Boone's End Update


May 15, 2003
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It's still time for Christmas giving from all the mods out there; today we have a little update from Boone's End. Along with the shot below, they have a WIP render of another model on their site.[br]
[br]The team is still looking for more talented individuals, so if you're interested, head on over to their site!
Nice to see you guys are progressing nicely :)
Looks really cool. I'm looking forward to play this alone in the dark :P
Kill it. With fire.

(Love the atmosphere, looks good.)
The model is totally out of proportion. The head is too big. The arms don't match. Come on !! :P

Good work. Looks creepy :D
wow looks really good i hope they pull thru
They must have found on of my baby pictures somewhere. Looks good.
Went to the site of the mod and there's hardly any story (unless it's being developed) and i thought of silent hill when i read what they had for the story and that baby thing and the conecept art. If it's as scary as those games then i'm defenitley gonna download it when it's done.
Heppyruk said:
Went to the site of the mod and there's hardly any story (unless it's being developed) and i thought of silent hill when i read what they had for the story and that baby thing and the conecept art. If it's as scary as those games then i'm defenitley gonna download it when it's done.

Believe me, theres a huge story.
they're not gonna announce the story on their site now are they? it'd be like Valve havin the HL3 storyline on their site.....but then I haven't checked lately
It's been a long time since i've seen something uglier. Design-wise i mean.
Model is poorly designed, modeled and looking. If rest gonna be of that quality, i'll pass.
the model is good, 2800 tris, i liked the concept art, gross little kids are neat. i did forget to add hair tho. I have it bound and texted the deformations, they work out pretty good. im sure it could still use some tweaking.
can you be more specific cujo?
GonzoBabbleshit said:
they're not gonna announce the story on their site now are they? it'd be like Valve havin the HL3 storyline on their site.....but then I haven't checked lately

I created the original idea and ran it for about 6 months - aswell as drafted the original storyline.

So they dont need to announce it, Im telling you.
polyguns said:
the model is good, 2800 tris, i liked the concept art, gross little kids are neat. i did forget to add hair tho. I have it bound and texted the deformations, they work out pretty good. im sure it could still use some tweaking.
can you be more specific cujo?
I dunno if i can be more.
But let's try. Foots and legs are... yeah, gross. I guess, modeler wanted them to be. But they are also, as i said above, poorly modeled. It looks more like car tires stacked up than skin deformation. Foots are blocky. Dress is, well, it look like it was very quickly done. Means ugly. Face? Well it's... deformed.
Sorry for being harsh.
gross, deforemed, ugly are good. those are suppose to be bloody bandages on the legs, i guess i wasn't clear enough, and i could add more detail to the shirt.
look at the concept on the main site, lower right color pic, i really took some liberties with it. should i try to go back to the origional concept?
Wow, if you guys could do better i'd really like to see it, if not, then please keep oppinions to yourself (unless they're positive :) ).
The mod looks like it's going to be awsome. It's funny how so many survival horror mods are being created for HL2, it seems that Source is the perfect engine for survival horror games (seeing as the models are very realistic).
That looks like one of the characters from the "Freaks of the Heartland" comic series.
L337_Assasain said:
Wow, if you guys could do better i'd really like to see it, if not, then please keep oppinions to yourself (unless they're positive :) ).
That gotta be most stupid thing i've heard in a long time. I really hope you were joking. For your own sake.
ferment said:
Negative criticism is just as valuable as positive criticism.

i agree wholeheatedly, comments like "that looks great" are really flattering, comments like "that sux" really don't help, comments like "those bandages don't look like bandages" are eye opening to me, and i appreciate them, getting some input on how to make them better would be the best.
if you want to get really discriptive, you could maybe take them into photoshop and make them look as you think they should, i would appreciate tht kind of crit better then all.
thanks alot for comments good and bad, ill try to work on the suggestions people have made before sending that off to the animator
:afro: .
just remember, if you make a comment, its best to follow it up with a suggestion on improvement, cause ill try my best to incorporate them
ps, here it is without the crazy lighting and in the bind pose if you want to get a better look at it. seperating the sleeves from the body
is my number one objective for it atm, try to get some hair on it another, and prolly redoing the legs

if you guys hadnt noticed, those models are pulled straight from the "character creator" deal of the XSI program.. and modded here and there
i made em, ive never modeled in xsi. maya and zbrush only, wtf are you talking about dood?