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Six CD's is liek heaven.

I agree with Icarus. More CD's = More game content.

Makes you feel good. And I can have them on my wall ;D
Robert said:
Six CD's is liek heaven.

I agree with Icarus. More CD's = More game content.

Makes you feel good. And I can have them on my wall ;D

I honestly would rather have one dvd than six cds, I don't like playing "toaster" with my drives.

And by the way great avatar :laugh:
I plan to rip the CDs to my HD once I've installed it the first time, so if I ever need to reinstall it after that it'll be much quicker.

As for 6 CDs, valve have said that uncompressed HL2 is about 3.5 gigs. It's likely they'd ship it uncompressed in order to save time uncompressing during installation (otherwise it would take even longer) and CDs are dirt cheap anyway (like ~1 cent each to make, if that). So 3.5 gigs / 700 meg/cd = 5 cds. Then CS:S will probably be about 500-700 megs as well (current pre-load is bigger as it includes the Source engine backend, whereas HL2 will contain this part) which makes 6 cds.

I'd rather have a DVD though, but I'm not going to pay extra for it.
Enter the Matrix also had around 6 CDs. Only 4 was needed to install.
I'm buying the dvd version. I still have the horror of buying the cd version of ut2k4 by accident D:
The way I see it there are two area's of gaming where the PC is actually lagging behind consoles. This is one of them. Are people still buying Gaming PC's without DVD drives?

I hate to sound elitist; my pc is far from bleeding edge, but what were you hoping for with the CD version? Fewer sound files? Smaller textures? Miss out half the game? It's a one time instilation and you can probably forget about the disks after that. Failing that, download the preload like the other guy said, but either way just relax a little and think of the real victims here...

The poor bastards who have to install it from 858 floppy disks! ;)
Wraithen said:
The way I see it there are two area's of gaming where the PC is actually lagging behind consoles. This is one of them. Are people still buying Gaming PC's without DVD drives?

I hate to sound elitist; my pc is far from bleeding edge, but what were you hoping for with the CD version? Fewer sound files? Smaller textures? Miss out half the game? It's a one time instilation and you can probably forget about the disks after that. Failing that, download the preload like the other guy said, but either way just relax a little and think of the real victims here...

The poor bastards who have to install it from 858 floppy disks! ;)
Yes there's always a few straggling tards :laugh:

But my survey shows a nicely profitable majority has DVD-Roms!

I've peronsally had the same DVD-rom drive for 4 years. It's been through 3 computers in that time. Good old Pioneer 10 speed!
I don't understand why people don't have dvd drives? It's been here forever now and it costs nothing.

And yeah, 6 cds is kinda in teh extreme.
Radeon said:
I don't understand why people don't have dvd drives? It's been here forever now and it costs nothing.

And yeah, 6 cds is kinda in teh extreme.
The X-files game was on ten CD's, now that's extreme.
This is one of the reasons I'm downloading from Steam, so I don't have to mess around with CDs and boxes. I'm running out of space to put the buggers.
think of thye bright side: much time of watching beutiful pictures while instaling (like in doom 3 remember?) the pics in the middle and the progress thing on the bottom right hand corner?! YAY!!!
Heh, I'll never ever touch my precious cd's, Steam preload baby! Just enter my cd-key and I'm done!

And it takes you fourty minutes to install Doom 3? My god, what kind of HD have you? A 4200 rpm?
ATI4EVER! said:
think of thye bright side: much time of watching beutiful pictures while instaling (like in doom 3 remember?) the pics in the middle and the progress thing on the bottom right hand corner?! YAY!!!

Or a mini game!! that horrible terrible evil Sims 2 game that spent money on. Assuming the CE version isn't something ridiculous like £70....I'm getting the DVD.
HL2 - 4CDs
CS:S - 2CDs

And as has been said before, if you hate installing get the preload or dvd.
Its almost like the time we switched from floppys to CDs. Stupid CD-Rom people standing in the way of evolution.
10 cds? I gotta free up some serious space. I think it's time to delete my cs 1.5 and all its mods, additional maps, sounds etc... which add up to 3.5 GB. :O
nick_t said:
10 cds? I gotta free up some serious space. I think it's time to delete my cs 1.5 and all its mods, additional maps, sounds etc... which add up to 3.5 GB. :O
six CD's, not ten
nick_t said:
10 cds? I gotta free up some serious space. I think it's time to delete my cs 1.5 and all its mods, additional maps, sounds etc... which add up to 3.5 GB. :O

No, it's gonna be 15 cd's.
preload it! then you only need the play cd and the cdkey to insert :P
You don't have a DVD drive? Sorry, mate, then probably your computer is too old to play HL2.
The_Monkey said:
You don't have a DVD drive? Sorry, mate, then probably your computer is too old to play HL2.

