


Hi all

I'm stuck on the river. The boat gets so far and comes to a ramp with 4 blue drums and an underwater cage...any ideas??

Thanks in advance

There's already a blue buoy under the cage. Try putting more under.
Hehe, I was stuck their a while too, I tried ramming the ramp at full speed, to no avail :p
Then I went through the pipes, to no avail,
then I thought, maybe this water isn't radioactive, since I can't hear the Geiger counter clicking.
Finally worked it out though
mmm well it's still got me! am trying in vain to push more drums down under the water to the cage. Bloody things keep bobbing back up grrrrr
grab one and hold on to it till your under the cage, then let go.......
hah like a moron i forgot you could grab things and have been jumping on them and all sorts (what an idiot) laughs

thanks for the tip

Are you supposed to have some sort of boat at this point? I'm walking on foot and I'm at the area with the blue drums. Did I miss a boat or something???