bomb threats


Nov 30, 2004
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well today in school the fire alarm rang, so we went outside and it turns out that someone had called in a bomb threat. we had to go to the football field and wait there for like 20-30 mins while police searched our building for a bomb. apparantly they didnt find any, cause we had to go back to classes. anyone else ever had to go through something like this? ever called in any bomb threats of your own (hope not)?
I always wished someone would call in a bomb threat..I mean, get outta school for like an hour! That's awesome..*we had a rather large school*
Ummm anyone who calls in a bomb threat for a joke is a ****ing idiot.
short recoil said:
Ummm anyone who calls in a bomb threat for a joke is a ****ing idiot.

i agree. tons of kids left early, it was a good excuse to say "im scared" and leave school, i stayed though
This happened at my school and i knew who did it. We didnt have to go to the school for one or two days :>
A guy down the street from me called in a joke bomb threat to a bank, they closed of a really busy street to check it out, guys in suits, kevlar etc, even I thought It was overkill, but I guess its better to be safe.
My school has had a couple, but they don't take them seriously anymore.
Someone at my old school made a bomb looking object, and hid it in a locker. Then, he called in a bomb threat saying there was a bomb in ONE of the 2,000 lockers. It was cool cause we got to go home for 2 days while they searched. I think he got out of a final or something.
The_Monkey said:
All the time right before the national tests.

please call a bomb threat for my school, i got national tests tomorrow :LOL:
Eh... some teacher broke the fire alaem and it went off lol.

But no bombs :(.

Another time the alarm went off. We dont know why, but that wasnt the bad thing... it was POURING outside! We stood out there for like 20min, while it was raining really hard. I think the cafeteria ovens caught on fire or something.

Oh! Also, the power went off one time for no reason. We all wondered what it was for... when it came back on, the principle came on the intercom, telling us about how a poor squerrel got caught in one of the power generators lol.
a pranker in our school Called Billy set off a firealarm today "by accident" :\. We got out of class for like 5 minutes and he had to come up and apologise and stuff :D

I don't like him much.
back when columbine went down like 5 or 6 years ago we got quite a few bomb calls. I liked them cuz we got the day off :) lol there never wre any bombs of course.
They had a bomb threat at the old Junior high once and they found a bunch of molotov cocktails and other assorted bad dealies
i was kinda dissapointed today though, we had our schools first bomb scare, and we were in classes 30 mins later? wheres the 2 day searching of the school?
don_johnson said:
i was kinda dissapointed today though, we had our schools first bomb scare, and we were in classes 30 mins later? wheres the 2 day searching of the school?
At least you can be happy you weren't exploded?
Never had a bomb threat. I don't even think the school would take a called in bomb threat seriously.