Blue Shift - your views?

Oppossing force was disgusting. Silly weapons (Barnacle gun) silly character (faceless marine, how interesting)

Please remind me i do nto recall a FACELESS marine :\

Blue Shift kinda pawned, it was pretty cool wearing a vest and a shirt, i like shirts :\ I liked Calhoun the best about blue shift.
The faceless marine is Shephard. :p

And I bought Decay just for the sake of hearing another minute of Rosenberg's voice... D:
They've already modeled and skinned their own bullsquid.


There's actually a bunch of other things they could save time on: headcrabs, barnacles, the HEV charger (easter egg in HL2) vortigaunts with armbands (like the janitor we see in the train station), icthyosaur, etc.

But I'm sure they thought of that already.