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B_MAN said:
its an interesting move on valve/vu's part
the fact that the game plans to ship on 6 cd's has made me consider upgrading to the CE and thus the single DVD
smart marketing

Yep, but that option comes with a price of at least £60.

I started saving money for HL2 CE.
Sgt. Duffy said:
Oh, crap. Have you guys heard how many CD's are coming in this thing? SIX. Not the high that we once that was three CD's, but it has SIX. Jesus christ, Doom 3, a 3 CD game took around 40 minutes to load on my computer! Imagine HL2's! Friggin hour and a half! Thats around a movies average time! Jesus christ! Sorry..Im getting carried away, but how many of you guys actually have a DVD drive? I dont, and all 12 of my friends who plan on getting the game..dont. Seriously, folks, we're in for a good two hours of bathroom-less-ness, waiting to play Half Life 2 IMMEDIETLEY after installation, but are butts will be wet, and are minds dulled...and dont tell me you'll go get some errands done while it installs! Its not like youre gonna have someone to put in one of those CD's every 20 minutes! Jesus Christ..

Get it over Steam.
I remeber when games used to come on 30+ floppy disks. Honestly the kids of today moaning about 6 CDs...
Well umm. The retail version of hl2 has both hl2 and css on it. I would probably guess that hl2 takes up probably 4 of the discs and the last two being cs source. Another thing to consider. When ut2k4 was released, the special dvd edition sold out in a matter of days. After they realized how many people wanted the dvd edition, they later released a dvd edition of ut2k4 which is still currently on the shelves. I am hoping that the same situation will occur with hl2 so that vivendi will decide to have a dvd edition of hl2 released as well.
30 Floppy disks?! Pah! In my day, games were on 15.9 septillion punchcards. And that was for special editions! Other times, they were carved on neolithic stone! You'd have needed eighteen times the world's mass to play this "Calf-Strife" thing!

Alternatively we played boardgames. Heh.

Man, they better have the CE available in Cumbrian shops... and plenty of them!
I can't believe that after all this goddamn time we have all waited now that details are being released people are ACTUALLY complaining! See why Valve has no loyalty to any of us.. you guys bitch about EVERYTHING.
We waited for years now. Dont we have another 5 minutes to switch cds? :P
Isn't it funny how 6 cd's is just half-life 2 and counter strike: source....and one DVD is Half-Life 2 , Counter Strike: Source AND Half Life:Source...hell i think they even have all the bink videos and endless hours of footage on how the game was made :rolling:
Matthias said:
I remeber when games used to come on 30+ floppy disks. Honestly the kids of today moaning about 6 CDs...

i remember my Amiga days... all those floppy's and no hard drive, so you had to go through it all every time you wanted to play it. Before that, Cassettes anyone? It used to take forever before you could start playing. Kids these days have it easy ;)

PS: I'm only 24... you young'uns are making me feel old
Cassettes of course, I had a C64 that used a tape deck to read games, and you had to pray to the Gaming Gods that the game would work. And you had those flickering rainbow-colored loading screens that would instantly kill an epileptic :laugh:
wasn't it datasettes? i had a schneider/amstrad cpc 664 with 3" disks(writable on each side), my 1st hc was a c16.
Well I don't know how you call 'em but they were exactly like audio tapes :)
yeah, a friend of mine had cpc464. which had an built in datasettes drive. and he used audio-cassettes instead of datasettes. cheaper but sometimes kind of erratic.
hm. as you stated, they looked like regular audio-tapes..

cartdriges, do you mean stuff like those glorious qic80-tapes? loved them; a shame that the drives went broken to fast(had around 4 iomega qic120 drives).
Edcrab said:
30 Floppy disks?! Pah! In my day, games were on 15.9 septillion punchcards. And that was for special editions! Other times, they were carved on neolithic stone! You'd have needed eighteen times the world's mass to play this "Calf-Strife" thing!

lol punchcards
Well how do you expect them to give you a game with loads of content? magic?
Guys, 'content' as in play-time does not take up memory. The main stuff that takes up space is textures and sound. HL2 has a bunch of very high res textures and a lot of dialog and music.

