PS3 root key found, sony is going to shit brick

Really, not more than this. fixed
Krynn is right. Obviously, it's futile to try to "take it down and ban the code from the internet" :laugh:, they have only made the problem worse for themselves. One can get the code from the news articles posting news on... Sony trying to remove the code!

It was the same thing with the HD DVD key... people had it printed on T-Shirts and shit.
Really, not more than this. fixed

They're demanding information on people who simply viewed or commented on a youtube page about it. Thats not going to just be hackers and the like.
Google and news sites are Google and news sites, not the internet population. Only a few manage to break through a consoles' security, and bringing these to court can help prevent their future consoles getting hacked and game sales dropping. makes sense? (although I don't like how locked down consoles are, this seems quite logical)

EDIT: Guess I didn't read it good enough, didn't notice the part about YT commenters/viewers:laugh:
Google -> "PS3 root key" -> first hit contains key.

Keep on fighting Sony!
Settlement in George Hotz case

Sony Computer Entertainment America (“SCEA”) and George Hotz (“Hotz”) today announced the settlement of the lawsuit filed by SCEA against Hotz in federal court in San Francisco, California. The parties reached an agreement in principle on March 31, 2011. As part of the settlement, Hotz consented to a permanent injunction.

Both parties expressed satisfaction that litigation had been quickly resolved. “Sony is glad to put this litigation behind us,” said Riley Russell, General Counsel for SCEA. “Our motivation for bringing this litigation was to protect our intellectual property and our consumers. We believe this settlement and the permanent injunction achieve this goal.”

“It was never my intention to cause any users trouble or to make piracy easier,” said Hotz, “I’m happy to have the litigation behind me.” Hotz was not involved in the recent attacks on Sony’s internet services and websites.
A permanent injunction on his PS3 hacking? I hope it's nothing more broad than that.
Well that sucks for him. Imagine never playing Uncharted 3 or The Last Guardian??? Yikes. As a gamer I would HHHAAATTTTEEEE that. At least Anonymous is still taking it to the man, so to speak, not that I really want them to or care that much anymore. I agree that it did seem like an invasion of privacy to give out the IP addresses of people who watched the vids or visited the sites, but threatening huge attacks is not what most of us want to see in this world.
Doesn't really matter if he lost the battle, the cats out of the bag now. Anon is taking the fight to sony.
Yeah, and heck, Sony must have known this was just a matter of time, if this guy hadn't done it someone else would have.

Personally I only care about this because I think people should be allowed to do whatever they want with their own hardware once they own it, but I guess that wasn't the issue here as much as it was him spreading how to do it?

Either way, I personally won't be flashing(Or whatever the term is) my PS3, since I assume Sony has got a system in place to blacklist consoles that manage to go online with modified firmware, just like Microsoft has.