a half! Thats around a movies average time! Jesus christ! Sorry..Im getting carried away, but how many of you guys actually have a DVD drive? I dont, and all 12 of my friends who plan on getting the game..dont. Seriously, folks, we're in for a good two hours of bathroom-less-ness, waiting to play Half Life 2 IMMEDIETLEY after installation, but are butts will be wet, and are minds dulled...and dont tell me you'll go get some errands done while it installs! Its not like youre gonna have someone to put in one of those CD's every 20 minutes! Jesus Christ..

UT2004 was six CD's...or it might have been four.
UT2004 - 5 install discs, 1 play disc
Far cry - 5 discs
Doom 3 - 3 discs
[1] DVD Drives are Cheap
[2] 6 CDs = Lots of Detail & Lots of Content (I know valve is extremly efficent)
[3] 15 minutes per CD? Do you have a 4x CD drive? I think I was burning CD's in 5 minutes when I had a 12x10x32 drive.

My suggestion is get a DVD drive. Currently DVD r/rw drives are as low as $75, and I'm certain I've seen DVD drives for under $30. If you get it off of ebay, you can probably get them around $10-$17 (includes shipping). The DVD drive should read CDs at like 4x (?) of whatever the DVD multiplyer is (aka 12x, 16x, etc...)
Everyone that meets the other system requirements should have a dvd-rom drive.

...And for the people who don't, valve could have come up with another collector's edition thats bundled with a dvd drive that has a hl2 faceplate.
I'm quite happy with my slot-load 16x Pioneer DVD-ROM ;)

DVD burners are certainly alot cheaper here in Australia now... might buy one soon..
All computers in my Best Buy have DVD-ROM Drives, I don't know why people don't have DVD-ROM drives yet when they are like $15....
Everyone now days should have a dvd drive its no more then 30$.
besides there being a DVD included in the CE, theres really nothing else there to say that this CE lived up to the name of CE's of games in general.

i'll probably end up getting it as a second copy only because i want a DVD and the manuel.. but other than that... mehhh :|
I have no use for a dvd drive untill games start shipping on them.

Untill then ...thats 30$ in my pocket.
Sgt. Duffy said:
Oh, crap. Have you guys heard how many CD's are coming in this thing? SIX. Not the high that we once that was three CD's, but it has SIX. Jesus christ, Doom 3, a 3 CD game took around 40 minutes to load on my computer! Imagine HL2's! Friggin hour and a half! Thats around a movies average time! Jesus christ! Sorry..Im getting carried away, but how many of you guys actually have a DVD drive? I dont, and all 12 of my friends who plan on getting the game..dont. Seriously, folks, we're in for a good two hours of bathroom-less-ness, waiting to play Half Life 2 IMMEDIETLEY after installation, but are butts will be wet, and are minds dulled...and dont tell me you'll go get some errands done while it installs! Its not like youre gonna have someone to put in one of those CD's every 20 minutes! Jesus Christ..

Stop f*cking complaing. So what 6 F*cking cds booo hoo I'm an impatient person....bahh....and then you invoke the name of the Lord. shit man what's your problem? Must be the broadband that's getting to you.
I personally like it being more CDs, it means more game content
More CD's=more extravagant jewel case.
Example: Max Payne 2
I personally do not care how many cds the game is on...we don't even have the actual game in our hands yet! 7 years in development and everyone is still complaining when we're so close. It's nerve wrecking....
nw909 said:
Come on people, DVD drives, not that expensive and definitally worth it.

Or get it off Steam.

What he said, there not costly any more, no more then a good speed cd drive.

Im getting it so it does'nt matter to me how many cds it comes on :D
From my steam folder the file sizes are (all approx.): -

Sound = 1 Gb
Models = 500 Mb
Materials = 1 Gb
Counterstrike: Source = 1 Gb

That makes about 3.5 Gb. Assuming you have 600 mb per cd then 6x600mb = 3.6GB so that would be about right.
f|uke said:
I haven't been keeping up with the times.... $50 for a samsung DVD writer.

But on a more serious note, it's nice to be able to watch DVD's on your comptuer.
CS: Source is probably one cd. Will the SDK ship with the game? Thats probably another. So that leaves 4 cds for hl2.