Body washes up on CSI: Miami set


May 21, 2004
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An off-duty police officer working on the set was alerted to a body floating in Bicentennial Park.

An autopsy will be carried out but police are not treating the death as suspicious at this time.

Earlier in the week a mummified body was found inside a building in Los Angeles where spin-off drama CSI: New York was being filmed.

The cast and crew of CSI: Miami were filming offshore to get aerial shots from a helicopter when the body was spotted.

"Unfortunately, it's not unusual during certain times of the year that people who have fallen in the bay, either homeless people or people who were asleep or in some cases boaters who had a mishap, fall into the bay and turn up days later," said Detective Delrish Moss.


Now that's filming on location.
Too bad the CSI cast doesn't actually know how to do forensics =(.
Heh, that would be so funny if one of the actors actually got a CSI bag and ran over to the scene flashing his fake badge and everything thinking he knows something :p
"I'll have this solved in an hour"
The head guy at CSI: Miami is the coolest guy on tv, lol and i hope to live my life like him one day.
I like the normal CSI
with Grissom and team, i dunno why...

do you think people are doing this to tease the CSI producers and the Police themselves
I have a feeling of something like that... trying to act funny and play around with the cast and Police

Funnier: one of the guys think the body is acctually the deadman actor/dummy/double/whadever is suppose to be here
The head guy at CSI: Miami is the coolest guy on tv, lol and i hope to live my life like him one day.

Really? Opinions are opinions, but i think he's the most self-indulgent overracted character of TV.
Horatio is so cool, he solves every crime by taking off his shades.
actor who plays horatio:"hm... looks like dead"