I have one but if it ships only on CDs, then that sux.
flo_Orian said:
preload it! then you only need the play cd and the cdkey to insert :P

u mean you only need the cdkey.

nick_t said:
I have one but if it ships only on CDs, then that sux.

you can buy the CE. That has DVD.
I have one, the problem is that I'mnot buying the CE.
It's probably 5 cds and one to play.
actually i like waiting for the installation keke gives me a nice warm feeling. but actually i'm getting hl2 over steam so I guess it won't matter to me.
preload from steam....
buy the boxed copy....
type the cd key into steam...
play half life 2 :) :) :)
I dont think these games acutally fill up all the cd. Joint Operations, ONE cd, which is becoming rare now. Battlefield Vietnam, THREE cd's. I dont get why.
I think that the publishers think that people think there getting better value if they are given a whole three gigbytes of unused disk!
Nobody who has a computer which is good enough for gaming dosent have a DVD drive. 6 and even 10 disks is stupid.
my god u people whine about everything. so lets see now an 8x or 16x dvd drive with 1 dvd to install it all or a 52x cdrom drive with an extra 10 sec to switch cd's humm i don't think the time difference would be that much only a few min at most. and instead of whining about how long it will take to install u can use that time to call work,family,friends to let them know you won't be around for the next 2 weeks. There nuff said.
o and The_Monkey just because some of us don't have a DVD Drive doesn't make our pc's too old to play HL2, I don't have a DVD Drive yet and I got a P4 3.2,ATI Radeon 9800XT w/256,1gb Duel channel DDR400,SB Audigy 2,80gb IDE,120gb SATA,865PE NEO2-LS mobo. I just don't have a use for a DVD Drive yet.
The computer my family bought in 1999 which had a TNT Video card, 500MhZ, etc, and was top of the line when it came out, came with a DVD ROM drive. The computer I have, which I originally bought in 2001 (have made upgrades) came with a DVD ROM at the start, also.

I simply do not understand how people can not have one..
Just curious, I'm getting the silver edition, could I download everything off there, burn them onto a DVD or 2 DVD's even, and then when I go to install it say after a reformat, there will be the exe's I can just install? Or would I need to install Steam first, then load the files off of the DVD into steam? And how would I do that? Also, if I burned a copy of steam onto the DVD, and then went to install the games after a reformat, would steam automatically update the older version off the DVD, to the newest available update? Sorry, kinda new to all of this. Thanks.
you would just install steam, then copy all of the GCFs ( the files that all valve games are held in) back in to their respective dirs in the steam folder!!
I'm getting the CE simply for the DVD. The problem? The buggers in Carlisle might not sell it/might not have enough. I'd have to consider whether I'd be desperate enough for the game to get the 6th CD behemoth.

Seriously, all games should start going DVD only. So many online games are broadband-aimed (well, recommended for any sort of enjoyment), and DVD drives have the added bonus of having no availability limits (British Telecom won't deny you one).
crabcakes66 said:
I have no use for a dvd drive untill games start shipping on them.

Untill then ...thats 30$ in my pocket.

Isn't that the point of this thread - that more games are starting to appear on DVD now? Of course you can still go down the 6 CD path if you need / have to but developers and publishers will eventually have to draw a line in the sand like when CD's took over from floppy disks.
hell, buy the box. put in the key in steam. play.

no need for installation of 6 cd's
thank goodness for preloading.
Sgt. Duffy said:
Oh, crap. Have you guys heard how many CD's are coming in this thing? SIX. Not the high that we once that was three CD's, but it has SIX. Jesus christ, Doom 3, a 3 CD game took around 40 minutes to load on my computer! Imagine HL2's! Friggin hour and a half! Thats around a movies average time! Jesus christ! Sorry..Im getting carried away, but how many of you guys actually have a DVD drive? I dont, and all 12 of my friends who plan on getting the game..dont. Seriously, folks, we're in for a good two hours of bathroom-less-ness, waiting to play Half Life 2 IMMEDIETLEY after installation, but are butts will be wet, and are minds dulled...and dont tell me you'll go get some errands done while it installs! Its not like youre gonna have someone to put in one of those CD's every 20 minutes! Jesus Christ..

lol 40 minutes to install Doom 3, what kind of weak ass system are you running? Doom 3 takes 10 minutes MAX to install. Somehow I sense some exaggeration :P
just get it from steam
Steam r0xx0rz teh b!g !!!111oneoneone
its an interesting move on valve/vu's part
the fact that the game plans to ship on 6 cd's has made me consider upgrading to the CE and thus the single DVD
smart marketing