Books Section?

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Nov 20, 2004
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I just finished the new Harry Potter book, and it got me thinking: why don't we have a section of the Lounge devoted to books? I mean... we have one for TV, for Music, for games, basically every other popular media form. I'd really love to discuss some of the awesome stuff I've read.
People here can read?

I dont think it would be very popular, I read alot of books but not TONS. But there has to be lots of book lovers around.. Eh, seems like a waste though, how many times to threads about books show up?
Ya a book forum wouldmnt be that appealing imho it would just take up space... but it could also never hurt to have one just to discuss the books weve read recently and what theyre about.
I could literally feel the quality of life diminishing on these forums when the Battlefield 2 subforum was made. Please don't destroy this site with a book forum.
DreadLord1337 said:
I could literally feel the quality of life diminishing on these forums when the Battlefield 2 subforum was made. Please don't destroy this site with a book forum.

What do you mean "quality of life diminishing." You sir are an idiot. The moderators are just trying to please the readers and make it easier to navigate the forums. Adding a book forum would not destroy the site, this is not going to turn into CSPAN2, and no one is even making you read those forums. Which brings up another point the forum would be created from PREVENTING users like you from reading post that regard to the subject ignoring the habitual post of the noob who visits and posts quickly without exploring options. Case closed :D
nofx said:
What do you mean "quality of life diminishing." You sir are an idiot. The moderators are just trying to please the readers and make it easier to navigate the forums. Adding a book forum would not destroy the site, this is not going to turn into CSPAN2, and no one is even making you read those forums. Which brings up another point the forum would be created from PREVENTING users like you from reading post that regard to the subject ignoring the habitual post of the noob who visits and posts quickly without exploring options. Case closed :D

No sorry, case is most certainly not closed. What do you think you can just declare an argument won? Shut up. And i wasn't making a jab at the book forum idea, like everyone else, I was just agreeing that the idea wouldn't work. And i saw the oppurtunity to kick Battlefield 2 in the balls.

Now if you would please calm down and stop crying, I'd like to get back to the harry potter thread.

bwaah. It's just a suggestion. I guess I read more than most of the forum-goers...
Wrong forum. Old. This thread has outlived its usefulness.
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