Blue ray cracked with help of PS3...

Dec 2, 2004
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Guys in basements cracked the HD DVD code a few days weeks and now there are preliminary reports suggesting that Blu-ray discs have also been cracked. When I say "preliminary" I really mean it because the only proof that we have is one lonely post on an HDTV blog. Allegedly, three or more people have claimed to find the title/volume keys on Blu-ray discs by using a PS3. Linux, modding and voodoo are involved, apparently. If this turns out to be accurate, it would mean that neither HD DVD nor Blu-ray are as secure as their handlers wanted Hollywood to believe. When pirates are determined to buy their own nation, how do you fight that? Somewhere, an MPAA official is crying (and drawing up lawsuits).

Am I the only one who sees the irony here?
Wait the purpose was just to stop pirating by making hard codes? Obviously any hackers will eventually crack it. Its useless to resist.
Finally something positive about the ps3 on this forum.
If we had tracking devices on DVDs and a police agency solery for anti-piracy, with their own fleet of attack helicopters, SWAT, and APCs, this could be taken care of. But until then, Arrr!
Umm, has the copy protection on HD-DVD (AACS) even been cracked yet ? I know you can bypass it but I'm quite certain it hasn't been 'cracked.'

Gizmodo, Engadget, etc are full of freaking morons.