Actually - anyone who has pre-loaded should be able to determine where most of the space is.
Edcrab said:
30 Floppy disks?! Pah! In my day, games were on 15.9 septillion punchcards. And that was for special editions! Other times, they were carved on neolithic stone! You'd have needed eighteen times the world's mass to play this "Calf-Strife" thing!

And we used to eat gravel whilst working 32 hours a day down t' pit just for a floggin' at the end of the day whilst waiting for Commando to load level one again from tape

You try to tell the youth of today this and will they believe you?
I remember it all (except for punch cards) - Casettes, cartridges, the old style 5.25 floppies (they were the coolest ting around when they came out, especially the 80 track ones) computers with 8k of ram...
Matthias said:
I remember it all (except for punch cards) - Casettes, cartridges, the old style 5.25 floppies (they were the coolest ting around when they came out, especially the 80 track ones) computers with 8k of ram...

The best thing about the 5 1/4'' disks was the little catch you'd use to hold them in. There aren't enough things to twiddle on modern PC's.
Darth Valium said:
hm. as you stated, they looked like regular audio-tapes..

cartdriges, do you mean stuff like those glorious qic80-tapes? loved them; a shame that the drives went broken to fast(had around 4 iomega qic120 drives).

I dunno what the qic80 tapes were :laugh:

But I do remember you used to plug the cartriges in the keyboard itself on the back of it where you had the rest of the ports.
Funny how things go backwards... I remember installing Rex Nebular off of 9 diskettes. That was excessive at the time.

Now, 6 CDs. I wish they'd offer the game on DVD outside of the CE.
I've been told that Vivendi are now saying that HL2 will come shipped on DVD only.
I got NWN platinum on DVD. It was uber sweet. I would buy the CE if it had DOD:source but some MORON left it out. I would trade the crappy book and T-shirt anyday for DOD.
Sgt. Duffy said:
If you havent noticed, manuals are usually the first things to be thrown away when a game is bought. Do you seriously need to know which guys are the bad guys, and which are the good? Crap, whatever the hell moves, shoot it!

OMFG! That was funny! ROFL!

But I don't think everybody that buys a game, does not read the manual... I always do that when I am installing the game... I don't know why but its fun! YAAY =D
I think i'm gonna get the floppy version of HL2 for my 386. I don't think it will take that long to install it. I mean, it's only like 17,500 disks. I just need to be a little patient. And i don't need to wonder if my 386 can run the game or not; it ran 3dmark2005 just fine.
Yeah just preload it off steam now so that when it comes out you just press a button and whala. Plus if you buy it off steam:

1. You will be giving your money to the hard workers at valve the creators of the game .
2. You will get to play cs. source and all the maps that come with it at least a month to more earlier.
AJ Rimmer said:
The X-files game was on ten CD's, now that's extreme.

:eek: I played this game for months!! damn, I was such a x files freak. :rolling:

in my school we had win95 on floppies!!! (!!!!!!!!) I think it was on 150 floppies, but I'm not sure

however it's really funny how things like the number of cds developped.... if u think about the early 90s games shipped always on several cds. and nowadays it's 1 dvd. I just think thats a lot of improvement, because the games only get better (not to mention bigger) :cheers:
Hazar said:
The REAL floppy disks?


Thoes things hold like 200kb

Oh yeah the disks that were actually floppy...and were like 7 inches long :laugh:
How long before we're all talking on the forums and remembering the time when Half life 2 came out on 6 CD's? Of course, maybe by then we'll spend more time reminiscing about the old days when games had publishers.
LOL CD´s are getting outdated...its like with the floppys..i remember installing Duke Nukem 3D with like 10 floppys...time for DVD to go mainstream...
h00dlum said:
LOL CD´s are getting outdated...its like with the floppys..i remember installing Duke Nukem 3D with like 10 floppys...time for DVD to go mainstream...

More like blue ray or holograms