Blue Shift was actually... good

Thought of it & figured I'm the only HL nerd playing Blue Shift for the first time a decade after it's release.
Yeah I'd say most people here would recognize it. It's also at the start of Blue Shift somewhere - a locker IIRC.
Thats also shown on a damaged "employee of the year" photo in an office in op4 i think...
I prefered Blue Shift to OppForce... OF was much more about gunning down everything that moves. Blue Shift has a lot more charme imho.

I miss Black Mesa... Gamingwise I really do.
Well... it seems like I'm always being negative about stuff on here, but I really didn't think much to Blue Shift to be honest. Compare it to the most memorable Half-Life units- On a Rail, Questionable Ethics, Surface Tension spring to mind- and it just seems so small-scale and dull. The architecture was more complicated but that's not the same as having a really moody, stylish atmosphere like you had in On a Rail.
I can't really remember Blue Shift that well now, but I'm pretty sure I enjoyed Opposing Force more. Blue shift seemed a little too easy IMO, there were some really challenging parts in Op Force. Like where you're in the pitch black tunnel with those giant monster things running around everywhere, I can't remember what they were called though.
I guess you can live with the bugs.

there are no bugs... The easiest way to get the older half life games is through steam so i recommend that... its the same game and no bugs what so ever as i was playing them a week ago...
You don't know what are you talking about. Whole thing is ported to Valve's version of the engine, but the original was using earlier version of the engine.
It does not have something special, but old version of physics engine.
You don't know what are you talking about. Whole thing is ported to Valve's version of the engine, but the original was using earlier version of the engine.

It does not have something special, but old version of physics engine.

Good Lord, who ****ing cares?

The game is playable. I've played in loads of times on Steam and all was good.
Last time I played a Steam version of BS it was unplayable because the elevator bug kept killing scientists and coused me to get a mission failed screen. I never had this problem from my (now lost) original version.
I remember playing it ages ago. The last level was very intense, where you have to teleport all the scientists and finally yourself out of there. Good game, overall.
I really liked that he and the scientists escaped. Take that G-Man.
I really liked blue shift.

It really felt it had a main overall objective... the cooperation with the scientist team was really well rendered. I really liked that the plot was focused on a single, manegeable and realistic objective (while in opfor and hl you basically wandered the complex until you accidentally saved the world)

It both had a team-driven plot and some sequences where you are alone, in eerie steel corridors, fighting for survival. I think that hl1 better conveyed a sense of death, of desperation, of "everyone around of me is dying and I have to act fast if I want to survive".

In hl2 you have those happy characters like alyx glued to your ass all of the time. I wouldn't mind some kind of return to the old hl1 mood.
It was the 1st game in the series to have an actual important NPC, Dr. Rosenberg, plus seeing the older parts of Black Mesa and learning alot more about how portals work then in Half-life itself really was a step towards Half-life 2 style narrative.

I personally liked the Xen levels once you get out of the tunnel. Certainly more "wild" then Xen in Half-life, which was mostly factory and teleport chambers.
The survey team outpost was also real nice, with the science equipment (and crystals in boxes) and HEV corpses and scorch marks all over the walls, hinting at the battle we missed.
This may sound blasphemous but I actually thought it was the best combined length of time in the original HL series. This was because of the short amount of time on Xen and the fact that there were no shitty repetitive boss fights!
Opposing Force was crap, story wise, but at least they took some risks with it.

Blue Shift was an unimaginative turd of a game and a disgrace to the glorious Half-life legacy.

I liked OpForce. It hasn't got much of a plot, but it's fun.

Blue Shift was just alright. The only interesting part IMO was fighting the marines in the trainyard. Things go crazy when you blow that hole in the wall and all the marines run up throwing SMG grenades.

Dr Rosenberg was hilarious: "We have to GO! There is no time!"...(5 sec. later) "I'm tired, I'm gonna take a break."