Books section?

Jul 19, 2003
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How about a forum for Books? Or maybe the Films/TV/Movies forum could just be renamed to have books on the end?
It wouldnt have enough volume for its own forum.
I say we rename the Films/TV/Movies forum Entertainment- subheading, Films, TV, Moves, Lit. etc.
bliink said:
It wouldnt have enough volume for its own forum.
I say we rename the Films/TV/Movies forum Entertainment- subheading, Films, TV, Moves, Lit. etc.
StardogChampion said:
Or maybe the Films/TV/Movies forum could just be renamed to have books on the end?

Yea, I think that's what he meant.
how about we replace the politics/spam forum with a books one instead then? ;)
The Dark Elf said:
yep, call it the library and have no talking :E

I bet all my librarian-esque "shhh" posts would make great postcount boosters :P
:laugh:, silly moderators, you're just being lazy :P

I think the films/tv/whatever should be expanded though.
Yes, i think the films/TV forum should be expanded. I have no-where to go after i finish reading a great book!
bliink said:
I bet all my librarian-esque "shhh" posts would make great postcount boosters :P
haha yeah :p






